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  1. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Yes thank you for hosting!!
  2. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    No bigs I played awful. Sorry for being wrong on you
  3. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    GGs woofies
  4. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    There's a number of reasons why this isn't a direct clear.
  5. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Mmm yes but like I would be hard CCd if I faked it I would think Anyways. What mechanical evidence lock clears you Ex?
  6. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    If Alana is scum I'll cry.
  7. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    What "mechanical evidence" hard leans you town pray tell?
  8. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I need to sleep so I can go to work tonight. Probably miss EoD. So I'll do this now. I've softed my flavor quite loudly. I'm vanilla as **** but my flavor should lock me town That's about all I got. I've been struggling with mafia for a while now... I'm lost and can't find my game so I've...
  9. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Well that's cool I voted for pressure but it's turned into a real read based on reaction and further info so
  10. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I think the AtE is fake quite frankly. And I think the drunkness makes the behavior more obvious tbh tbh
  11. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    The drunkness is kind of part of why I think this behavior is wolfy *shrugs*
  12. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I'm extremely self aware and I talk about things I'd do as wolf truthfully as wolf and town so *shrugs*
  13. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    And i should have been killed for it lol
  14. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    @Whoever I voted Ex cause I thought his posts where weird. Sean voted for pressure and his instant reaction was to like go into hyperdrive about how town he is but that's all he's saying. So i put a 2nd vote there to see what would happen and I'm unimpressed Than Mikey outs and now I'm sold...
  15. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    AtE is a wolfy trait :/
  16. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    So anyways when I flip town turbo yeet Ex and than do whatever kthx I never target Ex twice in a row. Ffs I never target Ex once.
  17. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I'm not.
  18. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Vote: Ex
  19. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I feel like I'm being pocketed...I dunno
  20. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    vote: DawningWinds
  21. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I quite frankly don't understand that read
  22. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Me: Neon you need to stop TRing your friends every game you're in Also Me: I think Minish is town
  23. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

  24. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Why though?
  25. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Sadly I'm not I just have been lost in mafia for a while and I can't figure out why or how to fix it
  26. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Happy Holidays!!!
  27. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I'm honestly so lost this game. But I'm town.
  28. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    unvote jfc I'm so lost this game
  29. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    vote: Mikey
  30. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I feel you right now. I feel awful about my play.
  31. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

  32. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

  33. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    vote: Kirino
  34. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Where is everyone
  35. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I need to sleep. If Rubik obv towns before EoD don't let death come. I feel bad about myself right now I like Rubik
  36. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Le gasppppp
  37. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Top 10 anime betrayals
  38. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Smart cause I'm still town vote: Rubik
  39. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I don't town read you and your a wagon
  40. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I'm not scum but I don't see who else I should vote
  41. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I just have... nothing better
  42. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    vote: Sean
  43. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Wait I'm at 2 votes lol
  44. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Botan best girl
  45. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    Anyways. I dunno could be anything. So many cool Villains lol
  46. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    https://yuyuhakusho.fandom.com/wiki/Three_Kings_Saga More info
  47. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I'd probably have done a GF a Ninja and some killing role or maybe a generic goon if I was building the game off the 3Ks as mafia but like limited power and ****
  48. Princess Abigail

    Game Thread Yu Yu Hakusho Mafia

    I think it's following show alignment and specifically the three kings arc which fits with the first flip and 3 mafia being in the original set up. https://yuyuhakusho.fandom.com/wiki/The_Three_Kings This is a quick rundown of 3K I dunno I might be wrong there's a lot of really cool...
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