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Breath of the Wild Agents of Hyrulian Shield

el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016
What if the Like Like is a portal that warps the shield to the bazaar after a while?
It makes much more sense for them to eat it.
They eat it, and after a time it gets digested and is destroyed by that point meaning they're not indestructible in OoT. If they were they would be eaten, but never be digested by the likelikes


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
I feel like the Hylian Shield will make a return similar to its presence in SS, i.e. it's not a necessity, but the shield can be obtained within the game with some work. If this were the case, and there was only one Hylian Shield available in the game, I think it will be indestructible.

Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
Actually, not in this case.

I mean that the way you lose your shield in OoT creates the vibe and feeling that your shield just got broken, cause, you know, it got EATEN! Also, when your shield gets eaten by a Like Like, you have to defeat it quickly to get your shield back, otherwise, it's gone, as in EATEN, CHEWED UP, DEVOURED, and most notably, BROKEN! Literally, if you waste time dancing with the Like Like, your Hylian Shield will be completely devoured and DESTROYED! In other words, BROKEN! Why do you think, after a certain amount of time dances with a Like Like that took your shield, after defeating it, your shield isn't there? That's because it's GONE! And by that I mean COMPLETELY BROKEN, CHEWED UP, and DEVOURED!

So, no, in this case and sense, it IS actually the SAME thing! Also, in a very old alpha version of OoT, the Hylian Shield was originally supposed to break in battle from taking hits. This was later replaced with Like Likes eating the shield. So, either way, the Hylian Shield was clearly NOT intended to be indestructible in OoT. This is mainly because of the Mirror Shield, which was the indestructible shield in the game.

Also, if the Hylian Shield were indestructible in OoT, the Like Likes would NEVER be able to EAT or DEVOUR it! And you would NOT lose your shield at all! You would keep the shield no matter what. That said, in order for Link's shield to be eaten up by Like Likes, it HAS to be able to BREAK! In other words, my point stands tall.
That doesn't count. For all we know, the Like-like's belly is like Link's bag. And if it could break before and they switched it to being indestructable, that means it IS intended to not break. :/ And gone is not broken. That's like saying because I throw something into a wormhole it is now broken. Ludicrous. It is just gone, it never broke.

Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
If it truly gets eaten and devoured by the Like Like, it most likely gets BROKEN DOWN by its stomach acids.
That's a most likely. I bet it just sits inside of them. The monsters in Zelda are made of magic, so who knows where the shield goes when it is eaten.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
@Amy Lu Minati Just curious, how do you eat your food? Cause, when I eat my food, I ALWAYS CHEW and BREAK the food down into PIECES, SWALLOW, and DEVOUR the BROKEN down food!

Apparently, you're a weird individual who believes in swallowing food WHOLE rather than actually EATING the food! Also, just so you know, in OoT, it's CONFIRMED in-game that Like Likes EAT the shields not just swallow them!

Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
@Amy Lu Minati Just curious, how do you eat your food? Cause, when I eat my food, I ALWAYS CHEW and BREAK the food down into PIECES, SWALLOW, and DEVOUR the BROKEN down food!

Apparently, you're a weird individual who believes in swallowing food WHOLE rather than actually EATING the food! Also, just so you know, in OoT, it's CONFIRMED in-game that Like Likes EAT the shields not just swallow them!
How come no monsters in the Zelda universe do that? They always spit Link back up. Never has a monster in the Zelda universe been known to break down it's food. Keys when swallowed are not broken down. When Link is swallowed he is spit back up. I doubt most of them HAVE THE ABILITY to digest! Only the Like Like has this unknown sequence of not giving us back what it stole. There is no proof that the shield is broken.
EDIT: Eat doesn't mean destroy.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
How come no monsters in the Zelda universe do that? They always spit Link back up. Never has a monster in the Zelda universe been known to break down it's food. Keys when swallowed are not broken down. When Link is swallowed he is spit back up. I doubt most of them HAVE THE ABILITY to digest! Only the Like Like has this unknown sequence of not giving us back what it stole. There is no proof that the shield is broken.
EDIT: Eat doesn't mean destroy.

You do know Link is the Hero right? You do know that Link is strong, right? And you do know that Link wouldn't allow himself to be chewed up and digested that easy right? So of course the monsters are going to spit him out cause, I can imagine how much a bad taste Link must keep leaving inside monsters. But the monsters still keep Link's shield cause, to them, it's still always delicious.

And YES, eat DOES mean destroy. If you would have ever actually eaten food before instead of starving yourself, you would know this. Seriously, what kind of being are you? Cause, you're clearly not human. Are you a robot or something? Literally, anyone who has ever eaten food before will tell you the same stuff I'm saying. It is common logic to people actually eat food, like me, that eat DOES in FACT mean DESTROY!

I'm sorry, but there is a reason why when our food comes out of our bodies, no matter what, it is never the same as it was when we first put it in our mouths. The food we eat ALWAYS comes out of our bottom, COMPLETELY DESTROYED and turned into mushy brown stuff that we call POOP! Yes, that brown stuff that comes our butts IS the DESTROYED remains of the food that we ate! Poop exists for this REASON!

Can you imagine how WEIRD it would be if our food came out of our butts, looking EXACTLY the same as it did when we ate it? It would be so WEIRD, it would NOT make ANY sense at ALL!

Anyways, talking to you is like talking to bot made by a troll and is a complete waste of my time. So this conversation is over. Goodbye. Never speak to me again unless you've turned over a new leaf.

And btw (by the way), fyi (for your information), the Illuminati are bad people. Trusting them is probably one of the reasons you are like this and why were in this unnecessary argument. If you really care about yourself and others, I'd suggest turning away from the Illuminati, cause they are poison. Just a tip advice to help you turn over a new leaf in case you actually do have a care in the world.
Nov 14, 2015
I'd like to see two types of Hylian Shield; a pseudo one that has the appearance of the Hylian Shield from Ocarina of Time and can be bought at stores and is destructible, and can electrocute you if attacked by an electric enemy like the Iron Shield and its upgrades from Skyward Sword, and an ultimate variant that has the appearance of the SS Hylian Shield and is indestructible and impervious to electric attacks.
That's a most likely. I bet it just sits inside of them. The monsters in Zelda are made of magic, so who knows where the shield goes when it is eaten.
In OoT, the Hylian Shield is eaten by the Like Likes. In ALBW, it is not. It's likely that Like Likes can only digest a certain form of metal, and, unlike the holy metal that the shield appears to be made from in ALBW and SS, the Hylian Shield in OoT is most likey just made from some sort of wrought iron meta that the Like Likes can digest.

Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
How come monsters can't digest keys? Wouldn't keys be stronger than a shield? Or how come they can't even digest a korok? He's a defenseless leaf thing? Monsters in the Zelda Universe don't digest food.
Nov 14, 2015
How come monsters can't digest keys? Wouldn't keys be stronger than a shield? Or how come they can't even digest a korok? He's a defenseless leaf thing? Monsters in the Zelda Universe don't digest food.
The Hungry Goriya, Moe, and even Gorons would disagree with you. The only enemies we've seen so far that can easily digest Shields in the series are Like Likes, so, assuming they somehow managed to reach into Link's pocket with the hands inside their bodies they don't have, they'd probably be able to digest the keys he's carrying. Makar wasn't even in Kalle Demos for more than about 5 minutes; it's unlikely he would be able to digest him in that short amount of time. Also, if that's true, then why are some of the NPCs you encounter scared of moblins/bulblins/Bokoblins say they're scared they'll eat them? Hell, Bokoblins are even shown to eat and digest because of the fact they'll set up camps in BotW and have new meat ready for them to eat (until you steal it of course.)

Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
The Hungry Goriya, Moe, and even Gorons would disagree with you. The only enemies we've seen so far that can easily digest Shields in the series are Like Likes, so, assuming they somehow managed to reach into Link's pocket with the hands inside their bodies they don't have, they'd probably be able to digest the keys he's carrying. Makar wasn't even in Kalle Demos for more than about 5 minutes; it's unlikely he would be able to digest him in that short amount of time. Also, if that's true, then why are some of the NPCs you encounter scared of moblins/bulblins/Bokoblins say they're scared they'll eat them? Hell, Bokoblins are even shown to eat and digest because of the fact they'll set up camps in BotW and have new meat ready for them to eat (until you steal it of course.)
Fair enough. But why would a Like Like be able to digest a shield that fast if it takes them so long to kill Link when he's in there?

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