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A Link Between Worlds Aonuma: "Rupees Will Play More Important Role In ALBW Than Ever."


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Collecting rupees, the currency of the Zelda world, will be very important in this game. You might think that was the case with all the past games too

I assume he's only talking about WW and SS....

Don't forget OoX, FS, and TP.

Also, for ALBW, I think it might be possible that the items like the boomerang and hookshot will probably eventually break down like the shields in SS.
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Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
How were rupees important in TP? And do rupees even exist in FS?

You needed 300 rupees for the canon in order to reach the City in the Sky, you needed some many rupees for bridge to the Eldin side entrance to castle town in order to get the Magic Armor for 598 rupees, and you also need rupees to pay for bunch of other stuff. Plus using the Magic Armor costs so many rupees. And yes, the are rupees in FS, you needed them in order to continue whenever you died cause without enough rupees you won't be able to continue and you would get game over.


Jul 1, 2012
That screenshot kind of gave this away, as it was pretty obvious, but I'm actually happy it's confirmed.

I'm more interested in how exactly this will work, it will certainly work in the favour of nonlinearity, which I've wanted for a while and it looks like we're getting such a game. I'm guessing that these items will be rather expensive, but I hope it's not just a case of grind and grind, as even though you are essentially striving to get more rupees, it's tedious to say the least.

That being said, rupees should not be handed to us, I would love to see Nintendo make it much harder to earn currency, that means no respawning chests and significant rupees, less rupees in the overworld and no place were one can grind easily - as in many games there were a lot of places were one could grind.

Instead of grinding, I'd like to see side quests gift rupees, games like Fallout and Skyrim do such and it works as money actually means quite a deal in those games. This could put more emphasis on side quests and exploration as whole. This game is starting to look very good, I just wish people wouldn't underestimate it so much.
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つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Instead of grinding, I'd like to see side quests gift rupees, games like Fallout and Skyrim do such and it works as money actually means quite a deal in those games. This could put more emphasise on side quests and exploration as whole. This game is starting to look very good, I just wish people wouldn't underestimate it so much.

That's a good idea, yeah. I wouldn't mind grinding for rupees if it was in self-contained little mini-quests which actually had a little bit of work put in, rather than run around chopping grass and stuff. :P Although I think we may be asking too much of Nintendo in that regard. I think that'd be ideal but I'm skeptical Nintendo, especially for a handheld Zelda, would create such an expansive system y'know.

Would be cool though! Could happen on console Zelda.


Dec 31, 2011
New York
I think it's good that ruppees will be more important in ALBW, but Aonuma is wrong about shops not having items that "don't run out." Since the original Zelda, shops sold shields that, though they could be eaten, would stay with Link for the whole game. In LA Link has to buy the shovel from the shop, which is imperative to obtaining the boomerang via trading, if you don't buy the over-priced bow(another endless item, albeit useless without arrows or ruppees.) So yeah. But at least I won't have to see,"Your wallet is full, so we don't need these right now," because we WILL need them right now :).

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
Purchasing items = Non-linearity?

By purchasing Items, the door is opened to potentially being able to complete dungeons in different orders. Sometimes certain areas require an item to be able to completely explore it.
Whether or not the story gives us that freedom is yet to be seen; however, buying items increases the chances of it.
Jan 1, 2012
This makes me happy. Generally I find Rupees to be pretty worthless in Zelda games. Usually one or two useful items to buy and then the number will be 999 for the next 20-30 hours.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Yeah hopefully this will fix the whole "look i found a secret chest.......WHAT! RUPEES! my wallet was already full; this suck" problem. In SS i would buy things like medals and as many upgrades as i could get just so i would actually be gaining rupees when i got them. I kept everything with the stash girl, cuz i didnt really care for a lot of the medals you got! But yeah im all about actually having a lot of cool things to spend my rupees on!


May 18, 2013
Yeah hopefully this will fix the whole "look i found a secret chest.......WHAT! RUPEES! my wallet was already full; this suck" problem. In SS i would buy things like medals and as many upgrades as i could get just so i would actually be gaining rupees when i got them. I kept everything with the stash girl, cuz i didnt really care for a lot of the medals you got! But yeah im all about actually having a lot of cool things to spend my rupees on!
Same, I try to get to temples in TP empty handed so that I can actually keep the rupees I get, but somehow even if I enter with zeros rupees, it still becomes full....

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