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2014 Golden Key Awards Suggestion Thread

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The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I have a few new category suggestions:

I feel like, since we have Best Writer, Best Artist, and Best Graphic Artist, it is only fitting for there to be a Best Musician category as well. There is some real musical talent on this site, but I feel like a lot of it goes largely unrecognized, even with the Music Competition going on. I think adding a category for Best Musician will help encourage people to actually look around and acknowledge the many musicians that hang out here.

Yes, this is also a good idea.

Mezlo said:
I also think it might be a good idea to add an Overall Most Artistic User award. This includes everything to do with the arts: Drawing, Graphic Making, Writing, Music, etc. Awarded to the user who shows excellence in all things related to the arts. Could possibly go hand in hand with a Most Creative award as well.

Hmmm, I can dig a "Most Creative" award, but I feel like that'd have to be it for the artistic awards. There should be somewhat of a balance, y'know? But I do like your idea. :)

Well I did have these categories in mind for my Gobli awards, which never got underway. :P Use any that you like, and I will try to think of more.

Most Fun
Most Friendly
Most Respectful Member
Most Valuable Member
Best All-Around Member
Best Article Writer
Best Story Writer
Best Poem Writer

Best Artist (paper)
Best Graphic Artist
Best Siggy Maker
Best Avy Maker

Best Character Submitter
Spammer of the Year
Most Intellectual
Most Quiet
Best Profile Background
Best Elder Member
Most Productive Newbie
Best Gamer (ZD game area)
Best User Title
Most Helpful Staff Member
Most Trustworthy
Best HK
Most Kind Member

Most Improved (writing)
Most Improved (art/graphics)

A few of these are oriented towards members with ranks (i.e. Staff, AW, and HK), which is rather unfair. I believe the GKAs are designed to allow all users the ability to receive an award. I.e: everyone has the ability to play Mafia, but some don't play purely because they don't like it/it's an inconvenience to them, and that makes them unable to receive the award; however, not everyone is able to become an HK, AW or Staff member -- especially since HK nominations never happen anymore. I feel these three could easily be summed up in the category "Most Involved", as quite a few HKs, AWs and Staff members do get very involved with the site.

I've also noticed that quite a few of your suggestions are oriented towards artists, which is rather unfair. Differentiating between Signature and Avatar makers is redundant, as both are considered graphic artists and we have a category for them already in place. Also, best character submitter? Hmm... It's not a bad idea, because I personally believe RPers could use a little more representation in the community, so I'm fine with that. For the whole "Best Writer blahblah" thing, we kind of already have that, and I see no reason to differentiate between the two. This is not my decision, however, I'm just saying.

Also, a lot of your suggestions are just a rewording of what we already have in place (i.e. Most Quiet is the equivalent of "Most Mysterious"). I've crossed off what we already have, and what I believe won't work.
Aug 18, 2009
Yes, this is also a good idea.

Hmmm, I can dig a "Most Creative" award, but I feel like that'd have to be it for the artistic awards. There should be somewhat of a balance, y'know? But I do like your idea. :)

A few of these are oriented towards members with ranks (i.e. Staff, AW, and HK), which is rather unfair. I believe the GKAs are designed to allow all users the ability to receive an award. I.e: everyone has the ability to play Mafia, but some don't play purely because they don't like it/it's an inconvenience to them, and that makes them unable to receive the award; however, not everyone is able to become an HK, AW or Staff member -- especially since HK nominations never happen anymore. I feel these three could easily be summed up in the category "Most Involved", as quite a few HKs, AWs and Staff members do get very involved with the site.

I've also noticed that quite a few of your suggestions are oriented towards artists, which is rather unfair. Differentiating between Signature and Avatar makers is redundant, as both are considered graphic artists and we have a category for them already in place. Also, best character submitter? Hmm... It's not a bad idea, because I personally believe RPers could use a little more representation in the community, so I'm fine with that. For the whole "Best Writer blahblah" thing, we kind of already have that, and I see no reason to differentiate between the two. This is not my decision, however, I'm just saying.

Also, a lot of your suggestions are just a rewording of what we already have in place (i.e. Most Quiet is the equivalent of "Most Mysterious"). I've crossed off what we already have, and what I believe won't work.

I know, I just had to share that in case you thought something out of all that could work. :) Like I said, feel free to pick anything you want.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Thank you for the category suggestions so far. Regarding categories, two other areas we want to look into is whether or not some categories should be removed as well as whether the event should remain serious as in the past or whether the GKAs should be more light spirited in nature considering this is a gaming forum after all. What are everyone's thoughts on the matter?

The GKA's simply aren't serious enough my little bumble bee friend, for you see I suspect SOME members, and I'm not going to name them, but I suspect some members are using drugs to enhance certain aspects of themselves to win some awards. I want drug checks on every participant that enters this competition.
I also think there should be a $100 entry fee to help pay for this event, as the event staff are pretty much getting paid slave wagers, not to mention my drug check idea will require postage fees. Once the entry fee's have come in we can create a huge stadium, I predict that once the GKA awards woo the public, We will be allowed to destroy the statue of liberty and move the stadium onto liberty island with jet-packs that were researched by our GKA scientists, which are of course paid for by our GKA entry fee money.

GKA 4 life homie.
Aug 18, 2009
Most corrupt Staff Member. XD lolz Jk with this one, but hey, could work for the laughs, eh?
Best user name change (for those who went from a sucky user name to a better one)

I'll keep thinking of more.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I apologize for the lack of clarity in my previous post. It was poorly worded. What I meant was whether the category titles and descriptions should be replaced with more lighthearted alternatives. For example, Goblins suggested "Biggest Spammer", which could be a substitute for what is currently "Most Active". Do you guys support or oppose such a change?
Oct 20, 2008
I apologize for the lack of clarity in my previous post. It was poorly worded. What I meant was whether the category titles and descriptions should be replaced with more lighthearted alternatives. For example, Goblins suggested "Biggest Spammer", which could be a substitute for what is currently "Most Active". Do you guys support or oppose such a change?

Best User With Ambiguously Worded Posts:
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