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Link Floyd
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  • Hey what's up Ari, how are you doing today:)? So tell me, what did you think about the xenoblade chronicles x directs?
    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    You're welcome, That's great to hear:). This is one of the best news I heard all day, it does my heart good to see other people on this site taking a liking to xenoblade chronicles x. Well they made a bundle with the game and the Wii U when it release in japan, but it might come to the West and other places too. Pendio is also interested in the game too, maybe you two can play online together ;-)
    Link Floyd
    Link Floyd
    Hehe yup. :3 It kinda reminds me of Final Fantasy.
    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    Well the guy who made this game also made the old Final Fantasy games ^_^
    Hey Ari, how are you doing today? I wanted to ask you a question, are you into JRPGs, or action JRPGs?
    Link Floyd
    Link Floyd
    No I haven't! Thanks for the videos. ^^ I will check em out tomorrow morning. :)
    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    Well its about humans trying to survive from two alien warring factions
    Triforce King
    Triforce King
    Your welcome ^_^. If I was you I start from Overview/Exploration, Battle, then DOLL / NETWORK in that order ^_^
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    Midna is one of my most favourite characters from the entire Legend of Zelda series. OwO
    Link Floyd
    Link Floyd
    Same uwu
    Mighty warrior of the CCC clan, may you please grace the CCC with a second of your time. May you please click "Like" under this post which I have linked in attempt to lessen your efforts? Your sacrifice and legend will be told throughout the ages. Thank you, brave lady.
    I realized you wrote a ZD fanfic today and I was scanning it. And you mentioned YuGiOh but you didn't mention Mathias. That has to be against the law. Mathias lives for YuGiOh :O

    Anyways, going to properly read it all from the start now :>
    Link Floyd
    Link Floyd
    I did not know he liked YuGiOh. D:
    Quite a powerful short film. I really felt for Karen, not just because she's really sexy, but because she was such a sensitive little flower deep down that most likely saw more in her husband. I know it's very important to use decent ketchup but that's no reason to beat such a delicate and fragile petite women.

    I actually cried at the end as Karen had sadly turned into a monster, her old personality completely destroy.
    Link Floyd
    Link Floyd
    I knew you would appreciate this work of art in all it's glory.
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