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General Art A Dragir's Tale Sign Ups

Aug 18, 2009
Ideas come to you all of a sudden, and this one hit me earlier today. I plan on writing a short tale that will feature a character called Artemys Wreckler. ((I might edit the last name since I submitted him for Rainy's Comic)) Anyway, I have a default cast planned already, nothing big, the usual friends, but if you wish to join, feel free to sign up and I will be more than delighted to include you.

Here's a bit about the story. I plan on calling it either The life of Artemys (insert last name here), or The Mercenary's Tale, or Secret of the Okorina Sword. It depends what I choose at the end. The story will be about a poor fool who lives in a village that is home to even poorer people than him. Even as they all struggle to survive each day, there are other problems plaguing this region where they live, but Artemys will stumble upon a hidden sword and his adventure will begin. That is all I can give you right now.

You can join as a friend of Artemys or someone that he meets later in time as the story goes on. Or you can just be someone in the world, a king, a soldier, etc. Thanx in advance.

Use the following sheet:

Name (Both first and last if you can)
Age (Choose between 15-30, or above 30 if you want to submit an older character)
Weapon(s) if any (Magic is allowed)
Skin color

-Edit--Sign ups end on Friday. I will start writing later tonight, though, and will post what I have. ~Ats
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Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

Name: Thessla (changed to Thair) Groge
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Weapon(s) if any: Sword
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 140lbs
Clothes/Armor: Grey pants, black tunic, boiled leather underneath, grey belt, black gauntlets, black boots
Hair: Long light brown to shoulders
Skin color: White
Personality: Kind, rough when dealing with matters of importance, loyal, trustworthy
Other: She was raised by her mother, after her father died at the hands of a human mage. Her mother always had trouble keeping her inline when it came to doing her maid duties, she always faought with wooden swords with the other children, but when Thessla was 16 she was married to a knight, who left the day they were married and died defending the king from forest monsters. She took up the name Thair, and became a knight in the king’s service, after proving herself worthy in a duel. Now she serves as head of the king’s guard.

This character actually appears in my comic, but she only appears once I believe, so I'll let you use her for this. :>
Aug 18, 2009

Name: Thessla (changed to Thair) Groge
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Weapon(s) if any: Sword
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 140lbs
Clothes/Armor: Grey pants, black tunic, boiled leather underneath, grey belt, black gauntlets, black boots
Hair: Long light brown to shoulders
Skin color: White
Personality: Kind, rough when dealing with matters of importance, loyal, trustworthy
Other: She was raised by her mother, after her father died at the hands of a human mage. Her mother always had trouble keeping her inline when it came to doing her maid duties, she always faought with wooden swords with the other children, but when Thessla was 16 she was married to a knight, who left the day they were married and died defending the king from forest monsters. She took up the name Thair, and became a knight in the king’s service, after proving herself worthy in a duel. Now she serves as head of the king’s guard.

This character actually appears in my comic, but she only appears once I believe, so I'll let you use her for this. :>
Well thanks, you're very kind. :) I dunno when I will get to see you since you've left already, Rainy, but I hope that when you return you find a finished tale, or closed to finishing, or...somewhere close to that since I can't make any guarantees. lol I had in mind using Katherine, your archer character, for this one as well since her age is close enough to being considered one of Artemys's friends, and I probably will use her since I will use a very small cast for this short tale. So when you read about Katherine, know that it is one of your characters and not a randomly generated one. I'll explain things better to you why I chose to use Katherine when you come back. ~Atsie

--New Info--

Okay, so I decided to unveil the short cast for the tale. This so you can get a feeling as to what the characters look like. I haven't written anything yet, but I will start later today. Also, I feel lazy and I won't make a new map, I will probably use this one:

The story takes place in the realm of Pancracia and Goldia, for now, ignore the realms of The Bog and Dragiria for now.

From left to right and going down.

Artemys Lerayia (Arrant), Karito O'Cynth, Magatha Stargleam (Arrant), Foxy Saiyaka
Pocha Arrant, Tyson Arrant, Katherine Bell (Arrant), Sammy O'hera
King Badikus Ulmar, Thessla (Thair) Groge, Aurelia Brengle, Paravani Lybra
Princess Marine Sapphire, Starly Orion, Thug Gatrie, Damera Alfrein Tomahawk (senior)



Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Name: Valon Roland
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Weapon: Single knife that looks like a steel fang
Height: 5.9
Weight 176 lb.
Clothes/Armor: Gray drab light armor with gray slacks.
Hair: Shoulder-length neatly combed-back blond hair.
Skin color: Pale
Personality: Calm and analytic, rarely takes chances unless the odds aren't in his favor, wants what's best for himself.
Other: He can easily switch from friend to foe if the situation is not in his favor. As such he is not generally trusted.
Aug 18, 2009
Name: Valon Roland
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Weapon: Single knife that looks like a steel fang
Height: 5.9
Weight 176 lb.
Clothes/Armor: Gray drab light armor with gray slacks.
Hair: Shoulder-length neatly combed-back blond hair.
Skin color: Pale
Personality: Calm and analytic, rarely takes chances unless the odds aren't in his favor, wants what's best for himself.
Other: He can easily switch from friend to foe if the situation is not in his favor. As such he is not generally trusted.
Reminds me of some character, but he looks quite acceptable to me. Thanx for joining. I don't know if I will make a mug for him since those mugs I posted I already had made, I just simply assigned them to characters that I wanted to appear in this tale. If I have the time I surely will post a mug. And he'll definitely appear soon, maybe not in the next update, but yeah, soon. ;)


Perhaps some of you are wondering why there are no recent stories of mine visible. That is simple, I asked Vanessa28 a few days ago to delete those. Why would I do that, you may ask yourself? lol It is simple, those stories were too much alike with a tale that I am writing for publishing,you know, that Saga story of mine. That is why I could never go anywhere with what I was trying to do here, because I had my hands full trying to write two much-alike stories but with different people and added plots, etc. I was confused often and that is why I decided to change the direction in which my plans were going. What I did was rewrite a simple story about my dragir race using that map that I always use. This story (A Dragir's Tale) is already finished and features just a handful of friends from ZD. I have already finished half of the second tale, which I will post after I post the entirety of this first story. Now I would post the whole story for you now, but then that will be too long, so I will be updating every other day with an update, or as soon as I can manage it. I'm sorry once again that I haven't been able to finish these tales, but I was trying to do too much with the same idea for several tales but with different settings and stuff, and that is why I was confused and could never move on. -.- I aim to move on and finally finish this thing, so I thank you for your patience and understanding. I will post this new tale sometime soon, I appreciate your support. ~Atsuma

Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
Hey, Atsie, could you reuse one of my characters if you could? If so, I would appreciate it. If not, well, that's okay, I'll sign up for you. c: (If there's any room again)
Aug 18, 2009
There's room, Violet, haha, so don't worry, you're fine. I will use the character you submitted for the last story since she was a dragir. ;)


This is the character that I will use, Violet, except as a dragir.

Name: Yukiko Misaki
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Sometimes an aloof and a quiet girl. When she's caught in a bad situation, she'll react violently. She is sometimes cunning to anyone she just met. Also if she devises plans, she'll express it with her creativity.
Appearance: (Skin Color- Somewhat bright, but a little tanned. (Hair Color and Style- Has bright white hair as the snow, with blue tips on the end. Her style of her hair is bobbed. (Eye color- On the left is blue as the sea and on the right is white as a polar bear's fur. (Height- 177 cm. (Weight- Has the average weight of a teenager. (Clothing- http://puu.sh/1AKgU < that, but make it a little darker and hooded.

Weapons: A bow and arrow, because she's an archer. Sometimes uses one of her bows to make it as a melee weapon. She keeps a few (around 3 or 4) daggers also, carved by an excellent blacksmith.
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Seek a door that carries a [9]
Mar 22, 2012
Nevada Test Site
Name: Scars
This is his cover up name, depending on what you plan on doing with him, his real name is Lance Flinn Tolkien. I know, it sounds a bit more modern, but feel free to just leave it as Lance Tolkien.
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Weapon(s): He uses a sword that looks like this
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140 lb.
Clothes/Armor: it should look like something like this. I looked around for a more medieval look. XD
Hair: Short, black. He generally looks like this (except both his eyes are dark blue and he wouldn't have those clothes or hat thing... lol.)
Skin color: ...white? lol
Personality: He is a very blunt, serious and quiet person as well as very sarcastic. He is angered fairly easily, but he is generally a very caring for people his gets close to, friends and such. And he will always try to do the right thing, even if it puts him or his reputation at risk. He demeanor is very frightening, but really his a very nice guy, who rarely smiles, but when he does it's a sight that will always cheer someone up.
Other: He has a scar on the left side of his face and one on his right arm, which he generally keeps covered by his armor.

Do whatever you like with him, Gobli-kun. If you need anything changed just tell me. c: good luck with the story!
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Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
There's room, Violet, haha, so don't worry, you're fine. I will use the character you submitted for the last story since she was a dragir. ;)


This is the character that I will use, Violet, except as a dragir.

Name: Yukiko Misaki
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Sometimes an aloof and a quiet girl. When she's caught in a bad situation, she'll react violently. She is sometimes cunning to anyone she just met. Also if she devises plans, she'll express it with her creativity.
Appearance: (Skin Color- Somewhat bright, but a little tanned. (Hair Color and Style- Has bright white hair as the snow, with blue tips on the end. Her style of her hair is bobbed. (Eye color- On the left is blue as the sea and on the right is white as a polar bear's fur. (Height- 177 cm. (Weight- Has the average weight of a teenager. (Clothing- http://puu.sh/1AKgU < that, but make it a little darker and hooded.

Weapons: A bow and arrow, because she's an archer. Sometimes uses one of her bows to make it as a melee weapon. She keeps a few (around 3 or 4) daggers also, carved by an excellent blacksmith.
Alright, thanks alot Atsie. :)
Aug 18, 2009
Alright, thanks alot Atsie. :)

No problem, Violet. And here's a new ZDer who has joined the story. :cool:


Name: Mathias Smith
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic then, I guess
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 155 lbs
Clothes/Armor: Wizard Robes no hat though
Hair: Mohawk
Skin color: Caucasian
Personality: Shy and likeable and becomes outgoing once you know him
Other: You can add whatever you feel like you need to, I wasn't very creative when I made this because it's kinda based off me :P

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