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Am I the Only One Who Feels Like Nintendo is Running Out of Ideas?

Dec 12, 2010
I'm not against remakes per se, but as regards Nintendo's OoT remake for the 3DS I believe the expression "flogging a dead horse" is quite apt. Although actually the horse still appears to be showing signs of life, and I think the game will probably sell well. Remember this is now the 4th re-release of OoT. (2 re-releases for the Nintendo Gamecube on bonus discs and one Virtual Console release).

As for running out of ideas, I wouldn't say so. Super Mario Galaxy was a revamp of the 3D Mario franchise that worked exceptionally well. New Super Mario Bros was great as well. You have to bear in mind that when building on a franchise you can't chuck the rule book out. That just jars all the old fans. You have to maintain most of the formula - you maybe get a 5%-10% zone where you can do something new but mostly things must remain the same. The only exceptions to this are things like jumps from 2D to 3D, and we won't see another jump like that for quite awhile.

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