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  1. Hylian Cat

    Favorite Zelda Song?

    My favorite Zelda song is Gerudo Valley from Ocarina of Time, hands down. XD
  2. Hylian Cat

    Skyward Sword Remlit Area

    Thanks! :) (silly 30 character requirement)
  3. Hylian Cat

    Skyward Sword Remlit Area

    i have heard that there is a secret area in Skyloft filled with Remlits near the Goddess Statue. Where is this exactly and how do I get there?
  4. Hylian Cat

    Which Zelda Game Had the Best Soundtrack?

    I believe that Windwaker definitely had the best music out of all the games :)
  5. Hylian Cat

    Spoiler You Vs Bamboo!

    20; i'm not that far in the game. :)
  6. Hylian Cat

    How Many Siblings Do You Have?

    I have one sibling, unfortunately. We are always fighting over who gets to play Zelda. :(
  7. Hylian Cat

    Do You Use the Shields?

    I only use a shield when I need to deflect something, otherwise I do a lot of acrobatics to avoid enemies. :)
  8. Hylian Cat

    Who is the Cutest Female Character in Skyward Sword?

    I think that the cutest girl character in SS would have to be Orielle. =D
  9. Hylian Cat

    What Zelda Titles Have You Beaten

    I've beaten Ocarina of Time, Windwaker, Twilight Princess, and Four Swords adventures. I've also played Majora's Mask, and right now I'm playing Skyward Sword!
  10. Hylian Cat

    Ocarina Vs Harp

    I think the harp sounds prettier, but I like how the ocarina is more interactive. Ocarina all the way!!! :)
  11. Hylian Cat

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but now you can longer breathe out of water so you must leave your family and friends forever to live in the ocean. ~OR~ Granted, but you are locked up in a tank and put in a zoo and have people staring at you every day, and you can't escape. I wish for a marshmallow.
  12. Hylian Cat

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but you must face the aftermath of the wastleland of Earth after 2012 alone. I wish to have the power to fly!
  13. Hylian Cat

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but it gets stolen and is used in a robbery and with your fingerprints still on it. You are blamed for the crime and go to prison for life. Meanwhile, while you are away from home your whole family starves to death. I wish to be beautiful.
  14. Hylian Cat

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but now the paparazzi think you're a celebrity and follow you everywhere, taking pictures of even your most obscure actions, such as buying toilet paper in a small New York shop. ;) I wish Lady Gaga had a better sense of fashion.
  15. Hylian Cat

    Favorite Zelda Girl (doesn't Havet to Be Zelda)

    My favorite girl from Zelda is Tetra. She knows how to get what she wantS, and is a pirate, and is pure awesomeness!!! :)
  16. Hylian Cat

    If Link Had a Pet

    Link would probably have a cat, and he would name it Mia! :)
  17. Hylian Cat

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    You're banned for searching beneath my couch cushions for Rupees!
  18. Hylian Cat

    Corrupt a wish!

    You now have a smart phone, but you lost the charger and the company doesn't sell your brand's charger anymore. I wish I could read people's minds and memories at will.
  19. Hylian Cat

    How Old Are You?

    I am 14 and proud of it!!! :) Wow, I'm surprised that I am in the largest age group! :O
  20. Hylian Cat

    Twilight Princess Did You Like Twilight Princess?

    This was a good game to play and there were lots of areas to explore, which I really liked! People usually say that Twilight Princess enemies are really easy to defeat, but they were actually challenging for me(i hope that's not a bad thing). The graphics I didn't really like at all, though...
  21. Hylian Cat

    Ocarina of Time Best Boss: Who Did You Enjoy Tearing to Pieces the Most?

    My favorite is Volvagia because she just looks cool and it was really fun to slam the hammer down on her head! :)
  22. Hylian Cat

    Skyward Sword Any Tips???

    Yeah, it took me four tries before Kina was even somewhat satisfied with my playing. I was just glad to get the heart piece afterwards.
  23. Hylian Cat

    Zelda Shirt and Animated Series Giveaway - The Hardest Zelda Level or Dungeon

    The hardest temple for me personally was the Great Bay temple in Majora's mask. The enemies were really confusing; there were too many confusing waterways; and the boss was quite annoying to beat. All in all, I thought it was quite difficult. :(
  24. Hylian Cat

    Things That Make You Tilt Your Head

    What I want to know is why no one else helps Link on his quest (directly, I mean). You would think that at least one other person in Hyrule could defeat monsters in dungeons and help Link, but oh no, everyone in Hyrule but Link is helpless to the minions of Ganon. Does anyone else feel this...
  25. Hylian Cat

    What is the Funniest Thing That You Had Happen (physics or Glitch Wise) in Zelda?

    I've never really experienced any funny glitches in any game. The only glitch I have ever had is my screen freezing during a Majora's Mask boss battle since I got the collector's edition for gamecube, so i had to restart the whole temple over since I hadn't saved :(
  26. Hylian Cat

    What's Your Favorite Zelda Game?

    Personally, Ocarina of Time. It's got good gameplay, i.e. it's challenging when it needs to be and it was just fun to play! :)
  27. Hylian Cat

    What Do You Think About a Zelda Movie

    I don't think that's a good idea because they would probably screw it up somehow...
  28. Hylian Cat

    What is Your Triforce?

    Wisdom is definitely my triforce piece! :)
  29. Hylian Cat

    Where Would Your Vacation in Hyrule Be?

    My Hyrulean Vacation I would go to Zora's Domain for a vacation. Swimming around in pools in a cave with peace-loving fish-people? Totally my type of relaxation! :)
  30. Hylian Cat

    Most Annoying Sound in a Zelda Game

    Hmm lemme think......... "Hey, Look, Hello, Listen, Watch out!"
  31. Hylian Cat

    Do You Play Zelda to Beat the Game or to 100% Complete It?

    I for one just play the to have fun! Zelda is the number one thing I do when I'm bored; it's quite entertaining, as I'm sure you agree. :)
  32. Hylian Cat

    Spoiler OOT is the Darkest Zelda Game Right Now.

    I think, personally, that Majora's Mask was much darker because of the larger quantities of eerie places/scenes.
  33. Hylian Cat

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    You know what I like? Toon Link's facial expressions. :)
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