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  • I really hated it because it had animals in it! Animals don't get trained by themselves, they hit the animals to train them D: That's why I don't like it.
    Well, I got there at around 1 o'clock, and I left at 11. When I got there, I went on heaps of rides, and yes, i did go on the flying saucer! It was so fun, but my sister and my friend was freaking out because it literally went upside down and the only thing keeping you up was a metal bar. Then we went on the Tango Train, it was the best ride of all. Hard to explain though. And then, the rotor. I got sticked to the wall like a magnet, and the floor went down and your feet came off the floor. Then it started spinning around in circles! But I got off with just a bruise on my arm :P I was sore after that, but then I went back on the ferris wheel... And i am petrified of heights.. Above water! Then I went on the Wild Mouse, like a miniutre Roller Coaster, scary but awesome. And then I came back home at 8 o'clock the same night...

    ~I wish I could go back, haha~ Yeah, and that's a rough story of what I did ^^
    Well, at the beginning, middle, and end, there were elephant rides. I never went but. Near the beginning, there was an act with a girl and 6 white horses. The horses went around the ring, and they spun around with another horse, and they went different directions. It was cool to see. There was another one with a man, and he had this huge pot, and would do some basketball moves with the pot. He also threw the pot, and it landed on his head, then he started spinning in circles, but somehow the pot stayed and did not spin. Another one was with a girl, and she had two elephants. They did things, like standing up, bowing, standing on a stool, spinning, things like that. The last act had a circle attached to a long, but steady pole, and the pole was stuck from the middle to the pole base. A man went inside the circle, and a girl at the bottom spun the pole. The man started to fly or something when the pole caught speed, and the circle was at the top. He did some cool moves. Then, he started to walk around the outside of the circle juggling things. Once, he juggled torches on fire! Then, at the end, he walked the outside of the circle blindfolded. He was so closed to falling. That time, the whole circus gasped and held their breath. He was safe luckily :P
    I actually pretty sure it is...

    any who, what's up? I'm getting me a gameboy!! :D
    Well, seeing as you saw me yesterday I thought your dress was lovely and I was in my purple one. Well. You know that.
    Hi Pop! Surprisingly, I still have nothing to say... Oh, and I noticed that you put my name in your sig, thanks! I feel good that you count me as one of your friends. :D I'm not good at making and editing sigs, so I can't really do that. I don't even know how to make or edit sigs. Oh, and I love the whole star in the sky thing, it is really nice :D Sorry, I feel hyper. We just came back from a circus. Only a few performances were interesting, the rest were all boring. Ok, it's time for me to sleep, talk to you later!
    Yep, sure would be a coincidence.
    I came back from Luna park last night! It was soooo fun! Do you want me to tell you about it ?
    Cool, maybe if you come here, we could meet someday! Most people think that Kangaroo's are hopping around in our streets, but they're not :P We are sort of like... America in a way, but sort of different.. Never mind, it's sort of hard to explain, but if you ever get the chance to come to Australia, you will like it.
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