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  1. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Im srry bro, this thread is dead. :( SW isnt rly gonna brainstorm for a new game so far...
  2. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Okay, I'm officially reviving this thread once more to its former glory! *Uses the Triforce to revive the Zelda Races Game 2* Now, back to business... New Game! Every alliance is broken! All wars are finished! Every race's items are replenished! Anyone new can join!
  3. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    *Shoves sword through Zelda Races Game 2* Okay, this thread will officially die in 12 hours. *waves goodbye to the thread*
  4. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Sigh. No one really checks out the group page unless we tell them to in the thread SW :dry: You thought wrong. I'm making the item list. *stabs SW* In this game each player chooses which race they will be, the races are: Hylian, Gerudo, Sheikah, Zora, Goron, or Kokiri. At the start of the game...
  5. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Who the f*ck goes on the group page?! *stabs SW* Yes, I consider not posting or viewing a thread for a month to be ignoring! Now, help us remake it or ignore this thread. If you don't do either, I'll de-rep/report you for your avatar.
  6. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Yes. Want to help? *stabs SW* I'm making some new item lists. Do you want a race added?
  7. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Okay, I am tired with this bullshi*t! *stabs SW* She doesn't care about this game, and ignores every VM regarding the game I send her! SW's just obsessed with that mother****ing Yaoi, so let's just make the Triforce quest ourselves! I'll make some new things for the game. Anyone want to help?
  8. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    *Stabs Zelda Races Game 2* I guess it has 12 hours to live... *Heals Zelda Races Game 2 with a fairy* So, what's our plan of action?
  9. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Important Announcement: Everyone go in our group page and post, post, post! I made a new discussion that you cannot miss!!!
  10. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    We should introduce the new healing system and some rupees... Plus we should just make different weapons and such. OW and I could change the item lists again... Plus we could give it a new name and introduce new people to this game!
  11. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    What's going on here?! Why didn't anyone ask the kings permission?! Just kidding! :lol: Anyway, could we start a new game SW? Change alliances, make new ideas, and overall start fresh?
  12. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    *Mounts horse and runs over SW* It's de ja vu all over again! :clap:
  13. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    *Drink's lon lon milk* The pokemon anime was the best!!! Until Ash turned his hat backwards... It went downhill from there... 5/5
  14. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    O.o Please excuse my ignorance for anime. (I'm starting to read manga ^^) *Shoves sword into SW's head* 5/5
  15. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    I bet you even look like Ganondorf if you really are 17 and grew a chin curtain! :lol:
  16. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Why is it that no one plays anymore?! *Stabs OW* We really should just make a new game or delete this SW.
  17. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Maybe, like my game, the races play a role to it. And you progress by allying and defeating the other races.
  18. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    *Shoots bow at OW's crystal on his forehead* We should have money back. Or at least the triforce quest, I have never experienced it! Is it fun? 5/5
  19. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    *Runs up to OW and shoves my sword though his head and pulls out* Like this? Surprisingly, that only counts as a hit O.o 5/5
  20. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    ...if the Gerudo fight a hylian: We have toon link on our side! :clap: This counters BIg Mac's signature. Is anyone here? I feel abandoned. *walks out of Hyrule due to lack of players* If no one plays here because they don't win, that's saddening. Maybe we should start over if that's the...
  21. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    How about you put the Alakazam and those moves Right-oriented? Is anyone here? What happened to Ooccoo Watcher?! Did he die O.o?
  22. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Perrrfect.! :lol: 30303030303030
  23. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Lol Big Mac! You should write on the top of your sig "in Zelda, I play as link to defeat ganondorf..." And then on the bottom... Epic Fail!!! :lol:
  24. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    WW Ganondorf is much better in my opinion because he already flooded Hyrule, and plans to take over the rest. Plus he wares a cool robe with duel swords in the shape of a Harp at the cross guard.
  25. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Are you trying to act like WW ganondorf? He has a robe, not cape. 30303030303030303003300
  26. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Go to page 92 and read forward. 3030303030300303030300303030
  27. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Like your manly sheik that made out with link?! The artist specifically wrote it wasn't Yaoi! (pretends it never happened after sheik said so) So... If someone where to stab SW again, she would have twelve hours left. *prepares to stab SW with a dagger*
  28. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    True! :lol: I do that at times. So, anyone want some lon lon milk? You still have my gifted two bottles BM.
  29. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    War! :D 3030303030030303030303030303003030 For those who never heard of these games, lucky you! :lol:
  30. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    *stabs SW again for having TP to undergo that* So, who likes war? I know I do :D
  31. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Stop teaching my sister disgusting things!!! *Stabs SW for talking about the "cycles"* Good luck with having a Redead come out...
  32. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Doesn't the baby have to come out though?! How does a redead/twili baby die if it's not alive?
  33. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Anyone want to throw me in prison? 30303030303030303030303030303030
  34. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Too bad TwiliPrincess can always teleport me out. :dry: like this: I didn't even have to think hard about that one. :dry: That eliminates imprisoning me.
  35. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Yep ^^ That game was rather fun to beat because after the master sword was shoved into his head, he became the pedestal of time number 2: Didn't know you watched avatar! :clap: Verry good series if I do say so myself.
  36. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    People can call it season 3! The only book worth calling a book is Earth! Go Toph and Appa:D
  37. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    These will be the events that shall be resulted if the Gerudo dare to destroy a ranch: Any other location is fine :lol: I'm just partial to ranches nowadays cuz of Harvest Moon ToT.
  38. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    For the record, I won the pic fight! But I think SW hates me now... That is something you do not want to happen to you guys!!! *eye twitches* Anyone want to watch Avatar season 3? *grabs a bowl of popcorn*
  39. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    The picture begs to differ!!! *dismounts horse and uses a Tempered Sword slash on SW* One hit left! Stop cussing! Sheik can be a guy for all he cares! That would mean link is weird! And that doesn't bother me cuz Flat is better!
  40. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    *rides horse over SW once more* Don't get @lex involved!!!
  41. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    *drinks lon lon milk and runs over SW with horse* You still started it!
  42. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    You mother@#$% of a @#$% living with a big @#$%^$# of a Sheikah!!! You started this!
  43. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    *runs away and quickly mounts horse* That's what you get if you try to blackmail a Hylian. *rides off to Clock Town* You say sorry first.
  44. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Or they are the reason why your race is almost extinct. You married Sheik?! O.o I bet you are disappointed. Then again, you have 20 some other husbands.
  45. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Yep ^^ Crack is best if you can reincarnate :lol: Jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk! What are those redeads doing O.o if the sheikah have lived there for millenia-I bet they did that to them and made "shadow people" :lol:
  46. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Dark skin? Fair hair? All I see is Sheik after confronting a little bear :lol:!!! If that's what you call power, I don't want any of that. :lol:
  47. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Exhibit A, a "young" and "powerful" member of the sheikah: Exhibit B, your "brave" and favorite member of the Sheikah in perfect disguise :lol: : Enough said...
  48. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    I happen to know that the drift is known as blackmail at places, and a picture of a Flat epic face is not exactly embarrasing.
  49. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    Never mind. It's rather violent to think about...
  50. ComposerBrother

    The Zelda Races Game 2

    *stabs OW* Is anyone here? 30303030303030
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