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Breath of the Wild Agents of Hyrulian Shield

Oct 1, 2016
Do you think the hyrulian shield will show up in the new game? Will it be indestructible ? Or break after awhile? Or will it heal itself like in skyward sword?


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I think it's a possibility to show up. However, it's really just a shield with the Hylian crest, so I doubt it'll be indestructible, and I also doubt it'll be a irreplaceable item. More likely it'll just be a high-level shield. The only item I expect to really be special is, of course, the Master Sword
If the Master Sword is in the game im going to assume the Hylian Shield is too. I think i may function like it did in SS to a degree and be very hard to damage or break. Though previous Zelda games have shown us that theres more than one Hylian Shield (OoT has two).

So if 'every' weapon can break (if Aonuma is to be believed) then i imagine the Hylian Shield could too
Oct 5, 2016
I wouldn't mind if there were more then one sheild in the game, make it so they can break and you can find your self another one


Most definitely will show up. It's just as important as the Master Sword, or at least close behind the Master Sword. It's not like the Master Sword though, it's not locked away in a forest with guardians and all that, you can buy it. So honestly I think it doesn't rust, but seen as to how Hyrule is in ruins I think it'll take some effort to find it, I imagine it will be hidden away for some reason. Most likely will be one of the strongest shields in the game, but I think there will be a more powerful shield, if you look at Link's new arrows it's safe to say that a new sort of shield will appear in BOTW.


Captain Kick-ass
Oct 5, 2016
I think it will be in the game in some way or another. As for SS's invincible shield, that's not what I expect. I would like to see it in the first town and have it be the standard shield that's pretty good, but not as good as the really good ones you find as quest rewards and stuff. You'd still probably keep one around as a go-to when you don't wanna bust your cool gear fighting little enemies.


Apr 3, 2014
It probably will be. If it is, I strongly bet it will be upgradable too, I doubt all of those jems and mineral ores will solely be just for selling purposes.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
I thought it was indestructable in all of them, SS included.

Yes, in all of them except OoT cause in OoT, you're Hylian Shield can get eaten by a Like Like. And depending on how the situation with the Like Like goes, you can actually lose your Hylian Shield in a way where you have to get it back by either opening a chest somewhere or in the Bazaar shop.

Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
Yes, in all of them except OoT cause in OoT, you're Hylian Shield can get eaten by a Like Like. And depending on how the situation with the Like Like goes, you can actually lose your Hylian Shield in a way where you have to get it back by either opening a chest somewhere or in the Bazaar shop.
Losing something and having something break are two VERY different things.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Losing something and having something break are two VERY different things.

Actually, not in this case.

I mean that the way you lose your shield in OoT creates the vibe and feeling that your shield just got broken, cause, you know, it got EATEN! Also, when your shield gets eaten by a Like Like, you have to defeat it quickly to get your shield back, otherwise, it's gone, as in EATEN, CHEWED UP, DEVOURED, and most notably, BROKEN! Literally, if you waste time dancing with the Like Like, your Hylian Shield will be completely devoured and DESTROYED! In other words, BROKEN! Why do you think, after a certain amount of time dances with a Like Like that took your shield, after defeating it, your shield isn't there? That's because it's GONE! And by that I mean COMPLETELY BROKEN, CHEWED UP, and DEVOURED!

So, no, in this case and sense, it IS actually the SAME thing! Also, in a very old alpha version of OoT, the Hylian Shield was originally supposed to break in battle from taking hits. This was later replaced with Like Likes eating the shield. So, either way, the Hylian Shield was clearly NOT intended to be indestructible in OoT. This is mainly because of the Mirror Shield, which was the indestructible shield in the game.

Also, if the Hylian Shield were indestructible in OoT, the Like Likes would NEVER be able to EAT or DEVOUR it! And you would NOT lose your shield at all! You would keep the shield no matter what. That said, in order for Link's shield to be eaten up by Like Likes, it HAS to be able to BREAK! In other words, my point stands tall.

Roger Rad

The Fabulous One
Oct 6, 2016
I mean that the way you lose your shield in OoT creates the vibe and feeling that your shield just got broken, cause, you know, it got EATEN! Also, when your shield gets eaten by a Like Like, you have to defeat it quickly to get your shield back, otherwise, it's gone, as in EATEN, CHEWED UP, DEVOURED, and most notably, BROKEN! Literally, if you waste time dancing with the Like Like, your Hylian Shield will be completely devoured and DESTROYED! In other words, BROKEN! Why do you think, after a certain amount of time dances with a Like Like that took your shield, after defeating it, your shield isn't there? That's because it's GONE! And by that I mean COMPLETELY BROKEN, CHEWED UP, and DEVOURED!
What if the Like Like is a portal that warps the shield to the bazaar after a while?


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
What if the Like Like is a portal that warps the shield to the bazaar after a while?

Nope. The one the NPCs in the bazaar when you're a kid literally tells you that the Like Likes EAT your shield! No where in the game does it say that Like Likes are portals. Not to mention that would make absolutely no logical sense anyways. Especially since, in other Zelda games, there are kinds of Like Likes that devour your health and rupees! Proving that normal Like Likes really actually can devour your shield. So, sorry, but, my point stills stands tall.

Also, it's clearly obvious that you just made that up just as failed attempt to defy what has already been proven FACT!

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