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green goron
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  • Don't worry, it says in Williams' contract that he can return to the NBA when the lockout ends. He's the least of your worries, Brook Lopez needs to get better on defense and rebounding.

    Thanks for reading! Strange feeling about Colin, eh? I'm still thinking about what to do with Colin. I have a few endings planned out for him.
    The chapters are short, it shouldn't be too bad. No, I hate the Cavaliers, with and without LeBron. Do you like the Nets? They're looking better with Deron Williams.
    Yes, I knew you were a Celtics fan, but it's very exciting to know other's exist:P(here in Ohio nobody likes them). I can give you the link to the story if you'd like. It shouldn't be too hard to find. I hope you enjoy it when you read it.^^
    Hey Green goron,right now i'm planning to buy new 3ds games.I don't even have the system yet, but i'm sure i should have one on my birthday, june 29th.
    Heya green goron,everythings fine with me.Nothing that important happens around here.Excited about any new games?
    Happy birthday Green Goron! :triforce:

    Turning 15 huh, that's a great age (an age that I left a couple of months ago)! Anyway I would like to wish you a really happy birthday! :)
    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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