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  • I already scanned that picture. get it in my album...................................
    I happy you like it..... You can do anything that you want, but this picture quality is bad because i take this picture with camera. I will scan it later for better picture....

    Cant wait to see what happen when you edit it with photoshop.........
    That's the plan. Me, you and Violet (played by me). Read up on the story before you start :D
    You'll have to attack the heroes once they leave the tower (after Violet has finished with them) or before they leave. It's up to you.

    We don't get the necklace to the end of the game though. That's when I take it, and the heroes try to stop me.

    You see, the necklace grants the weilder eternal life and infinite power! There's an image of it in my albums, along with my character and Violet.
    I'm the Bad-guy in the RP, Anubis. So, you'll have to mess with enemy and the rest of the gang :xd:
    You could always work for me...
    I haven't been playing Smash Bros, Anubis.
    I'm going to start tomorrow, or maybe later on. Have you got all of the trophies yet?
    Oh! Okay. I'll go look now. *goes to look at new signiture*

    EDIT: That looks amazing! How did you get the PK Thunder image?
    I watched Avatar in 3D too! It was amazing. It's one of my top 10 movies. :D

    And, i've been fine. Just a bit busy.
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