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A Link In Time
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  • Hi, and thanks for the birthday wishes. :yes: I also see you around a lot, and we haven't really talked to eachother yet. So what's up? :?
    Yep, it's up but a bit slow at loading, at least for me. But it's great that they fixed it!
    Hey, what's up? ok soo what are u most anticipating in SS? I cant wait for the boss fighting and 100 hours of gameplay what about u?
    Thanks A_Link_IN_TIME I cant wait to see you around the forum.
    Thank you. Lol, it's probably the longest thread ever. Plus it's my crowning achievement, the original post being the longest post on ZD outside of fan fiction. I have a story that I wrote that is almost twice as long as the thread, but I'm not entirely sure if it's a record-holder. :P (Who knows, might be)
    what do you mean rate? like add/subtract reputation and stuff? Oh, you just go to the bottom left of their post. Then you see this triangle, then this sheriff start sign. Click the sheriff start sign, then you should know what to do from there
    Hmm? If you're referring to where I reside, the yup! :P
    yeah, but it's just one derank. 'sides, I'm not really in to the rep thing. If I get hearts, cool. If not, life will go on. ;)
    umm, thanks. haha, there's always a first. i just got a de-rep. :lol: I don't get it though, i just stated an opinion. :?
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