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PK Love Omega
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  • Tony Kemp, you cannot be growing a mustache already.

    How's it been? Sorry I haven't been that active, I feel like I ditched you a little bit.
    Well, try 500x150.500x200 is also another size you can use,but I don't use it too much, I like using 400x150
    Saving it as a PNG would merge all the layers together, so yeah that would do nothing. Keep it as a PSD file so you can edit the layers you want to fix, when you are done fixing it. Save it as a PNG.
    What I mean by jpeggy, it looks pixely. For the render, all I can say that you don't need to blur it that much.Oh, and instead of using a blur filter, trying using the smudge brush. It dose give cool effects if you a have a light flow, that's how I got my effects in my signature.Pretty much that's all I can tell you...
    ...I'm sorry what?

    The forums went down for about 5 min initially when Mases had to make a backup in preparation for an update. When the backup was done, David turned the forums off in order to update them, and he put up that silly message about me and Austin breaking the forums as a joke. Updates tend to cause things to break when done incorrectly or incompletely, which was the case here. We had problems with the update, so the forums went down again as David tried to fix some of the glaring issues. Austin and I had NOTHING to do with anything breaking. He and I joke around sometimes, but we never actually jeopardize the forums in the process.
    No, it's that Gaepora is the one taking the bath at night... you know how Karane complains that someone's in the bath? Yeah, it's Gaepora...

    :dry: Stupid...
    Thanks so much! It's perfect! is there any way you could make it 50x50 ans amller than 15kB? That's the limited size reqirement on deviantART. Thanks again for making it!
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