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  • Ha,ha,ha! I'm surprise you didn't add me.
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    Reactions: Pen
    Haha yeah I was surprised too actually! I was certain I was already following you, but I guess not. DX
    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    Oh it's alright. ^^
    I miss your old skool avatar!
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    Reactions: Pen and Mido
    I'm with Dan on this. It's like you think that you're some sort of ninja, or something.... O.O
    I unlocked you in Meme Wars
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    XD Sounds like a good time! Does my character serve you well in the battle against the frontline Bokoblins?
    Happy birthday Pendio! :) I didn't know we had the same one!
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    Reactions: Pen
    Oh hehe thanks a lot! And a happy birthday to you too, Zelda13! :D I hope you get an amazing day! ;)
    Thanks, it was! :)
    Happy Birthday, Pendio! I saw the notification on Skype, so I hope I'm right on the timing. I hope you have a wonderful day and continue to be happy with Ari. ^^
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    Don't worry about late replies, mate! I have a bad habit with that too sometimes. Besides, you're not even that late hehe. Anyway, that sounds cool! I don't know a whole lot about either chemistry or psychology, however psychology does sound interesting to me. I'm studying game development with a music and sound profile at the university. I'm on my second year and it's a lot of fun and very educative thus far. ^^
    A Link In Time
    A Link In Time
    I'll admit that I have a mix of jealousy and admiration for your direction. Jealousy because I suck at playing any musical instruments lol, but I also have to give you huge props for following the direction you truly love. Any idea what kind of a job you'd like to have in music and sound in the future?
    Composing music for games would be the most awesome. Composing music for movies or something would be cool too! I'd be happy with any music related job. Maybe I'll be doing music halftime and something else halftime. I don't know but I imagine anything could happen. You don't HAVE to play instruments in order to compose. I know at least one of my classmates plays no instruments, yet he's able to make good music.
    tbh you're my favourite Swedish person :P That probably sounds weird though haha. In all srsness though, you're awesome. I met you through the CCC and I'm glad I did. I remember when I first saw your YT channel and I was like "holy **** this dude is good, and those are some slick shades". Then we started talking more and ya. You and Ari are super cute together and I wish you guys the best of luck in finding a place where you can settle down and be happy.

    Also I'm expecting a wedding invite in the mail ;)
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    Reactions: Pen
    Hehe that was so nice (and funny). ^^ I'm also so glad the CCC introduced us because you're super awesome too! That wedding invitation will reach you! Just you wait. ;)
    Hey, how ya been lately?
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    Reactions: Pen
    Hehe yeah I did know about your remix being on the podcast. I'm part of the podcast team as well. ^^

    You mentioned before that you're in college. Are you studying to become anything in particular?
    I'm currently working on a major in Information Technology. If all goes according to plan I'll have my Bachelor's before I'm 19! ^^ After that, I'm planning to get a Master's in Theology.

    Also, happy Birthday! I wanted to post a message yesterday, but I was busy all day, it was my sister, @Zelda13 's birthday too! :D
    Ah sounds cool! Good luck with your studies, mate! ;) bachelor's degree before the age of 19 would be very impressive. ^^

    And thank you so much! :D I had a good birthday! And yeah I did know that it was your sister's birthday too! She congratulated me, so I congratulated her back! :)
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