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Master Link
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  • Well, we have this ritual where we make a pineapple shrine and shoot arrows at each other's noses. It's pretty awesome. :cool:
    Hey Master Link ... I was told by Ver-go that you make some pretty cools sigs. Can I hire you haha??
    I got 600 posts! Yay
    Although that was the 3rd time I got it. =O
    There must be a conspiracy going on.
    And thanks! =D
    HHAHAHHAhA I knew it was pwnage ya well I'm into bleach a bit my cousin got me into the show.
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YEAH I was going to say that one next!!!!! LMAO I love the one where Angela buys the (i think $7000) cat???!!! And then the monitor is on the whole time the cats are...erm...uh...well you know what I mean lol. And everyone is watching!!!! Then when Angela comes back she coughs up a hairball?! WOW. Oh man thats so funny!!!!!!
    Oh sweetness! My family just got all of them on dvd, my whole family watches them. I love Stanley and of course Dwight. Have you seen the episode where Michael tells Stanley to pick any type of ice cream and when Stanley picks chocolate Michael goes, ''Racism is dead Stanley. You can have any flavor you want.'' Classic :)
    oh sorry i guess the message screwed up.......
    how long have you been watching it?'

    stupid 100 character rule.
    Yeah! Just making sure!!!! How long have you been watching?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    Hey!!!!!!!!!!!! you like the office???????? Me....Too............its. the.best .show. ever. its so funny
    Oh my gawd. Everything is so much less clear now. :xd:

    Just kidding. It's funny. That's The Office, right? I've never actually caught any of that show.
    hey masterlink, sorry i couldn't talk to you on skype (i was talking to other people already :P and i can't follow 2 different english conversations)
    I've heard about all the hype about it and usually i cant stand hype :xd: when i sit with my guy friends all they talk about is that! It sort of reminds me of fable. ever plyed that game? its soo fun
    Geez.... your avatar is starting to send shivers down my spines. ughhh... reminds me of the bloody mary rumor. with the mirror and stuff. thats wy i hate the bathroom :xd: so many mirrors. well A+ for making me have nightmares

    oh and ur runnescape person reminds me of a jedi with Link's equpitment
    Wow ML. What in the world is that in your avatar? It's like "O_O" inducing. It looks like someone plastered molten plastic against their face, and cut eye holes in it! o_O
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