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Mystic Tales Sign Up

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
I wasn't really going to post this sign up thread to be honest with you all, because I already had assembled a great cast over pms and whatnot. But, due to the fact that this story idea has flourished and has grown quite a bit both in ideas, plot, world, etc. then I have no choice but to post a sign up thread and allow those that are not part of it yet to be in it.

And also, for those that are already in, this gives you an opportunity to sign up with your own data, example clothing, looks, etc.

Anyway, I don't expect many to sign up since I already have most of you in there. For those that are not in and are wondering what kind of story this will be, then let me explain as brief as I can.

I've been writing stories since a while back, but I've had problems finishing most of them. This one has been growing in my mind since a while back, so much that I had to create a new map and other races, etc. So big it's grown that I also have decided to make a site for it where I will be posting too much data about it, about the characters and world, locations, races, etc. (Athenian200 is helping me there)

The site is wholly for that, for story purposes. It will also feature forums, Fan Art, character galleries, competitions, etc. The project is huge and one I am looking forward to finishing. Once the stories are finished--yes...this will not only be a single story, but more like a series that will pit every character mentioned in their own stories, adventures, etc--I will have them published into books, but not to sell them, no, rather just to keep as a collection of my work. You will be able to read everything at the site, every story, etc.

Anyway, if you want to be part of this project, sign up and I will take it from there. Here is a list of people I already had in mind for the project. Some are friends from real life and most are peeps from ZD. If you don't like the last names I've chosen for your character, then you can pick your own, I just selected those at random. You can also sign up using the always friendly Sign Up sheet:

Race: Either human, dravhir (dragon), jyy (Demon), Elf, Furrion (Beast).

Atsuma Gale-(Atsuma) A one-winged, kind dravhir that has sworn revenge on those who killed his friend.
Brecken Ghroil- (Brecken) A charismatic young woman who is owner of a large monastery that houses orphans. She was once a knight of Pancracia, but after her mother passes away, she returns to Tagmire to take over the orphanage.
Jzak Fireseed- (Jzak) A friend of Atsuma who perished during the ancient war. Her memory lingers in Atsuma's mind and through the bow she once wielded.
Gretel Fireseed- (Gretel) Younger sister of Zak. She is just a simple noble-born dravhir. When she learns that one of her kin is residing within the forest of the Pancracian realm, she begins to formulate a plan that might take her to him.
Ezekiel Fulgore- (Ezekiel) A giant-like redheaded dravhir leader of a band of mercenaries. When he learns that Gretel is planning to abandon Dravhenia, he tries to find a way to stop her.
Fredi Lightningstrike- (Fredi) One of Ezekiel's lackeys. Almost as tall as his boss, Fredi handles the recruitment of soldiers and the band's income and outcome.
Poppy Levux- (Pop360) A young maiden from Auriga village. Hers is a sad and tragic life.
Vatti Raimer- (Vatti) Best friend of Poppy, she and her family have taken care of Poppy ever since she was a young girl.
Annabeth Rhawh- A female lycan who is about to become the leader of the Lycan tribe. She is strong yet very kind and will do anything in order to escape her father's scrutinizing gaze in order to have some fun.
Randal Fhury- (Random Person) A tall, ebony skinned ex-Elite Knight of the realm of Pancracia. After soldiers conspire against him, he is wrongly expelled from the Armada. He goes through life now as a simple lone mercenary, finding adventure wherever he can.
Marine Sapphire- (MarineTheWitch) The young queen of Pancracia. After a tragic accident claimed the lives of the royal family, she becomes Pancracia's youngest leader ever at age twelve.
Foxy Rikoko- (13Foxes) A young, beautiful maiden living in the village of Kokin. She aspires to become as famous as Ayela Akuki, the most feared pirate in all the eastern lands.
Majoca Scutti- (Majora) A homeless old man that was picked up by Brecken one cold day. He sees in Brecken the very same daughter he lost many years ago.
Athens Hailstorm- (Athenian200) A mage from Daciakus wise in the lore of light-based magic. He seeks to find and defeat Yosh Nataku, his nemesis from the Triple A. (Arcane Arts Academy)
Pandora Ktoll- (TreeHuggerPanda) A beautiful kokin girl who resides within Brecken's large monastery. One day she'd like to become as good an archer as Brecken herself.
Mizu Lezztrungh- (Josie) Mizu, Lived alone for her life but loves to draw and fight. Mizu is Loving to others and nice but when mad she does not leave without a fight.
Eve Ashgard- (February Eve) A sweet and kind mercenary leader. She uses the power of her guild to help people in need rather than to make a fortune like other guilds.
Valexi Kyoga Vatoit- (Valexi) A Kokin swordmaster working for the Black Hand, or Citadel of Assassins.
Kokirion Dahle- (Kokirion) A young mercenary working under the orders of Eve Ashgard.
Din Akera- (Din Akera) A sworn true elite knight of Pancracia. Her loyalty is ever for the Pancracian crown. She's the queen's advisor and second leader in the entire realm.
Rishian Alkhälamir- (Rishian) Leader of the Pancracian Arcane Arts Academy. He is Din Akera's best friend and one of the Elite Four.
Ella Brandeburgh- (Meego7) A General under the orders of the banner of the flame. She is Din Akera's adjutant and also a member of the Elite Four.
Zeruda Varkien- (Zeruda) Member of the Elite Four, General of the Pancracian realm and an ex-member of the Citadel of Assassins.
Keely Vaaljuin- (Dragon56...) Orphan who is in charge of taking care of the younger orphans. Never content with the life she was given to live, she only has dreams of turning eighteen in order to leave the Monastery and its troubles behind and start her life anew.
Hazel Larkins- (Hazel) Orphaned at age three, she now resides in Tagmire with Brecken and all the orphans residing there. She's Pandora's nemesis when it comes to the bow.
Inko Trate Rami- (Jetter) The youngest orphan at age twelve. He likes to hear stories and has dreams of becoming a great warrior one day and perhaps win the Realm Invitational.
X Sullivan- (Hero of Time) A young hunter who enjoys the company of women. He's left his home village in order to wander the land.
Atturi Zalc- (MyriadViper42) A lone swordmaster from Daciakus. His life is shrouded in mystery.
Damian Cortair- (Diablo) An assassin working for the CoA. Though his entire life is unknown, members of the Citadel think Damian belongs to some dark-natured underground race.
Magatha Stargleam- A young dravhir in the service of Ezekiel Fulgore's guild. She is quiet and wants nothing but peace and the preservation of life.
Pearl Eilowen-A benevolent druid from Pancracia. She seeks to find the Kuto-Lah tome as well as any other forms of ancient magic that will help her become the strongest magician to ever grace the face of the Phydorian continent.

More to come...
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Apr 16, 2010
Name: X Sullivan(no one knows his first name, people either call him "X" or "Sully")
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Weapon(s): two long, golden swords
Race: Either human, dravhir (dragon), jyy (Demon), Elf, Furrion (Beast).: Human
Occupation: wanderer, does small deeds, hunts for money
Description: blonde hair, deep blue eyes, very tall and muscular, girls like him
Clothing: very light, silver armor over his blue shirt and pants, black boots

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Alright, your info helps a lot. I've added you to the cast list, that way I wont have to come to the thread and find info when I need it. As people sign up, I will continue to add them to the main list. Thanks. ^^


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Name: Atturi Zalc
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Weapons: Scimitar, twin daggers.
Race: Human.
Occupation: Unknown.
Description: Jet-black hair, pale skin, icy blue eyes.
Clothing: Black cloak with an intricate design.


The Acorn sized Magician
Jan 29, 2010
Riding Epona around Hyrule!
I love it! heres a little info for my character (you did say for those already in the story we could add our own info...)

Name: Vatti Raimer (love the last name, it sounds like one of my favorite mountains!)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Weapon(s): Long Bow with arrows made by herself
Race: Human (or whatever you need me to be)
Occupation: Cattle Herder
Description: Very kind, pretty tall, forest green eyes, olive colored skin, slightly wavy brown hair thats usually in a braid, has a perfect aim with her bow, treats others as they treat her (Ex. mean to her, she's mean to them), is always smiling, good in strategy, adores and loves her best friend Poppy, and treats her like a loved sister
Clothing: creamy tan colored pants, brown boots that go over the pants and to her knees, gold long sleeved shirt, green tunic that goes over it, and a brown belt made out of strong tree bark.

I hope that works for you! if not, you are welcome to change anything that you want. This sounds like it's going to be an awesome story! oh, excuse me, STORIES. lol :)


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
I have 4 different profiles. You could choose whichever ones you want :) (I got all of them from my RPG which I am in)

*Name: Annabeth
Nickname: Anna
Age: 16
Race: Vampire
Personality: Annabeth is talkative. She is mostly honest. She can also be a bit stubborn sometimes.
Weapons: Annabeth carries a small knife in case.
Abilities: Since Annabeth is a vampire, she is really strong. She can run fast, and she senses every small movement around her.
Power: She can turn into a bat. Annabeth carries a shell which when u blow in it, there is a bat sound to call her.
Weakness: Sunlight!

This one has a bit of a werewolf history, but of course you can change that if it does not go to well with your book. (The werewolves are basically endangered. Their kind is dieing away so they went into hideout to protect their kind until they are strong enough to fight again.)
*Name: Amber
Age: 16
Race: Werewolf
Human form: http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy23/AnimeGirl10129/AnimeGirlSword.jpg
Wolf form: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2007/227/4/6/Dark_Werewolf_by_WildSpiritWolf.jpg
Personality: Amber is loyal (really loyal) and smart. She is really curious and likes to take risks. She is not like she seems. Amber could do anything to protect the nearly 10 or so werewolves which still live. She is angered easily and is not afraid to talk.
Weapons: Amber has a sword with her. She carries it all the time and puts it back in it's scabbard. The sword has a mysterious glow and was passed down to the leaders of the werewolves.
Abilities: Amber has more strength and speed than a normal human.
Powers: Amber usually stays in her human form. She can turn into her wolf form, preferred at night, and her werewolf form only at night. She is strongest at the full moon.
Weakness: People who she is close to. Her friends and others who she respects, especially the few werewolves. Also, like she is strongest in the full moon, she is weakest when there is no moon.
Bio: Amber is the leader of the remaining and last Werewolf tribe. No one knows that werewolves still exists. They live in secret and travel places.

*Name: Isabell
Nickname: Bella (And no, I am not copying Twilight. I am not a fan of it.)
Age: 15
Race: Mostly Hylian, but she is a bit of Zora too.
Personality: Isabell is mostly quite. She spends time by herself and Trixie. She is kind and could get scared easily. She is obedient and listens to others.
Weapons: Isabell is good at using a bow and she has many poison arrows and normal arrows.
Powers: Isabell can control water. She is great at swimming since a part of her is Zora, and she can breath underwater.
Weakness: Isabell is a very soft person (which is also a big weakness). She can defend herself, but does not like killing for no use.
Bio: Isabell is an orphan. She has learned to work for herself and Trixie. She does chores for others to earn money. She likes animals a lot.
Others: Isabell has a 2 year old dog, golden retriever (I don't know much about dogs, but she is almost her full grown size. I don't know what age she will have to be for that) named Trixie.

Or instead of this quiet type of Isabell, you could have this one:

*Name: Isabell
Age: 15
Race: Mostly Hylian, but she is a bit of Zora too.
Side: Undecided
Personality: Isabell is curious. She takes likes to take risks, and loves adventure.
Weapons: A bow and she has many poison arrows and normal arrows
Powers: Isabell can control water. Isabell can also control wind/air. She can also talk telepathically to whoever she wants to speak to.
Items: Isabell has a small treasure chest which opens by her command and inside it are 5 necklaces with zora scales attached to them. They activate and inactivate by her command in case if it is stolen.
Weakness: Fire or too much heat
Bio: Isabell sometimes steals things. She knows how to be very quiet so that the most keenest ears can not hear her.

You could change the names if you want. ;) They don't have to be the same. And this is basically copied off the profiles from RPs, so you could change them a bit so it looks like they are from a story.


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
If you are talking to me, then I found them on the internet. Whenever I make a profile, I always make the profile, then find the right picture and then adjust the profile accordingly (ie. choose the name which would match the appearance of the character.)

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
I love it! heres a little info for my character (you did say for those already in the story we could add our own info...)

Name: Vatti Raimer (love the last name, it sounds like one of my favorite mountains!)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Weapon(s): Long Bow with arrows made by herself
Race: Human (or whatever you need me to be)
Occupation: Cattle Herder
Description: Very kind, pretty tall, forest green eyes, olive colored skin, slightly wavy brown hair thats usually in a braid, has a perfect aim with her bow, treats others as they treat her (Ex. mean to her, she's mean to them), is always smiling, good in strategy, adores and loves her best friend Poppy, and treats her like a loved sister
Clothing: creamy tan colored pants, brown boots that go over the pants and to her knees, gold long sleeved shirt, green tunic that goes over it, and a brown belt made out of strong tree bark.

I hope that works for you! if not, you are welcome to change anything that you want. This sounds like it's going to be an awesome story! oh, excuse me, STORIES. lol :)

It will work out perfectly, it's just as I envisioned her. As to Poppy's character relationship with your character, well, you just nailed it, Vatti loves Poppy as the sister she never had.

Listen, Vatz, if you don't like the last name, you can make up one on your own, I really don't mind. I was in a hurry making up last names to suit everyone, so please, feel free to come up with your own if you do not like it.

@Jetter Lol
@Myriad Added you to the Main list. Thx
@Zelda_8 Dang, I still can't decide on one, they are all great! I like the first one, though.


May 9, 2010
Age:20(dang she is 20)
Weapon(s):Water Sword (it glows Blue) Hook Shots
Occupation: Sorcerer
Description: Mizu, Lived alone for her life but loves to draw and fight. Mizu is Loving to others and nice but when Mad she does not leave without a fight
Clothing: A Dark Blue Cloak and a Light Blue suit


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Oh, and here is another profile of Annabeth, but a different one. I added her father too because werewolves are not really supposed to be all kind and stuff, but Annabeth is, but she is the leader of the werewolf, so she has to be mean but she in not, so I made her father the leader of the werewolves. You like the name Annabeth a lot, so now you have 2 profiles to choose from, but if you choose this one, it would be better if her father is in the story too ;) (In this one, werewolves are not endangered and not in hiding.) If you are not going to choose this one, then you could use the other one :) (I don't know if werewolves would go better with your story or if vampires would, so you could decide)

Name: Edon
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: red
Race: Werewolf
Occupation: Is the pack leader of the werewolves
Clothing: He wears expensive clothing. The colors are not bright, but are dark and dull like black, grey, or brown. He wears no jewelry.
Personality: Edon is hard to cooperate with. He is strict. Edon cares about his kind more then anything. He is respected, and at the same time feared.
Abilities: Since Edon is a werewolf, he is really strong. He can only turn into his werewolf form in the full moon. He can turn into his wolf form at night.

* * *

Name: Annabeth
Nickname: Anna
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: red
Race: Werewolf
Occupation: Nothing (she stays hidden and is mostly found in forests.)
Clothing: She wears ripped jeans, and an old full sleeves top.
Personality: Annabeth is overall kind. She might be stubborn sometimes. Annabeth is curious and looks for adventure. She is very loyal. She is Edon's daughter. Annabeth is his only child, so she is expected to be the next leader. Annabeth's father is really strict so he forbid her to go anywhere out of his sight. She does not want to be the next leader. Annabeth wants to be free. She wants to travel the world. She will do anything to be free.
Abilities: Since Annabeth is a werewolf, she is really strong. She can only turn into her werewolf form in the full moon. She can turn into her wolf form at night.

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Yeah I think I will Love it Ats so when are going to start

I already started working on the huge prologue. lolz. So very soon you will have something to read. Maybe not tonight but maybe tomorrow or Monday, it depends.

Oh, and here is another profile of Annabeth, but a different one. I added her father too because werewolves are not really supposed to be all kind and stuff, but Annabeth is, but she is the leader of the werewolf, so she has to be mean but she in not, so I made her father the leader of the werewolves. You like the name Annabeth a lot, so now you have 2 profiles to choose from, but if you choose this one, it would be better if her father is in the story too ;) (In this one, werewolves are not endangered and not in hiding.) If you are not going to choose this one, then you could use the other one :) (I don't know if werewolves would go better with your story or if vampires would, so you could decide)
I dunno about adding the vampire race, I will give it some hard thought, though. Wolfkin works fine for Annabeth, as there is a race close to resembling them called the Furrion. Annabeth wont be a Furrion, rather an exotic race close to that known as Lycans. The reason for this, the Furrion are beast people, they cannot transform into anything since they already are beasts in human-like bodies. By human-like of course I mean that they have legs, arms, etc, like a human. :P

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