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Game Thread Anime Mafia 2

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Feb 3, 2019
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Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
the days in this game are pretty short so i'd like the people i pinged to claim what i want them to claim or else refuse outright so i can move on to analyzing the information we have without giving mafia outs.
i already said i wouldn't claim, but i will say that i have not targeted anyone all game.
I'm not allowed to use the phrase "principle of the matter" around my boyfriend because he rolls his eyes at me if I do, but it's just the principle of the matter here for me.
what he doesn't know won't hurt him
Uhh, softs and now weeding through whicj are legit... Off yhe bst I'd say we have investigative overload probably with Sun, Rubik, and Silver.
i do agree that there's probably scum in there.
I am not gonna lie, I think I am less sure of Minish than I was yesterday
she's definitely not my top lynch pick
hard agree
Just found this reads list from funnier.
Funny that all of the town group is still alive. I assume at least one scum in there. With LG being my best bet.
he could've been replicating town funnier, whomst always townreads me in the beginning. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

back to the sms quote

Vote: Silverfish

Claim seems fishy to me (ba dum tss). If you have an investigative shot and don't use it, what are you even doing? That and only posting to defend yourself and never accuse or defend another player, you're laying even lower than I am and i'm not even doing it on purpose. You've explicitly stated that you're not posting in order to not seem suspicious (but that makes you even more suspicious):
You've been after me from the start, which I get, but at this point I'm done with it. You say I was posting without contributing yesterday, and that's fair. I've been heavily softing because that's about the only play I have left. At this point, anything I say you will use against me, so I haven't said much at all. So what would you like me to do? Post my opinions which flip around quite a bit because I have no idea if anything is right and I can be swayed by others' arguments, or post only to try and save my own butt?
on top of that you're just OMGUS voting all might. it's all sketchy af my dude idk how to conclude this


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Is there a character from Made in Abyss who could learn or evolve or improve via interacting with others?
Not in the way that Silver has been claiming, that is learning gaining abilities from the dead. Riku and Reg are the main protags but they don't really suit the role. There's an off-chance it could be someone like Ouzen or Nanachi, I suppose.


Right, I'm gonna blast through these 'cause I don't want to be up all night.
PS: I don't mean to come down hard on you, Silver; this is just the way of the game.

Let's see, SAO (and it's disappointing spinoffs), Death note, K, The devil is a part timer, twelve kingdoms, saiki, attack on Titan. So I guess I like fantasy?
Made in Abyss should be right up your alley, then. It's a mixture of sci-fi and fantasy, and despite its artstyle it can get quite dark/suggestive at times. But the world-building and exploration is masterclass.

I've got a few, still very shaky impressions. I agree that more will be useful after the first flip though.
I'm getting town vibes from Rubik. Funnier seems to jokey to have a solid impression of, but it could be a cover-up. The Sun Fan confuses me. Exlight seems a bit too defensive, but then again he's defending being defensive so I guess it could be fine? Minish seems a bit more agressive than last game, but still very analytical. Someone to watch, but nothing telling. SMS is playing as normal as far as I can tell, but does seem a bit more eager to pressure a vote. Calvin is confusing to me, he's kinda deflecting away from himself.

That's all I got for now.
Apart from funnier and Calvin (and OG Minish), all of these people are alive and a few of them are slightly guaranteed to be Town. Could be covering for his scumbuds, all the same.

Problem is that I don't have a solid, or liquid for that matter, read on you. I admit my reasoning's aren't based on much right now, but who's are?
I will admit that my perceptions of All Might are a bit scummy based on recent events.
Calvin seems like he wasn't taking it seriously, which could be scummy?
Claims that he is suspicious of me...

I dismissed that part of All Might's post. Wow. Pardon me while I see if there are more breadcrumbs to confirm my suspicious.
...Then backpedals once he realizes I'd been crumbing the fake MG claim.

funnier6 - I get the need to pressure vote and gather information this round. It seems like he's just tagging everyone he can, which seems fairly town.
Rubik - So far seems helpful, albiet goofy.
All Might - Although I had an initial distrust of him because his posts did not read right, and it still bugs me that he had to point out his breadcrumbing, I think he's town after going back through everything.
Funnygurl555 - Need more content. Have agreed with posts so far. Slight town.
LittleGumball - Interesting character. Pretty sure he's town trying to get the waffles out. Not sure I understand his reason for voting me.
Morbid Minish - While playing slightly different from last game, I don't have much to go on.
The Sun Fan - Seems drunk all the time, if that makes sense. No good content to read.
Spiritual Mask Salesman - As far as I can tell, playing just like last game, which still reads scummy to me in his ways of asking of other people what he won't start himself.
Doc - Very little to go on here.
Johnny Sooshi - Has had several hard pokes at other players, kinda reads like funnier. Seems alright so far.
HeroOfTime - No strong opinion here yet. Seems to be as lost as I
DekuNut - Deku, really. I get it, we're all out of our element, but I thought you would keep up the best.
ExLight - Got a lot of flak earlier for no real reason as I could tell. Seems to have cleared his name since, but can't swear that.
Laurentus - His two posts have been very NAI
Mellow Ezlo - Very mellow. Solid null.
Ragnarokio - Hounded All might too much for my liking. Opens the possibility of bussing. Do not trust one bit.
Calvin ツ - I distrust him on the grounds that his posts don't read right to me. Nothing of substance. Very slight scum
A more detailed reads list that covers basic stuff. Doesn't change much from the previous summary.

I was throwing out my train of thought. I am open to the idea of bussing, but do not think it is likely. I think you were just hard targeting a townie and it failed.
To Rubik, he admits that he's open to the idea of bussing, though I'm not sure if he means lynching fellow scum or something else.

Are you SURE? Lol.
To FG when she said she wasn't a wolf. Could be throwing shade.

Do I want to cast this vote? Not really. But I'm hoping I can trust you guys.

Vote: All Might

That should make it near impossible for something to flip in the next ten or so minutes.
Changed his stance towards the end of D1 and placed a vote to cinch down my lynch, even though it was almost certainly going through.

I townread original All Might because I thought I had found his breadcrumbing. I was wrong. I voted for him because I wanted to make sure that the wagon couldn't last minute flip. Idiot insurance more than anything.
I'm glad I was wrong and it has lead me to question several of my other reads.
Out of the 8 or so votes against me, I don't see why it was necessary for him to employ "idiot insurance" when his vote was one of the last ones cast. Just seems like an excuse to hop on board more than anything.
...Why be glad about being wrong? :shrug:

Ragnarokio still reads scum, and this post backs it up a bit in my mind. He keeps coming back to scum, and then seems to have an "oh shoot, gotta keep up the act" moment and throws town in there. I could be seeing what isn't really there, who knows.
From the same post, he claims Rag was his top scumspect and tries to paint it as Rag maintaining a Townie front. I'm honestly not sure what he's referring to exactly. But the thing is, this is the last time he focuses on Rag and I find that peculiar.

Aww. I kinda wanted to complete the wagon.
Laments that he couldn't join in on the funnier bandwagon. I'm starting to see a pattern here...

Oh. Oops. I left this open in a background window so I don't forget where I was so there is less confusion as to where to catch up from. I guess every time I'm on the internet it thinks I'm online now.

Day three everyone! Kinda sad I didn't gain anything last night. Ah well.
Gonna join the Minish wagon. So
Ergh. Post got cut off. Was supposed to close with this:
Gonna join the Minish wagon. Something has seemed a bit off form the start, but I brushed it off as lack of information on her.

Vote: Minish
The very next Day phase, he nonchalantly votes for Minish and only now claims he had suspicious towards her. What those suspicions entailed is left unexplained.

All right. Good morning all.
The case against Irvine is a bit too appealing for my liking. I'm admittedly mad at him for trying to get me lynched so heavily, and a bit less so All might. I'm not going to cast an OMGUS vote (I really want to, but it seems counter productive) on him though because it still seems like he's just trying his best, even if he keeps attacking me. That's fine, I haven't said anything too directly to clear my name.

I'm still suspect of Minish, though that is wavering a bit now. I don't like the "i could have switched votes but I didn't so I didn't totally believe him" argument, but I do understand making a mistake. Still, something reads as off in my mind, though I can't pinpoint it. I have never played with a scum Minish, so I really don't know how well meta is lining up. I Minish is a known busser, but with funnier already out of character, how do we know scum didn't decide to make everyone out of character?

Anyways, I'm off to go eat odd tasting food. I'll check back in a bit.
Says that he's a bit mad at Irvine and myself for apparently zoning in on him over funnier, I guess? Then says that he wouldn't mind OMGUS voting but it would be counterproductive. ...This just isn't standard townplay.

Rubik's role seems very similar to mine, which doesn't sit quite right with me. Then again, there is the possibility that he gets permanent stuff while mine is temp. I don't know.
Cue the potential attempt to blend in with Town. I find the similarities between the two roles a bit convenient to be true, but there have been a ton of conveniences elsewhere, too. :shrug:

Ah, I missed the end of the day. If I die tonight, Please look into All Might, Rag, and Lars a bit more. I could be very wrong there, but it would help.
Minish- I still have doubts but you've done really well for yourself today.
And don't kill Rubik because of me. I could have read the soft wrong. I feel there is a strong chance we are both town with similar, yet different abilities.
Still suspects Minish, but ironically jumps on me this Day phase (I guess I looked like the most probable target since Minish pulled the trigger first). Requests that Rubik doesn't get killed and maintains that their roles are the same but different.

Overall, I find his meta to lean towards scum by a wide margin and still think that he's our best link to the scumplay that's been going around. Irvine and Funnygurl555 were busts, but we got lucky hitting scum once so we can do it again.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I don't really know what minish is softing but i kind of want to. If she can kill someone by being lynched as a bomb or something that could be pretty useful because it means we get some utility out of lynching her.

That's actually more or less what I thought All Might was softing with Vengeful. Which I guess could also go with his other bit of clarification. He said it's kinda rng, so could be that he's Vengeful but doesn't get to choose the kill, it's just randomized instead.

This part is just some out there speculation. But if All Might is mafia and is softing Vengeful (and being truthful), I could actually kinda see that with the way I just described. It would mean that scum couldn't bus him without being worried of getting rng killed. And with how town having so many power roles, mafia having an extra one time killing role wouldn't be too unusual.

Though if that is the case it's risky to lynch him cause then we'd lose townies.

And I just realized that All Might basically told me to stay in my tunnel on him (at least that's what I got from his one reply)....so maybe he does want that.

Unfortunately, JoJo might be iconic enough to be the exception to this rule (especially with the possibility that it was included to appease LG). It's

Yeah, I think it's likely included because LG wanted him to. I believe she said as much before game that she asked him to include it.

Though Sun fan bolstering a fake claim with LG's knowledge is an interesting angle. Sun fan is someone I'm willing to give a pass until we get other scum. Because I see him as more townie right now.

he could've been replicating town funnier, whomst always townreads me in the beginning. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I did think of that. But it just felt too convenient that you were one of my suspects and the only person in that group.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
And I just realized that All Might basically told me to stay in my tunnel on him (at least that's what I got from his one reply)....so maybe he does want that.
Nooo, I thought you were from Gurren Lagann so I threw some references and digging jokes out.


The game is on!
If anyone wants to, feel free to add me as a friend on My Anime List cx https://myanimelist.net/profile/Pendio

Day 4 Current Vote Tally:
All Might - 2 (Morbid Minish, Silverfish)
Silverfish - 2 (All Might, LittleGumball)

Not voting - Rubik, The Sun Fan, Spiritual Mask Salesman, Ragnarokio

With 8 players alive it takes 5 for a majority lynch. Otherwise the day ends on Thursday, September 12th 2019 at 7:00 PM EST. Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20190912T19&p0=179&msg=End+of+Day+4&font=slab&csz=1


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
If anyone wants to, feel free to add me as a friend on My Anime List cx https://myanimelist.net/profile/Pendio

Eesh. So to be honest All Might is at least slightly more productive than Silver imo. I think I'd rather lynch Silver over him. But then again LG has just laid low for so long that there's not much reason for me not to want to vote her today.
I have 70-odd posts and Silver has 50-odd posts. Of course, that's not indicative of anything, but I felt like it should be pointed out.
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Jan 19, 2018
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Eesh. So to be honest All Might is at least slightly more productive than Silver imo. I think I'd rather lynch Silver over him. But then again LG has just laid low for so long that there's not much reason for me not to want to vote her today.

Is how productive people are your only metric for reading their alignment? We should be lynching for scum today.


Jan 19, 2018
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Vote: Silverfish

Claim seems fishy to me (ba dum tss). If you have an investigative shot and don't use it, what are you even doing? That and only posting to defend yourself and never accuse or defend another player, you're laying even lower than I am and i'm not even doing it on purpose. You've explicitly stated that you're not posting in order to not seem suspicious (but that makes you even more suspicious):

on top of that you're just OMGUS voting all might. it's all sketchy af my dude idk how to conclude this

the claim makes no sense to make as scum either, so its NAI. it also might make more sense why silver didn't use it when/if we see the full role. Silver has made several attacks on other players iirc, so saying they "never accuse or defend another player" is wrong. If they were laying lower than you you'd probably be a wagon rather than them. The reason people are voting them is because they're been expressive enough that people have enough to build a case on, unlike you.

Silver not posting in order to note seem suspicious is anti-town behaviour but the fact that they said as much indicates to me that its a play-style issue and not a function of their alignment. If they were scum they probably not explain that they weren't posting because they didn't want people to be suspicious of them, they'd make up a lie instead, or ask their buddies what they should do.

I also don't think OMGUS voting is alignment indicative. Its an emotional bias that players of either alignment can succumb to.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Is how productive people are your only metric for reading their alignment? We should be lynching for scum today.
At this point the scummiest players seem like the ones who are laying low. I'm thinking there's definitely scum in Silver, LG, All Might, or Minish. If we don't hit scum, then we'll seriously have to consider Rubik or Sun Fan as scum who bussed funnier. I should probably ISO you as well.
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