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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Jun 25, 2023
lain's Bail has been paid and they've been released into the Active Player pool.
Aaarrrgh has moved to the Active Player pool.

Welcome to the game you two!
Welcome Aaarrrgh and lain!! ^ ^
Hi ^^ (ty also whoever payed my bail!)

With the focus on origin stories, it is quite likely that the true threats are not even in play yet. It is quite possible that Mafia is only a placeholder threat to town to keep the game going until the real bad guys show up.
Good point. Although, I don't see a reason why mafia members couldn't also have origin stories, and AFAIK kingpin is canonically a supervillian (one of the real bad guys).

Vote: The Kingpin of Crime

Currently the only two threats that have been made clear to us are the mafia/kingpin and the green goblin. One thing I'd like to mention that it seems like people may have overlooked; In the character section of Norman's role it seems to imply that someone will become the green goblin this game if Norman doesn't, possibly even randomly.
What does the future hold for a Norman Osborn that isn't all juiced up on Goblin Formula? And if not you, then who will fill those shoes? Someone has to... Because there always has to be A Green Goblin. Pretty sure that's a canon event. Well, I guess we'll just have to roll the dice and see, won't we?
Knowing that, Norman will probably try to become the GG first so their loss condition isn't met. A question is whether this would be worse for town than if an unknown player randomly gets the GG role in the future. Either way, I think we can assume that the GG will be someone we need to deal with in the future.

With the Tevish Incident, I'm wondering if it doesn't look too obvious. Tevish made their post accusing Vro of being kingpin and shortly after was moved to the unknown player pool. If we're assuming it was kingpin who did it, the only motivation that makes sense to me is to cast suspicion on another player (Vro) while removing someone who was probably not on their side (Tevish). Not trying to claim Vro is town here though or even not kingpin, just saying that it doesn't make any sense for vro-as-kingpin to have done this.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
Whoever the producers and editors of the Daily Bugle are sound like really neat people.

Assuming I can feel is discriminating against those of us who can't!! :pp
I think all of my posts since than have had a reason to be made, maybe they're reading off of those instead of only the first post in an RVS, but are just coming to different conclusions and applying their perspective onto that first post.
*stabs Vro repeatedly*

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I've been working a lot.
Haven't really had time to read much of anything.
But on that note, I did make Spiderman cupcakes for the whole class today so you legally cannot fault me.
I veto killing Minish ever.


Jan 19, 2018
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I'm still confused as to what Origin alignment even is
is it like a neutral alignment and they change depending on their in-game decisions or something?

origin aligned players can't win the game. They'll each have some individual method of transforming their role, and in the process change their alignment and gain a matching win condition. I would guess they don't count as threats to town.


Staff member
ZD Champion
origin aligned players can't win the game. They'll each have some individual method of transforming their role, and in the process change their alignment and gain a matching win condition. I would guess they don't count as threats to town.
kinda about what I expected then

and doesn't count as threat until they do lmfao
do we even have mafia this game if all origins have the potential of becoming threats

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