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AP Has My Cup...


Zoldyck family assassin
Aug 22, 2011
Your Imagination... Is life real?! Am I real?!
A really random game thing. I say the name of the above poster and then say ' has my cup' followed by a funny reason they might have my cup.
Person: --- Has my cup because they want to bake a cup-shaped cake.

Siniru: Person has my cup because he owes a debt to someone. The cup is made of gold

Next poster: Siniru has my cup because she dosn't want to block up the toilet.

I will start:

Ceiling has my cup... Because he is leaking.


shoegaze girl
Feb 22, 2010
New Albany, Indiana
Night Owl has my cup because when you add up all of the digits of his post count, it adds up to 12. 12 is the age I was when I joined this site, 12 is also the reverse of 21, which is the number in my username. He, based on these facts, decided to steal my cup and use it to take over the world.

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