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  • 12345
    The anime was great, no doubt. If you want some more after watching all 14 episodes of it, that's when the manga comes into play. ^^ The anime was made before the manga was completed, so yeah.
    If it is only 14 episodes then I simply must watch it whenever I have the time. It is such an old classic and I've only heard good things about it. But I'm not a super fan of gore which might come in the way a little bit. :S
    That show is a splatterfest that easily trumps Tarantino films. It also has quite a lot of nudity scenes, but the story itself is a picaresque and tragic tale that has been intricately forged, regardless of its omnipotent display of violent and sexual imageries, it still is worth at least a view. Trust me, I know that I do not regret watching it. ^^
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