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3 Hearts or 5?

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- Do Not Eat -
Nov 24, 2010
Well, th epoint of these runs are to challenge yourself, right? And you want a challenge, right?! Go for 3 heart.

And if you tell anyone that you did a "5 heart challenge", they'll probably look at you a little differently, just saying...


Dec 16, 2009
United States
Attack helicopter
First, get practice the game to improve your skills. Know how to be able to kill bosses without getting any damage (yes it's possible because I have done it). Once you do all of that, the game will be easier and you can go on to the 3 heart challenge. I don't know if the 3 heart challange is hard, because I never had a chance to try it.

Master Sword13

Oct 16, 2010
South Carolina
Definitely 3 heart. I've done a 3 heart challenge for PH, it's not that hard. I only died once, and that's if you count the Phantoms slashing you as a death. But I didn't get any Game Overs. You shouldn't have much issue doing a 3 heart challenge, the DS games are easier than all the others. Just always have potions with you, and make sure not to upgrade your boat. If you upgrade your boat and go out to sea in it, you're disqualified.


shoegaze girl
Feb 22, 2010
New Albany, Indiana
For the record, it's not an Uber Challenge. I technically CAN upgrade my boat. I don't know if I will, though. I'm kindnof trying to speedrun it, as well.
Jan 1, 2011
No, offense, but if you just do a 5 heart challenge when it is suppose to be a 3 heart challenge, you're not really challenging yourself, you're just giving up because you say that it is too hard. Like recently, I just got done with the Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Track 3 heart run and yes, they're were both hard to do, but I had fun.

If I was you, just enjoy yourself, and have fun with it. If you mess up, oh well, just learn from your mistake and I bet you'll get it the next time. Keep a positive attitude. ;)
Nov 26, 2008
I was thinking of doing a 3 heart run on the Phantom Hourglass, but then I realized that some of the bosses (especially the Ice Temple one) would be nearly impossible. That's when I decided to do a 5 heart run. It would be slightly easier, and the bosses wouldn't murder me every 2 seconds. So now I'm wondering, should I do a 5 heart run, or do a 3 heart run and just get a bunch of purple potions?

Ok, I started my 3 heart run a long time ago... I can't remember exactly where I am at this moment... but I just wanted that to be out.

This thread is pretty old and its original point is basically finished. If this was a general discussion thread, then that wouldn't be an issue, but since this thread was really just asking a question that's been answered I think it's time to close this. Feel free to make a thread to discuss Three-Heart Challenges in general though. ;)

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