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  • What's up man? I think you're really gonna like it here. Such a friendly bunch of people on these forums. So what's your favorite genre of gaming?:P
    No problem :D Ive been playing ocarina of time,but Im also trying to get myself links awakening and at least one of the oracles
    hai, thank for your friend request..............................
    So, which game you are playing recently.?
    He isn't that popular yet but he is like the first game to go into 2.5D so he is pretty awesome plus he has a pacman symbol on his hat :P
    Hey, I regonize the characted in your Avvie, does his name begin with K, by any chance? By the way, welcome to ZD!
    Hello LANZZ, thanks for the welcome ^-^ Mostly im playing Majora's Mask and Ocarina of time mainly because I never beat them for some reason lol I'm kinda chain gaming,playing monster hunter,dragon quest 9 and 2 zelda games is a little insane XP
    Hai, welcome to zelda dungeon..Have fun and enjoy your stay. So, which game you playing recently?
    ah ty Tracker nice to meet you as well:DI couldnt stay away from here so i logged back on.
    Now then,i think im gonna go play LOZMM...cus i nva beat it -_- lol
    Hiya XP i just started today :D I plan on being an active member here so get ready to see my face alot:D
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