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Chilfo Freeze
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  • My profile picture? Well it's not from an anime or manga scene. It's more like fan art for a couple that support from Pokémon. It is known as Luckyshipping.
    Chilfo Freeze - Today 05:10 PM
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    I half-expected a mega-blogpost on the band.

    Hm, alright, you're always up for the task, eh? Thanx.

    I have good news, Chilfo, if you call them that. No, really, I do. Someone replied back and answered my doubts. I can use any font and size, but 11-14 in size is recommended, so I might go with 14, just to make the book longer in pages. XD And the other problem I had was something that has to do with the copyright page found at the start of every book. All I need to do is work something out from any book that has such a page and I am set to go. So, yeah, my heart is threatening to come out of my chest right now, so excited! :D

    I will pm you what I got later tonight, because right now I am running short on time. I am waiting for a call because I am going out to dinner. But you will get the chapters ASAP.

    And what I mean is that when you read the stuff I send you, do you think it flows good enough to be called a story? I think I would need help going deeper into some stuff, like describing more surroundings and adding other stuff that I could. When I read what I have, it sounds rushed to me at times, but it is really not that bad, maybe it's just me who thinks that way. You will judge for yourself later on when you get the chapters. And oh, please don't show anyone. ~Ats
    Oh is it? Then I know where to hit you. :P

    Sure, if you want. If not, just listen me out.

    I posted in that site just now, asking about the font and other questions I had. If you wanna read what I posted, I can give you a link to the site's forums. Gawd I seem like a total newbie. :P But hey, I am new at this self publishing stuff, so I guess I cool with it. Besides, it is not the first time that I asked there for help. Anyway, now you can see how serious I am about this. I really need your help with what I said in that pm, Chilfo, I just want to know whether what you read is good enough to be printed, even if it is not professional-looking.
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