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  • ELLO!!!!!!! /you is hyper, hmm? Lol, nothing new there =D.
    Not much is up here. Just hanging around. You?
    Heyy SL! I've started making userbars! Check it out:
    Hi small link. Im just posting here becuaseim bored and I wish you were on ZD now because i could ask you to go on runescape becuase im bored out of my skull becuase my friend didnt show up becuase- Well, thats a long sentence. Anyway, Just thought id post sometihng here.
    I just don't see why i should leave you there... We don't talk to each other in centuries, so...
    oh man, *points down to SK's VM* that kinda sucks...I'm sorry chicka. :(

    Okay.....your Christmas sounded....AWESOME! That's cool, *is happy for ya*. :)

    My Christmas? Welllll....hm...I just kinda hung out at home with the fam...it was actually pretty cool. Just nothing to really highlight. :P

    Sorry I'm not around all that much these days btw...*has health issues*

    Well, be seeing ya! :wave:
    I've noticed... But it has been along time since we talked. But nothing much is up with me except a couple things. For one I just got to adult Link in Orcarina of Time. But thats around it. What about you??
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