Aero_Dynamic Sep 27, 2011 Um... you seem cool lol? Lots of people ask me why I friend them, but I friend them 'cuz I do. Lol, sorry for the fail explanation X<
Um... you seem cool lol? Lots of people ask me why I friend them, but I friend them 'cuz I do. Lol, sorry for the fail explanation X<
Z Z zeldahuman Sep 23, 2011 Dude, I lost power, adn JUST got it back... ugh, I think I'mma go shower...
ZeldaHunter Sep 22, 2011 Cool, and I know you don't like to read, but can you check out my fan-fic I'm starting. Please :puppy:
Cool, and I know you don't like to read, but can you check out my fan-fic I'm starting. Please :puppy: