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  1. .X.

    Breath of the Wild Time for voice acting

    That is fine, I am a minority and minorities are often resented for not being a part of the pack, so that is fine. I wasn't really expecting anyone to particularly be on board with what I was saying. I already stated that VA being immersive or not is subjective and that a society lead to...
  2. .X.

    Breath of the Wild Time for voice acting

    Yeah I don't know why I typed SS was on Wii U when after I read your comment about bad controls I clearly thought back to the Wii. Thank you for correcting me. Today's American generation is interested in more violence and realism. While TP didn't really come off as overly violent to me (that...
  3. .X.

    Breath of the Wild Time for voice acting

    The ones I got were Wii games that said I could use it on the Wii U, but I never got a game just for Wii U and tried it on the Wii. So that i would not be able to confirm without seeking someone who tried it out.
  4. .X.

    Breath of the Wild Time for voice acting

    SS failure was not due to lack of VA. The Wii U really just didn't have any games. Also the Wii U games played fine on regular Wii as long as you didn't need the pad, so unless you were buying a game focusing on the pad, then there was literally no real reason to buy the system. Then they...
  5. .X.

    Breath of the Wild Time for voice acting

    The people complaining are the very people who eat up every new shiny item placed in front of them. Sort of like the stereotyped Iphone user who buys a phone every 6 months. Their opinions about games are like listening to the opinion of a person who can't stay in a relationship with 1 person...
  6. .X.

    Breath of the Wild Time for voice acting

    I personally do not want to see VA. Zelda has been a very good example to the world that games do NOT need VA to be fun, good, memorable and successful. Take the $ they would need to put into full VA and focus it into game mechanics, story, dungeon designs and music.
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