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  • Oh awesome! How is Kid Icarus? I don't yet have a 3DS but if I get one I definitely want to try out Uprising.
    Ahhh I see what you did there! :clap: So you have a cat, awesome! Now, switching the topic from household pets, lol, what games are you currently playing? :P

    So... Guess we gotta do this the old fashioned way. Hiiiiiiiiiiii Zelinkyyyyyyyy!!! What's up?
    Kiwi? Sounds familiar, but I haven't really seen the show in forever! And sorry, I guess I figured as a dog person, as most people seem to be. I like cats too, but if I bring it up to my parents, they're like, "No way!" I already have a dog, but cats look very snuggiable...
    Code Lyoko! I remember that! My favorite was Odd, but thinking about it now, why was he a cat? o_O Lol anyways, yeah, old Sokka would have been cool, like Katara's age. And yes, Midna was a great character. I always hated her at first, but then the Zant scene came and Midna's Lament started playing, and I was like, "Nooooo! Don't die! :kawaii:"
    Nice! Yeah Korra was a bit disappointing, still really good, but compared to last airbender, meh... I like Sonic too, Zelda, Tales of games, and others. My favorite video games of all time are probably Portal 2, Twilight Princess, and Tales of Symphonia. I'm also a huge anime nerd, my favorites being Fullmetal Alchemist, Soul Eater, and Naruto! :xd:
    Yeah I watch Korra, or did, before the season ended. I really liked it, how bout you? What other kinds of things are you into?
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