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  1. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 621!

    Last week's Question: What is your favorite type of mini-game? Third Place: Draw between "Collecting-games" & "Gambling-games" (10.0% each) Second Place: Fishing-games (20.0%) First Place: Draw between "Racing-games" & "Hit The Targets-game" (30.0% each) The most popular ones stayed on top...
  2. VikzeLink

    The Poll Master gives his thanks! :D

    The Poll Master gives his thanks! :D
  3. VikzeLink

    Thank you!! Time flies!

    Thank you!! Time flies!
  4. VikzeLink

    It was great, thank you ^^

    It was great, thank you ^^
  5. VikzeLink

    Thank you ^^

    Thank you ^^
  6. VikzeLink

    Thanks! It was a good day! ;)

    Thanks! It was a good day! ;)
  7. VikzeLink

    Thank you!! :^^:

    Thank you!! :^^:
  8. VikzeLink


  9. VikzeLink

    Will We Ever Get Tired of ALttP's Hyrule?

    So how do you feel about Minish Cap? It's still called Hyrule, but the landmarks are all different (Mount Crenel, Minish Woods etc.)
  10. VikzeLink

    Will We Ever Get Tired of ALttP's Hyrule?

    So it's the name "Hyrule" and the name and type of the landmarks in it that you're bored of? Cause in most of the games the layout of Hyrule differs The exceptions are BotW-TotK and ALttP-ALBW
  11. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 620!

    Last week's Question: What is your favorite First Room of the OoT Dungeons? Third Place: Draw between "First Room in the Royal Family's Tomb", "First Room in Dampé's Crypt", "First Room of the Ice Cavern" & "First Room at the Bottom of the Well" (11.1% each) Second Place: First Room in the...
  12. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 619!

    You like the first room of that place because you've had fun in the rest of the dungeon? It's a pretty cool room tbf, with the lionheads and the pillars. I've always been interested in Dampé's Crypt. Even the first room is so large (and the entire place is massive!) Why does a simple...
  13. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 619!

    Last week's Question: What is your favorite First Room of the OoT Dungeons? Third Place: Draw between "First Room in the Fire Temple" & "First Room in the Spirit Temple" (8.3% each) Second Place: Draw between "First Room in the Forest Temple" & "First Room in the Shadow Temple" (25.0% each)...
  14. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 618!

    A bit surprised that enough people are picking the Shadow Temple. The first room in there is just a tiny hallway with a large pit that requires the Longshot to get past. Are people confusing it with the room outside the entrance with all the torches? The first room inside the Deku Tree is...
  15. VikzeLink

    Happy birthday Azy!

    Happy birthday Azy!
  16. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 618!

    Last week's Question: The Legend of Zelda LEGO was recently announced! Is this something you're interested in? Third Place: Sure, but I'm not going to seek it out, but should I happen upon it... (15.4%) Second Place: Nah, not for me (30.8%) First Place: Not really, but wouldn't say no being...
  17. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 617!

    Oh hey! Welcome back! :^^: For me, I had LEGO as a kid, but now I don't really care much. Also I wouldn't know where to keep it, I don't have the room for it XD But I think it's really cool that it exists for those who wants it!
  18. VikzeLink

    Do you still actively play on the Switch?

    Yep, still got stuff to play on it! Currently playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and that game is a BEAST!
  19. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 617!

    Last week's Question: Do you expect any Zelda-news in a possible June-direct? Third Place: Only About the Movie (12.5%) Second Place: No (37.5%) First Place: Maybe (50.0%) I agree with that "maybe", it's too hard to predict this year. We're just in such a "between-time" when it comes to...
  20. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 616!

    Last week's Question: Link has had horses (mostly Epona) and a bird as pets before (also sorta a cow in OoT), but would you like him to have something else as a pet in a game? Third Place: Another farm-animal (9.1%) Second Place: Draw between "A dog", "Some wild animal" & "A...
  21. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 615!

    Last week's Question: What is your favorite sleeping character to wake up? (Part 2) Third Place: None (0.0%) Second Place: Draw between "The Maku Tree (OoS)" & "Yerbal (SS)" (16.7% each) First Place: Draw between "The Wind Fish (LA)" & "Beedle (BotW/TotK)" (33.3% each) Very low activity in...
  22. VikzeLink

    Majora's Mask Help

    I'm guessing you're talking about Snowhead Temple? If you've gotten into the dungeon, you've got everything you need to beat it, plus of course the item you get in the dungeon itself. That dungeon can be a bit confusing if you're not used to it, so I understand. In case you didn't know, you can...
  23. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 614!

    Last week's Question: What is your favorite sleeping character to wake up? (Part 1) Third Place: Draw between "Camper (ALttP)", "Zelda (SS)" & "Kaneli (BotW)" (8.3% each) Second Place: Captain Keeta (MM) (25.0%) First Place: Talon (OoT) (50.0%) The sleepy farm dad is the best to wake from...
  24. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 613!

    I love the sound he makes when Talon wakes up from a Cucco! He truly is the best at waking up fast and sudden out of this bunch XD
  25. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 613!

    Last week's Question: What is your favorite "Bottle Quest" in Majora's Mask? Third Place: Beaver Race (9.1%) Second Place: Koume's Target Shooting Mini-game (3DS) (18.2%) First Place: Draw between "Goron Racing" & "Defend the cows from Them" (36.4% each) It's seems to me that people like the...
  26. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 612!

    It has got to be Goron Racing for me. Although it can be frustrating at times, rolling around as a goron is just satisfying on its own. And the music slaps!
  27. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 612!

    Last week's Question: Which dungeon in Twilight Princess has the best music? Third Place: Draw between "Arbiter's Grounds", "Temple of Time", "City in the Sky" & "Palace of Twilight" (8.3% each) Second Place: Draw between "Forest Temple" & "Snowpeak Ruins" (16.7% each) First Place: Hyrule...
  28. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 611!

    The question was about the music in the dungeons, not the color schemes ;)
  29. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 611!

    Last week's Question: In case of a new villain, what type of villain would you like it to be? Third Place: None (0.0%) Second Place: Strong, but slightly dumb (14.3%) First Place: Draw between "Cunning, but not very powerful" & "Other (describe)" (42.9% each) Things have really changed since...
  30. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 610!

    I'd like to see someone like General Onox again, mostly a big, strong brute that just crushes everything!
  31. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 610!

    Last week's Question: What is your favorite design for Moblins? Third Place: Draw between "LA/OoS/OoA Moblins", "OoT Moblins", "SS Moblins" & "BotW/TotK Moblins" (11.1% each) Second Place: Nintendo Land Battle Quest Moblins (22.2%) First Place: WW Moblins (33.3%) Not such a surprising winner...
  32. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 609!

    Last week's Question: Who do you think is the best potion-maker? Third Place: Crazy Tracy (18.2%) Second Place: Syrup (27.3%) First Place: Link (BotW/TotK) (45.5%) Even if a majority of you guys thinks that Link is the best one at making potions, I'd argue that he just experiments and is lucky...
  33. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 608!

    Syrup is in so many different games, always cooking up potions! Gotta pick her!
  34. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 608!

    Last week's Question: Which desert from the series seems to be the most inhospitable? Third Place: None (0.0%) Second Place: Draw between "Desert of Mystery (ALttP, ALBW)", "Yarna Desert (LA)", "Desert of Doubt (FSA)" & "Gerudo Desert (TP)" (8.3% each) First Place: Haunted Wasteland (OoT)...
  35. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 607!

    Yea, Haunted Wasteland may not be the most scorching desert on this list, but the eternal sandstorm is more than enough to make it the worst place to be
  36. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 607!

    Last week's Question: What is your favorite written language in the Zelda-series? Third Place: None (0.0%) Second Place: Draw between "Old Hylian (OoT, MM)", "New Hylian (WW, FSA, MC, PH, ST)", "Modern Hylian (TP)" & "Reworked Hylian (ALBW, TFH, BotW, ToTK)" (16.7% each) First Place: Mudoran...
  37. VikzeLink

    How often do you try something new at a restaurant?

    Almost never. I have a problem with trying new foods, because 95% of the time I either dislike it, or just don't care for it. I don't want it to be that way, so I do taste new things from time to time, but my taste buds generally say "Nah bro, not for us". So if I'm at a restaurant it'd be an...
  38. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 606!

    I always thought New Hylian looked really neat, though I must confess that I wouldn't be able to tell the different writtings apart if I just saw them next to eachother XD
  39. VikzeLink

    Binge or one at a time??

    I only watch 1 episode at a time. Never binge. That way, I then have time aftewards to reflect on what happened in that episode and think about the show, theorize about what might happen and just let all the events sink in. That way I'm also much more excited when I watch the next episode. For...
  40. VikzeLink

    What's Your Favourite Pokémon Generation/Game?

    I started with gen 2, and it'll most likely always be number one for me (especially if the series keeps on going as it has been for the past couple of gens). I don't know how many times I've replayed the gen 2 games by now, they're just that good. But gen 5 comes close for me, I really wish they...
  41. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 606!

    Last week's Question: What is your favorite type of plant in the series? Third Place: Draw between "Peahat" & "Other" (9.1% each) Second Place: Draw between "Grass" & "Maku Tree(s)" (18.2%) First Place: Deku Tree (45.5%) I still can't believe I forgot to put Bomb Flowers in there... At least I...
  42. VikzeLink

    Happy birthday ex!

    Happy birthday ex!
  43. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 605!

    BOMB FLOWERS!!! How did I forget Bomb Flowers! Dammit XD I didn't include Koroks or Kikwi as they have no roots and thus aren't really growing plants in any way. They just happen to be made out of wood
  44. VikzeLink

    Peter Pan Is A Kokiri And No One Can Tell Me Otherwise

    Long before the Kokiri was even a thing, Link's outfit was originally based off of Peter Pan, so you're sorta close XD
  45. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 605!

    Last week's Question: What is your favorite Spirit Tracks exclusive enemy? (Part 2) Third Place: Draw between "The Legendary Hero (ALttP, LA, OoS, OoA)", "The Hero of Winds (WW, PH)", "The Minish Hero (MC)", "The Hero of Light (FSA)" & "The Hero of the Wild (BotW, TotK)" (10.0% each) Second...
  46. VikzeLink

    The first time you played Super Mario Bros

    I got Super Mario Bros. Deluxe for Gameboy color from my grandpa on my 7th birthday. I was never able to beat it back then, but I have since beaten it for my youtube-channel
  47. VikzeLink

    Akira Toriyama Has Died

    :kawaii: Dragon Ball is the only manga series I own, and I started reading them when I was like 10... And later I watched the entire series, both original (which I prefer) and Z. I'm very sad to hear of this, may he rest in peace
  48. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 604!

    I'd want to see the Link from Zelda 1 and 2 again, just for the coolness factor of having the "original" hero appear again
  49. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 604!

    Last week's Question: What is your favorite Spirit Tracks exclusive enemy? (Part 2) Third Place: Gerune (16.7%) Second Place: Heatoise (33.3%) First Place: Sir Frosty (50.0%) The snowman that throws his own head at you to attack wins! This week's question: Which Link would you like to see...
  50. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 603!

    Same for me. They felt very unique for being a Zelda-enemy
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