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  • 'Hoy Kappa! I just came back home from Berlin, it was a nice trip. How're ye doin'? :?
    I see, that's cool. :cool: You should write some kind of story with these characters, I think they have grand potential for it. One of the absolute most important things about a story is the characters in it, at least that's what I think. :)

    I'm going down to Berlin with my family tomorrow morning, and we'll be back on Saturday night. So, we'll chat more later. See you around! :chu:
    It's not a problem that there's a lot of text, I was just very tired last night. Anyway, I've read all of it now and I must say those are very interesting characters you got there. :) I especially like the backstories of Ascynthia, Emeri and Aridessa. It seems like you've put a lot of thought into them, and I really think you did great! :D And about Teledestria, there seem to be some important stuff regarding that planet. I'd very much like to know, considering I liked Emeri and Aridessa so much. ^^
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