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  • Thanks!! Sadly, I haven't been keeping up with my graphics thread lately, and so I have a lot of requests piled up on me right now... :sweat: There are quite a few people ahead of you in line for requests, so it may take some waiting, but I'll try to get to your signature and avatar as soon as possible! Thank you so much for requesting a signature from me!! I'll try to get to making it as soon as I can! ^^
    Hey there! Thanks for the friend request!! Oh, and by the way thanks for posting a request on my graphics thread too! :zelda:
    what? they can delete your account for no activity?:blank:D:
    dude, i'm so sorry for the long wait. but my computer crashed. so here is my response: Cool!:)
    cool riddle! i'ma gonna be figuring that one out.... TELL ME THE ANSWER! PLEASE!!!! :brow::brow::brow::brow::brow: you know you want to. :brow:
    i just beat the skyloft silent realm and i'm on the sky keep.
    I saw your Zelda flip note on my wii. It's so cool.
    my brother just beat levias and bilocyte!!! he is so AWESOME!!!!
    yea, same here. my brother could have the guardians on him for 5 minutes and he would still be able to hold them off. my legs were shaking so hard when he got the final tear.
    yea my brother, who's 12 helped me out a lot with the trials for nayru and din. my brother had almost all of the flying gaurdians on his tail. but he still got the tear on top of the lanayru mining facility entrance! he also beat din's silent realm too.
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