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  • Okay…so you've basically given up on DragCave and have moved over to PokePlushies? I have to say that DragCave is more fun. Nothing on PokePlushies can really die except for Dinomon.
    Yep, it will turn out well, she's already more then half done, I think.

    On PokePlushies I name my adoptables random things…such random things. I named the spicy ball thing Yuck. I never bother changing the names…and what do you mean you put my egg into your signature? Did you mean that you just named one after me?
    Yes! That's them.

    And I'm good. My sister is redesigning her room. She painted it purple and it reorganizing her furniture. It looks so cool! It's not done yet though, her room's still a mess, I believe :P
    You can use whatever you want, Poppy, you don't even have to count with me. :P And yeah, I am waiting to read that story of yours. XD

    And yeah, I am cool, Poppy, cool as you, cooler than ice, etc. :P I'm off to lunch, talk to you later. If you leave and I come back and you are not online, Ima leave like ten vms for you. ^^
    Yea of course!!
    Lolz, Brilliant, Popz, you just made my day. Alright, I will go write a bit now, maybe I can introduce your character soon. Don't worry, I will somehow let you know when your character is introduced. XD Have fun.
    Ah, I am sorry to hear that, Popz. I do hope you nail that story down soon. And thank you, I will keep my stories going strong, hopefully you will enjoy reading them. XD
    Yes, it hatched because it's 'somewhere around the end of July'. The eggs on PokePlushies don't need clicks to hatch. Did you know that I have an account on PokePlushies as well? I'm "Swimchao". I made the account back when I was still obsessed with Chao…
    I never thought that naming a dragon after somebody was considered too nice :P

    I want to do it with as many members as I can. :)
    Haha, don't worry about it, Pops. So, how is that story coming? Have you given up on it? XD I am working on the pirate one...lolz, it should be up sometime soon, the new one, I mean.
    You choose ;)

    I was thinking about naming my hatchlings, the Day Glory and Night Glory ones after you and Meego, but it turns out the Night Glory one ended up being a male :P

    So, you choose which one. I looked at your scroll and the only dragon on there was Night-comet. Why aren't you raising dragons anymore?
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