Just curious on what you do when writing a blog on this website or any others.
How far in advance do you plan it?
How you choose what topic to blog about?
Do you work on multiple ones or focus on one at a time?
Am I the only one who misses the standard formula that we've had going on arguably since A Link to the Past? Does RPG work well with this universe or should we revert to the way the series was before?
I'll have a poll down below just to gather quantitative data on this.
So, not sure if it'd be considered spoilers but to anyone who hasn't played Skyward Sword, then spoilers, I guess?
Also, fair warning.... this is a 10-page document coming your way down below, so if you're not much of a reader then feel free to read at your own leisure.
An Analysis of The...
So, what country does everyone think Hyrule is supposed to be based on? I don't think it's Oriental as Hylians have Christian like characteristics, The Temple of Time in Ocarina of Time and earlier LoZ games have a Christian theme. The Book of Magic in The Legend of Zelda even has a cross on it...