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  • ...I've invented cute seal-like creatures called scrumptious.Why this weird name?Cuz polar bears have a bad habit: They eat them as breakfast -.-...
    Thanks for the welcome, All the games I've played are written in my sig: it's takes a while to type them out again lol
    Yeah. I'm done it. I just got WW and so that will be my new project once school is done.
    Yeah, I saw it... It's nice!
    And thanks, by the way... But it's better on the paper...:(
    ok i could try it but erm ah i suppose i erm i dont know!!!!!!p.s try and work out what this means
    Hi have u seen pikachu butterfly yet and also who is that picture on your album
    hi meego! how are you i am soo bored i am soo very bored p.s have you clicked the link yet
    Well, thank-you. You seem very nice too. :)
    I don't think that the quest will stop anytime soon.
    I'm the villain, Meego. But my other character "Violet" is a hero.
    And just so you know, here are a few pointers:

    Don't act Godlike. Don't think you can randomly use new skills without learning them and...follow the rules. That's all. Have fun!
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