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Azure Sage
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  • Is Linkthehero Monkeyfightsaqua?
    JW, Similiar grammar, joined after he got banned and then he is using his signature....
    Hello Zelda Dungeon's Welcomer! It's been a while since I've been here. But anyways, let ME welcome YOU to a new year (Yeah, it was a late welcome :facepalm:)
    Ok fine, since I'm a nice guy can I at least make you start with 50 :? It's really not hard to skyrocket from there :yes:
    Oh wait, were you hoping to count all the ones from before joining the group >.> Well, now you won't have to do all the Math since you're starting over.......heheh :sweat: Or not.....I don't know.....
    Great, glad to have you on board ^^ From now on you shall start keeping count of your gratitude through "Online Gratitude Crystals" (you get 5 for each person you make happy, like in the game) and I’m sure you’ll have an easy time making many of ‘em :nod: If you think you'll forget how many you've collected, feel free to post your amount on the Tally Discussion and just come by to update the number as you collect more :yes:
    I second that, you should definitely join the one and only group I'll ever make ^^ Oh, and also, I did it! I finally got a Perfect 3 Star Profile on Mario Kart 7......but seriously, you’d make a good addition to the group, if you need an explanation of how things work just ask me :nod:
    I vote you as ZD's best welcomer. if you were to join the "Gratitude Crystal Collectors" group, you'd have a ton of crystals.
    Ya :S:S:S:S:S:S::S:S::S:S::SSOS:S:S:S:S:S:S::S:S:S:S:SS:S:S:S::S:S:SFHFHGFCEZVF RF RTYHTGCY^UBDCTRSXZ REtyszGH find the hidden word thing. :D:)
    Nah, it's fine, I don't need advice....I already know anything and everything I may need. It’s just that luck happens to be a BIG element in this game, which can make getting a 3 Star on a Cup very uncertain >.>
    You felt like ripping your hair out eh.....sounds like me when I'm racing in the 150cc on Mario Kart 7 >.< Trying to get a Perfect 3 Star License is very nerve wracking……but I only have 2 more Cups left until it is mine :yes: I just pray I don’t throw my 3DS out a window before then :sweat:
    Ok, yeah, well......it still must've sucked! Anyhow, I iz especially sorry that you couldn't get a replacement Wii Motion plus, if you were my neighbor, I would've let you borrow one of mine no problem :nod:
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