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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Jun 26, 2020

Well, as everyone knows I spent some time as your friendly neighborhood radioactive spider. I did not start the game as Radioactive Spider... or, in fact, any kind of Spider. My tenure as the eight-legged chooser of Spider-Man was entirely unrelated to my original role, a role I have now returned to with all the opposable digits and internal skeletal structure perks to which I am accustomed. While my evidence is entirely circumstantial, I support the theory that HW is, in fact, Stan Lee, as I was told my disappearance, Spidering, and Return were the doing of "The Author" who is and was seemingly separate from Zinger, at least compared to how Zinger usually talks in mod office. If that's the case I'm not sure WHY I was chosen to do the choosing, but I'm rather grateful for it. 'twas a quite fun role, even when I was nearly stepped on by Atog and/or Ex (I had a Lynch threshold of 3 as the spider, and while I could Escape Cuffs an infinite number of times, you can't escape in the last four hours of the day) and considering that spiders can't talk.

So, here's the deal: I DO NOT think it is in my best interests, the best interests of Spider-Man, or the best interests of the town to fully divulge the details of my abilities and actions as the Radioactive Spider. However, I believe being partially forthcoming with this information could still be useful at the town.

First of all, I had an ability as the Spider to look at people. I could target my choice of a number of individuals, and would receive physical descriptions of their characters in return, with the caveat that I would not know which description went with which player. I will not inform the whole class of how many people I looked at and who all of them were, but I tried to do this tactically with players I had suspicions on I wanted to confirm or deny.

Through this process, I was actually able to gain a fair amount of actionable information, one piece of which I feel inclined to share: it is my strong personal belief that Vro is Not the Kingpin of Crime. Vro is one of the characters I looked at, and a) absolutely none of the character descriptions I saw were Wilson Fisk; b) None of the character images I saw were ones that I could map to Kingpin characters. There is a degree to which my limited knowledge of Marvel comics may be hampering me here, so after I do some legwork with some of the other descriptions and candidates (now that I have a mere two legs) I might be inclined to reveal my remaining "mystery" descriptions if it would seem helpful to crack them

There's also the fact that Vro was excluded, emphatically, from the Science Hall. I supposed in conversation with Zinger that this meant Vro was neither Century Club nor Maf, but Zinger did point out that a role that had to be kept from there at absolutely all costs might be singled out despite being part of a normally disqualifying group, in case they lost that flag. However, while I appreciate Zinger for keeping me aware of the possibilities, I do think the more likely guess is that Vro had to be singled out because he wasn't caught in those categories. Not something I'd stake the game on, (especially since there are many kinds of bad not covered in that) but food for thought.

And then, of course, there was the second ability of the Radioactive Spider: the ability to Bite. Biting, by default, is non-deterministic so while I was able to mess with the odds I don't actually know where Spider-Man will be emerging from, only that I did my duty as Radioactive Spider and thus it is, presumably, inevitable that we'll have Spider-Man in this Spider-Man Mafia game.


My reasoning is this: with Vro at least semi-exonerated, KoD has become to me the most probable candidate for current holder of the Kingpin title, and this seems as good a place to put an early vote as any.

Deleted member 97076

Personally I heavily disagree - I can see what you mean about information about what specifically went on being necessary to be kept hidden - but SMS didn't do that, they just listed all the people who were there. The fact that those players are all not mafia aligned gives a real solid foundation upon which to remove from lynch contention today.

So I have posted this several time now.

1) First off, none of the attendee fully trust each other.
2) Alignment can change. And to my best knowledge, they can go as far as changing just for attending the event.

The sheer eagerness to reveal asap is my red flag that i haven't mentioned before. I believe that the information about last night should be a Bugle article.

P.S. I am still waiting for someone to educate me why SMS is obv town. I pray I don't have to sift through 66pages (also hearing actual player read may be more instructional)
Sep 6, 2017
What did you do last night rag

Hey Lunch, any thoughts on your lynch wagon yesterday? Or on the game overall?

The very definition of a SCOOP!

Maybe SMS works for a rival newspaper and wanted to undermine the Bugle by getting the information about the Science Hall out before they could. OH MY GAWD MAYBE HE'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ATTACK ON THE BUGLE?! :eek:

Can I ask you something that I guarantee is going to come off rude even though I don't intend it to be? Do you always post so much during the games you host? Should I treat you as a player this game? I'm genuinely curious - I don't think I've seen a host post so much for non-GM related reasons in a game before. The passion you have for the game & this series really shines through and I love that, but it just throws me off whenever I see you post stuff like this.

Actually... nothing in that post is that egregious. The list of lock town players helps immensely

The Stan Lee thing has been posited for a while

The read on me isn't even expanded upon.

Why you so upset about that?

The problem is that they are not "lock town". It had been suggested to me that they can go as far as changing voluntarily just to head to the event, and change back. aka bastardry.

EDIT: I would also say, none of us fully trust each other at the event.
Again, that doesn't matter. This helps us immensely in the immediate future for determining a lynch candidate. Nobody's saying they are lock town, just saying they weren't mafia aligned as of last night, and as such aren't at least as of this moment.

Vote: KoD
Carryover from vibes from yesterday or something else? You later say you want nothing but him dead - i'm inclined to follow you, the night didn't really offer me much that I didn't have yesterday, other than I was apparently wrong on lain yesterday, and KoD was close to the bottom of my list.

Deleted member 97076

Very well.
Why are you asking me? >.> Genuine question. I would like to reiterate that *several* players visited me last night.
I will be less devastated if i was roleblocked by a passive ability.

I don't know who would have a reason to actively roleblock me. Don't think I have any beef with anyone in day 1


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
So I have posted this several time now.

1) First off, none of the attendee fully trust each other.
2) Alignment can change. And to my best knowledge, they can go as far as changing just for attending the event.

The sheer eagerness to reveal asap is my red flag that i haven't mentioned before. I believe that the information about last night should be a Bugle article.

P.S. I am still waiting for someone to educate me why SMS is obv town. I pray I don't have to sift through 66pages (also hearing actual player read may be more instructional)
I do already have an article about the events of last night as my Editor's Note.
Jun 15, 2020
Do you always post so much during the games you host?

In the Spider-Man Mafia series? Yes, I absolutely do. In other games hosted by me? Not nearly as much.

Should I treat you as a player this game?


but it just throws me off whenever I see you post stuff like this.

That's the idea. :whistle: :P

I am the biggest troll of my own game. I'm here to provide humorous running commentary that is not meant to be taken seriously at all.
Sep 6, 2017
So I have posted this several time now.

1) First off, none of the attendee fully trust each other.
2) Alignment can change. And to my best knowledge, they can go as far as changing just for attending the event.

The sheer eagerness to reveal asap is my red flag that i haven't mentioned before. I believe that the information about last night should be a Bugle article.

P.S. I am still waiting for someone to educate me why SMS is obv town. I pray I don't have to sift through 66pages (also hearing actual player read may be more instructional)
1) fair enough
2) From the perspective of someone who wasn't there, changing alignment towards the good side would make sense because everything i know about spiderman says that spider bites = good. But I personally don't think things would change for the worst by attending the event, though perhaps you know better than I, having actually attended, and so I'll take your word for it.

I understand where you're coming from in terms of eagerness to reveal, but hopefully you can understand from an outside perspective as someone who wasn't there why it's similarly pingy for you to immediately vote him.

I don't think anyone is saying SMS is obvious town - correct me if I'm wrong - as I said I only believe he was town at the start of Night 1 based on his ability to attend the event.

Deleted member 97076

I spent a lot of time thinking what to do should my ability was successful. but now all my thoughts were ruined and had fun cut out of me. so i'm just vengeful mostly atm. lol

Deleted member 97076

1) fair enough
2) From the perspective of someone who wasn't there, changing alignment towards the good side would make sense because everything i know about spiderman says that spider bites = good. But I personally don't think things would change for the worst by attending the event, though perhaps you know better than I, having actually attended, and so I'll take your word for it.

I understand where you're coming from in terms of eagerness to reveal, but hopefully you can understand from an outside perspective as someone who wasn't there why it's similarly pingy for you to immediately vote him.

I don't think anyone is saying SMS is obvious town - correct me if I'm wrong - as I said I only believe he was town at the start of Night 1 based on his ability to attend the event.
just to clarify, it was another player who said he was obv town day 1. even prior to event.

EDIT Abigail
Jun 3, 2023
I will be less devastated if i was roleblocked by a passive ability.

I don't know who would have a reason to actively roleblock me. Don't think I have any beef with anyone in day 1
If it helps, I think that I can say that I have reason to believe it was the result of a direct action but you were just unlucky. Let's hope that the perpetrator isn't miffed that you revealed part of their flavor!! :pp I don't think they're going to reveal themselves but I can figure it out anyway, probably... maybe...

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