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  • Just wanted to let you know Hachi posted an email you can send your SS to ^^

    As you can imagine she hasnt had time to clean out her pm box yet D:
    *Wipes puke off face with rag*

    You call THAT a Worgen?

    THIS is a Worgen

    Not yet :O

    Some of the drop rates for quest items are ridiculous. I had a quest to collect Dreadhound blood. Me and my trusty imp minion head out into the wilderness of the Tirisfall Glades, spy a Dreadhound kiling a rabbit in the middle of a circle of trees, and attack. Me and my imp are down to 5% health by the time we have downed the beast, but we did it. I pull out my syringe, ready to collect a sample of the poor animal's blood, plunge it into it's twitching leg and.... no blood. Not a drop.



    Yes, still epic. I have made a new character of nearly every race (besides humans and dwarves, I'm not a fan :O) to experience the new starting quests. Dungeon queues on my main are like 45 minutes long so I have yet to experience them all -.-

    *Wears tinfoil hat to watch any more wowcrendor videos*

    You should have a look at Oxhorn's videos. Trying to get people to make Tauren druids and Undead Rogues and *random mumbling*
    Ya, agility and stamina is what a Hunter should have, but what you're wearing a lot of at the moment is druid/shaman gear :O

    Goblin = win, btw

    I lol at your ignorance P:

    Also, I have looked at your dwarf's equipment and you have a lot of Spirit and Intellect that hunters don't need :O
    Goblins FTW :O

    I made a Goblin priest. The Gob starting quests = win. Also they have a racial ability to summon a bank out of nowhere, which is always handy ^^
    Fuzzums.... meh

    I named mine Otsana. It's a Batch (or however you spell it) name meaning she-wolf P:

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