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  • well, i do really like TP... just bacause of the art style. i felt like i was really there... it was so realistic.... but yeah... Minish Cap, Twilight Princess, and Majora's Mask are my top contenders for the best Zekda game... ^^
    I'd have to say OoT... just because it's just... so beautiful... so vast and... unique and amazing...

    what's yours?
    i was in a thread, i can't think of the one off the top of my head... but your posts were funny... like, really funny... and i thought "wow, this guy's cool"
    I've played Jetpack, which was Rareware's first game ever on Donkey Kong 64 since playing it is required to beat the game. It was pretty good, at the time it was made at least.

    And I too, love Sonic. ;)
    Mine are OoT (Gerudo Valley)(Spirit) MM(Stone Tower and Deku Palace)(Stone Tower) TP(Hidden Skill and Village, Hyrule Field,)(Arbiter’s Grounds) AlttP(Sanctuary and Hyrule Castle)(I just loved all the dungeons I can’t choose just 1)
    Stone Mask love killing Takkuri for money.
    World Peace(like no wars peace.)
    What are you talking about?

    Your Fav LoZ game/games, Fav BGM/BGMs, and Fav Dungeon in those games?, Fav MM mask EXCLUDE the Deku, Goron, Zora , and Fierce Deity Mask?, and your Triforce wish?

    Plan on getting SwS? Same with OoT 3D/ already own OoT 3D?
    Unfortunately, some people don't think that way, and wouldn't be very understanding about it.

    Glad you don't mind random messages~ :D

    I had eggs for breakfast. ^___^
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