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  • Oh, well why were you so, in rage? I've never seen someone on this site ever get that mad... are you a'ight now?
    Hey, i noticed your latest blog post and i just came here to ask you personally what's wrong? I can surely hepl you through anything.
    Ah, don't worry if I don't join up, sometimes things become abit busy and its hard to keep up with everything, so if I join I can simply follow the rules like everyone else, I could always be a ditto and change into something like one of the legendaries as a form anyway. As for Dragon, there is always dragonite and its prevolutions and it doesn't matter about dark, though if you have enough people wanting dark and steel then you could always add on the pokemon from gold and silver and crystal versions.
    I see. Perhaps we should raise the post limit to like 10 since the days will be longer now? I'll remember my house^^, Gryffindor all the way! Did you see how I posted my guy flirting with Hermione XD Btw we should set an order for the sorting, so that it isn't all random and junk.
    Lol. *throws cookies at ammy* *throws milk and laughs as it breaks cops' windshields* And then I fly away into the horizon! Woot!
    Hewo!! I want a cookie....well...only if I get some milk with it....xD
    Ok, Ammy HP RPG. NOW. Things are getting confusing, I keep getting Ninja'd and its getting out of hand.
    Ok...... I don't really know anything on Wars and stuff, so I'll pass. I hope you dont mind.
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