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  • Ah, Totino's Pizza Rolls hmmm, I think they have those here in my part of Canada...I've been meaning to try them, maybe I should someday soon, heheh.

    I have liked Pokemon since I was very little...like, began watching the Anime I don't know when, started collecting the cards around age 6 or something, and got into the games at age 11 when I got a copy of Emerald Version. I'm 18 now though so things have changed a bit of course...stopped watching the Anime as it's kind of meh now, rarely collect the cards but do buy them sometimes because I can't help it, and of course have played many games since Emerald Version--beat Black 2 awhile ago now but still need to do some post story things in it. Pokemon is a very entertaining series...
    Yeah, you and me both, eheheh...but I can't cook one of the Delissio pizzas I have nor can I order a pizza, so blah -,-

    On a side note, I got Pokedex 3D Pro open right now and am wondering when Meloetta and Genesect will be available for it.
    Hmmm, that's good then, glad to hear it. My day was alright as well, thanks, kind of tempted to get some pizza and stuff right now but I won't >,>
    Standing for "Terminate All Be Ultimately Unstoppable", the T.A.B.U.U Virus is a major antagonists in this cross-over Tron Story I got going...his overall appearance was indeed inspired by that Boss in Brawl, but he also shares some physical characteristics with the man who created him.

    Anyways, nice to meet you, how was your day?
    Hmmm, a computer virus huh, you in league with the T.A.B.U.U Virus by chance?

    Nah, just kidding, you likely don’t even know who that is…but anyways, I noticed your name appear on the recent visitors to my page and saw you post around a bit while in the SB, so figured I’d come by to say hello. I’m Lord Vain, the Digital God of Peace and Destruction…or that’s what people around here generally know me as anyways.
    Yes! Just look at this majestic creature!
    Erm I found this. :P

    Oh wait you don't want that. :right:

    No it is not a fact, Without polar bears penguins would be nothing!
    What did you just say... Hahahaha.... I'll pretend I didn't hear that spew of MADNESS!
    Oh and here's your ribbon.
    Ha, ha. I realize it was a random question but it bridges into my next one.

    Are you doing anything special for Thanksgiving?
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