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  • I just realized my fifth anniversary is today lol.

    And the christmas stuff is already starting to creep in with the halloween stuff, it's crazy.
    I guess the world may never know :P

    It's hard to believe it's October already

    My 5th year anniversary with ZD is coming up
    I remember you posting about it in the Things On your mind thread.

    I think I was the one that made the joke about it being a real life moderator :P

    How is it going for you?
    According to Owly my status was no longer available. So thanks owly because now, Owly, I will update my status into something Owlyish :P
    I think it may be time to update your status again. I don't remember it being "This Facebook post is no longer available. It may have been removed or the privacy settings of the post may have changed." :P
    Sorry for bugging you for the millionth time xD
    But is a Zelda spoiler image as the central point of a signature, allowed? This game was released in 2013 (A Link Between Worlds). Or is the game old enough for it to be ok? Just want to make sure ^^
    Yes it is allowed.So no worries :)
    Great! Thanks :D
    Heya Vee! :D I tried to change my avatar recently. My current one is 559 KB. I wanted to change it to this but I got an error message saying the file shouldn't exceed 500 KB. So I reduced the size of the file to 475 KB yet still I'm receiving the same error message. Is the avatar limit less than 500 KB?
    That is weird. You should be able to use that avatar. I don't think I can change it for you so maybe you should try to ask Jimmu or Djinn. or did it work for you after all? I've been away and just returned home so maybe you solved it in the meantime.
    Nope, it hasn't worked yet. I'll ask one of them then, thank you Vee
    Hello! I was wondering if I could ask of something. I recently returned to this site, and I was wanting to take down my two threads, Lost In Termina and Shadows over Termina. They're really old fanfics of mine, and Lost In Termina has been rewritten and Shadows is still currently being worked on (though the one posted here is inaccurate to my current plot and old chapters have been redone as well.). So I was wanting to start fresh and repost them since the old ones are very much out of date. I hope I am not being a bother by asking~ c:
    Okay I just got home. Do you want me to delete your former threads so you can post the new ones you rote? Okay, I can do that for you :)
    Thank you so much, much appreciated! :D
    You're very welcome ;)
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