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  • Your character knowing mine's true name.... and a little control would be interesting. Leo can't refuse.... hm.... maybe... since the whole thief thing.... and should I reveal gender?
    Hmmm? Oh. [*VIDEO](Insert video url here)[/VIDEO] Minus the * of course...

    There are shortcuts for stuff like this in the text boxes actually...Insert Image and Insert Video buttons.
    Oof, guess you don't know how to use most of the BB Code thingies or whatever, huh?

    [*spoiler](Inserte text or image here)[/spoiler] Simple as that, minus the * of course, but that's how you make a spoiler

    You're welcome...oh, and one more thing, if you want it centered like your previous sig then just use the center code.

    [*CENTER](Place the image here)[/CENTER] <--- Of course, once again that * must be removed, but once done properly...

    Everything will be positioned in the middle of the given space
    Well, you need to use the image code for it of course, just like how the image code was used for your current sig...

    [*IMG]http://oi50.tinypic.com/29nfqtx.jpg[/IMG] <---Like that only get rid of the * between the bracket and the I in the first
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