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2014 Golden Key Awards Suggestion Thread

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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend

As we near the end of June, nomination time for the Dungeon Gaming Network's Golden Key Awards approaches. The Golden Key Awards are a time to honor the most outstanding members of the forum whether they be knowledgeable, artistic, funny, or kind.

In 2011, we were known as the Golden Rupee Awards, in celebration of Zelda Dungeon's 10th Anniversary. In 2012, the Golden Rupee Awards were replaced by the Golden Key Awards. Now, we are hosting an Awards Contest once again, in order for this to become a tradition and to promote fellowship in our forum!


In the words of K4KING: "The GKA, rather the GRAs, The Golden Rupee Awards was started by TreeHuggerPanda. The idea came from a Shoutbox Conversation. She wanted to celebrate ZD's 10 anniversary through a way of awarding. Everyone liked the idea and many users banded together to start the first one. As soon as the GRAs ended, she left it to me, K4KING to handle it, when in fact, I left it to the People I know who can do an even better job than me. TreeHuggerPanda, Po, Ms. Pandamonium, Thank you. I dedicate this, and all succeeding events to you."

Increasing Community Involvement​

With this year's Golden Key Awards, the goal of the Event Staff is for everyone on the forum to have a voice in shaping the event. This can include suggesting new superlatives or categories which should be removed as well as providing pointers on how the event should be run. Any and all feedback is appreciated.

For reference, below is a list of categories included in last year's competition alongside a description of each:

Most Charismatic - The most charming or likable member.
Most Mysterious - A quiet member everyone sees, but knows nothing about.
Most Literate - Member who has shown to have excellent grammar and always uses correct punctuation.
Most Random - The most unpredictable user either in chat or in posts.
Best Comic Relief - Members who are funniest in most situations or conversations.
Most Helpful - Members who often report breaches of the rules or who are very helpful to members.
Best Advice - Forumer who is very active in making suggestions to improve the site or just gives good advice in general.
Most Active - Forum user who most actively participates in forum discussions.
Most Cheerful - Member who has shown to have a very positive attitude.
Most Laid Back - Someone who is cool, calm, and collected.
Most Reputable - A user who has been acknowledged to have great integrity.
Best Company - User who is always around and keeps things interesting.
Best Role-Player - Member who role-plays often and actively contributes to the Role-Playing section.
Best Artist - Member with the best drawing skills.
Best Graphic Artist - Member that makes the best graphics (signatures, avatars, etc.).
Best Writer - Forumer that writes the best stories and fan works.
Best Signature - Member who has the most creative or artistic signature.
Best Username - Member who has the most creative or most interesting username.
Best Poster - Member who has displayed a consistently high level of post quality throughout his/her existence in the Dungeon Gaming Network.
Most Active New User - The member that has joined within three months of the posting of this thread with the highest activity.
Best Theorist - Member who is the most adept in theorizing and has a wide array of knowledge in the subject. (Timeline Theories made by theorists are out of the question.)
Most Knowledgeable in Zelda - User who displays the most knowledge in Zelda lore and in the games themselves.
Most Knowledgeable in Pokémon - User who displays the most knowledge in Pokémon lore, in the Pokémon and the games themselves.
Most Knowledgeable in Darksiders - User who displays the most knowledge in Darksiders lore and in the games themselves.
Best Mafia Player - The member that shows the most skill in Mafia games.
Best Blogger - The member that creates the blogs that you enjoy the most.
Best Thread Starter - Member that creates the best threads for discussion on DGN.
Most Devoted Wiki Editor - Wiki member that makes the best contributions to the Zelda Dungeon Wiki.
Most Thoughtful - Member that is there to support those in need and remembers things such as wishing members a happy birthday.
Best Debater - Member that contributes appropriately to debates and demonstrates the best debating skills.
Most Involved - Member that is most involved all around the forums and actively participates in competitions and discussions.

A special shout out to jimmy.f27 for writing descriptions for each category for last year's Golden Key Awards.

Below is the list of event staff; message one of them if you have any questions:

A Link In Time
Majora's Cat
The Joker

We will do our best to respond as suggestions arise. Thank you.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Best Profile/Profile Design
Cutest Couple
Most Giving (giving the most sincere medals/donating gold, though i'm not sure this would work well)
Most Tech Savvy (??????)

i might edit this later

Also, I think the process we have now is perfectly fine. Might have a few suggestions later.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I have a few new category suggestions:

I feel like, since we have Best Writer, Best Artist, and Best Graphic Artist, it is only fitting for there to be a Best Musician category as well. There is some real musical talent on this site, but I feel like a lot of it goes largely unrecognized, even with the Music Competition going on. I think adding a category for Best Musician will help encourage people to actually look around and acknowledge the many musicians that hang out here.

I also think it might be a good idea to add an Overall Most Artistic User award. This includes everything to do with the arts: Drawing, Graphic Making, Writing, Music, etc. Awarded to the user who shows excellence in all things related to the arts. Could possibly go hand in hand with a Most Creative award as well.

That's all I have for now, but I'll be sure to post back here if I think of some others!


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
Most Charismatic - Atticus, Justacoolguy
Most Mysterious - Rachel
Most Literate -
Most Random - Dan
Best Comic Relief - LittleGumball, Atticus
Most Helpful - Lord Vain
Best Advice -
Most Active - Atticus
Most Cheerful -
Most Laid Back - Thareous
Most Reputable -
Best Company - LittleGumBall
Best Role-Player - TatlTails
Best Artist -
Best Graphic Artist - Atticus
Best Writer -
Best Signature -
Best Username -
Best Poster -
Most Active New User -
Best Theorist -
Most Knowledgeable in Zelda -
Most Knowledgeable in Pokémon -
Most Knowledgeable in Darksiders -
Best Mafia Player - A Link In Time
Best Blogger -
Best Thread Starter -
Most Devoted Wiki Editor -
Most Thoughtful - Raindrop14
Best Debater - Batman
Most Involved -
Most Charismatic - MonsterMMORPG
Most Mysterious - MonsterMMORPG
Most Literate - MonsterMMORPG
Most Random -
Best Comic Relief -
Most Helpful - MonsterMMORPG
Best Advice - MonsterMMORPG
Most Active - MonsterMMORPG
Most Cheerful - PancakeSamurai
Most Laid Back -
Most Reputable - MonsterMMORPG
Best Company -
Best Role-Player -
Best Artist - Dan
Best Graphic Artist - Dan
Best Writer -
Best Signature -
Best Username -
Best Poster - MonsterMMORPG
Most Active New User -
Best Theorist -
Most Knowledgeable in Zelda -
Most Knowledgeable in Pokémon -
Most Knowledgeable in Darksiders -
Best Blogger -
Best Thread Starter - Dan
Most Devoted Wiki Editor -
Most Thoughtful -
Best Debater - MonsterMMORPG
Most Involved -
Aug 18, 2009
Well I did have these categories in mind for my Gobli awards, which never got underway. :P Use any that you like, and I will try to think of more.

Most Fun
Most Friendly
Most Respectful Member
Most Valuable Member
Best All-Around Member
Best Article Writer
Best Story Writer
Best Poem Writer
Best Artist (paper)
Best Graphic Artist
Best Siggy Maker
Best Avy Maker
Best Character Submitter
Spammer of the Year
Most Intellectual
Most Quiet
Best Profile Background
Best Elder Member
Most Productive Newbie
Best Gamer (ZD game area)
Best User Title
Most Helpful Staff Member
Most Trustworthy
Best HK
Most Kind Member
Most Improved (writing)
Most Improved (art/graphics)


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Best member with the most ranks -
Best member that utilizes the ZD IGNORE LIST! -
Member most likely to be put in an insane asylum -
Most depressed member -
Biggest Witcher 2 fan -

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Thank you for the category suggestions so far. Regarding categories, two other areas we want to look into is whether or not some categories should be removed as well as whether the event should remain serious as in the past or whether the GKAs should be more light spirited in nature considering this is a gaming forum after all. What are everyone's thoughts on the matter?
Oct 20, 2008
Thank you for the category suggestions so far. Regarding categories, two other areas we want to look into is whether or not some categories should be removed as well as whether the event should remain serious as in the past or whether the GKAs should be more light spirited in nature considering this is a gaming forum after all. What are everyone's thoughts on the matter?

I didn't realize the event was serious in the first place.

Definitely more light spirited in nature.
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