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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]


aka amber
Jun 25, 2020
re: fred
im in fred's camp here, i don't think he's specifically a threat (yet) and he doesn't really have a big incentive to go against town at the moment, plus if he stays town he's an incredibly powerful asset given the overwhelming power of money
i think in terms of goblin potions, if we're very interested in keeping fred town (which i think we should be), it's in our best interest to locate the current holder(s) and keep them in check
and i'd guess if fred wanted to become the green goblin there's not much we could do to stop him anyway :v


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
I don't do anything by accident.

Except the times when I do. But I am sure I would remember that and own up to it like I did when I fixed a mistake in Freddeh's Role PM. No mistakes have been made here.

You must be in error. No doubt, staying up late working has taken its toll.
It has taken a toll, yes, but unless the forum bugged to show it as a quoted message from Hello World I am fairly confident in what I saw.
Jun 15, 2020
Can confirm info rarely ever stays static and it can be a bit hectic with transforming roles. Truth in info really comes from making judgements on the source of the info. For example, in the previous game there was a character, Judas Traveller, who was so powerful they could wish certain things to be factual in the game, but it was all illusions. People added to his realm could see role pms of other players, but a lot of it was only half truths, and didn't actually represent the reality of the role pms players actually had.

That was a very Fun role for a Funnier player.


Jan 19, 2018
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goblins are usually villains in the comics so I don't see why they would not be "baddies" in this game

were they not threats in the previous games too?

and how exactly are we supposed to make sure this doesn't happen

I can't recall the details but i think fred was not a threat to town twice before, although I think he technically wasn't the green goblin one of those times? In any case, reading the wikis:

the protogoblin seems more like a victim than a villain.
The red goblin appears to be villain-like in one incarnation and superhero-like in another but the wiki is a little scattered on the topic.
The black goblin seems like a good guy?
the gray goblin sounds like villain
the gold goblin seems like a hero

so if we go by lore a lone, two of them are probably town, two more could go either way, and two more are likely villains.

Playing the devil's advocate here:
I honestly have no memory of my last involvement of the previous spidy mafia. But are things ever that straight forward?
(Actually this is also a plea to get me up to speed. What are the previous games like? how much twist and turn should I be expecting? How much grain of salt i need to be taking with info fed to me?)

Freddeh's role pm is mod-confirmed true but zinger will very likely try to use it to mislead someone in some way, as he tends to enjoy misleading people while only telling them the truth. It could also contain lies of ommision.

I am inclined to believe Norman as his current state is town. But I don't understand this post.

combing through the Role PM, you can just buy another one. And I think it's reasonable to think that $25000 is probably pocket change to you. (that is the amount to acquire new equipment from the mod) So what's the point of giving it away.

Since you are the only mod confirmed town at the moment, you would be the most eligible person to hold the equipment for now.
EDIT before anyone else posting: Second part is, would it be benefitial to find out who carries the Goblin Formula? How likely is it that the carrier is not Town?
We can request an updated copy of freddeh's role PM from the mod whenever we want, and can use this to both verify that he got rid of the lab equipment and that he hasn't yet gotten a new one.

Wait, if I'm reading this correctly Freddeh can keep selling his lab equipment and just get it back for free (buying it seems pointless unless he loses his other ability somehow). I'm guessing him selling it might have the downside of helping other people create the formula, though.


Also I want to make clear, being the majority shareholder of Oscorp almost certainly gives Freddeh additional abilities. As the CEO I'm guessing he's got meaningful powers that we can't realistically identify.
He gets a new set back for free. That the lab equipment description specifies it can be bought but he also has an ability giving him the ability to get it for free implies that multiple players have use for lab equipment and that players could feasibly get them from either the mod for the price listed in the ability (i think $25k?) or from freddeh for a potentially lower price.

Buying it back costs an action though, so no infinite money glitch unfortunately :devil:
your oscorp labs ability lets you get another one for free


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
@Rubik are you running the daily bulge again

I don't know anything about the Daily Bulge, sounds like I'd need an ID to purchase a copy of it.

As for the Daily Bugle, I'm part of the staff at least.

Unlike last game, I don't have to pretend to be multiple different people and pretend like the Daily Bugle is made up of multiple different entities. I actually have other people who can suffer with me!

I considered hiding my involvement but that seemed like a pretty uphill battle.


Jan 19, 2018
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Also I want to make clear, being the majority shareholder of Oscorp almost certainly gives Freddeh additional abilities. As the CEO I'm guessing he's got meaningful powers that we can't realistically identify.

I started the game with a stock in oscorp and this doesn't appear to be true? The only persistent benefit being the majority shareholder gives you is having a discord chat with freddeh. It also gives you every rumor about oscorp upon becoming the majority shareholder. It doesn't say anything about unlocking new abilities, and if that was a freddeh-only feature i'd expect it to be part of his role PM.


Jan 19, 2018
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if majority shareholder worked differently for him than for other players i would expect that to be in his abilities section, though its not impossible.

Its also not impossible that being a majority shareholder of oscorp has unknown benefits beyond what it says it does, though I would also be a little surprised about that, because other shares say "does sometihng unknown when you have a majority". With that said, if any corp would grant secret abilities, it would be oscorp.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
I started the game with a stock in oscorp and this doesn't appear to be true? The only persistent benefit being the majority shareholder gives you is having a discord chat with freddeh. It also gives you every rumor about oscorp upon becoming the majority shareholder. It doesn't say anything about unlocking new abilities, and if that was a freddeh-only feature i'd expect it to be part of his role PM.
Being in a chat with Freddeh is a pretty big benefit.

Are you confident that you know all the benefits that the majority shareholder of a company gets with only your singular share?

Maybe you should buy a copy of today's Daily Bugle and see if you still think that. :)

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