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Post-Pandemic Plans & Aspirations


Staff member
The ongoing pandemic has had an impact on everyone one way or another, and for most people a quite significant one. What are you hoping, planning, and looking forward to doing once barriers in place due to the pandemic cease to hold off your plans?

I am really dying to get back to Japan now that it has been more than a year since I was last there, which is the longest time I've been away since my first visit in 2016. I'll likely just visit for a holiday once I am able but still intend to move back for work again some time later in the future when opportunities arise. In the meantime I hope to find myself a stable job in the IT industry and to move out into my own place closer to the city.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Visit my bf who I haven't seen in over a year. Probably some family too.

I'd also like to get back into the music industry because that part of my life has been incredibly stagnant since this all started.

Being able to go out and do things again like hang out at the mall and play escape rooms will also be nice.

accio boomerang

you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Feb 22, 2021
I would really like to be able to travel again, I don't know where I would want to go but I know that any type of adventure would be great. I'd also love to be able to go to theme parks again (all the ones in my state are closed still), and I do miss going to the movies. Honestly just being able to go out and about again would be great.
Oct 8, 2020
The Lost Woods
Spritual Reincarnation
I'm going to go for a walk. Presuming we are talking about after the disease is no longer a factor, I intend to go for a long walk in the forest, completely oblivious to other people. I miss getting to go out for a walk and not having to worry what deadly disease I or someone else was carrying.
I'm going to try and find an in person DnD game. Discord games are nice and all, but they don't feel the same. I want to be able to sit down at a table with friends, some real dice, and paper character sheets to play make-believe long into the night.
I'm going to get back into theatre. Audition for some shows, start working on the stage again. It has been way the hell too long.
And most importantly, I'm going to give hugs to my friends who I haven't seen in over a year.


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3
take walks
for inspiration and such and just to have a fresh breath of air
Only thing that scares me is that my Mom probably will want to travel to morocco to visit family once we can travel
And the last time I was there I despised it, the food upset my stomach and I got sick and the hospitals were garbage and not to mention I don't have a good relationship with my cousins there
anywho I will just do more outside activities
Nov 9, 2019
Well the first thing I'm going to do is take all my face masks and burn them in a bonfire.

Then I'm going to my favorite diner that's been closed since the pandemic started for a steakburger.

Then I'm going to work to get back my old position and hours back at my job place.
Happily throw my masks away first and foremost. Good riddance to those.

That aside, I'd like to try to be more social. Admittedly, I wasn't particularly outgoing pre-pandemic, but that definitely hasn't helped it either. So, maybe try to make some irl friends, find a relationship...who knows? Travel more, maybe? If nothing else, try to have a life outside of staying at home most of the time.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I don't entirely know when post-covid is going to be, but my girlfriend and I plan to move in together this July, so that's exciting. It should hopefully be happening whether covid is through or not.
Since I don't really have the means to travel any time soon, I guess from there it's just bejng able to do things I already do withiut a mask. Namely working out. Today was my first day back at the gym in almost a year and having the mask there sukked


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
My husband and I want to go to Bali later this year. Last year our original honeymoon destination was changed because of covid so we hope to have a real and proper honeymoon this time. One year late but better late than never. And we also love to visit a restaurant again. Especially the hubby


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Everyone talks about "when the pandemic's over", like we're just gonna wake up one day and it'll be gone. It's gonna be a slow adjustment back to "normal" life. I feel like the key is to find and enjoy the things you can do, with the proper precautions. I mean, I've been to a NASCAR race in this pandemic, and there was masks and social distancing and whatnot. It felt pretty covid safe. It'll be nice as masks are needed less and less, and in person gatherings happen more and more.

Also, there is no reason you can't go on a walk outside. Wear a mask if you feel the need, but I've heard spread is basically non-existent outside. As long as you don't get to close to anyone, you're good. We've spent so much time outside on hikes and stuff in the past year.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Everyone talks about "when the pandemic's over", like we're just gonna wake up one day and it'll be gone. It's gonna be a slow adjustment back to "normal" life. I feel like the key is to find and enjoy the things you can do, with the proper precautions. I mean, I've been to a NASCAR race in this pandemic, and there was masks and social distancing and whatnot. It felt pretty covid safe. It'll be nice as masks are needed less and less, and in person gatherings happen more and more.

Also, there is no reason you can't go on a walk outside. Wear a mask if you feel the need, but I've heard spread is basically non-existent outside. As long as you don't get to close to anyone, you're good. We've spent so much time outside on hikes and stuff in the past year.
I'd say "over" means a portion of the population is vaccinated such that the projected rate of spread is less than 1
At that point most restrictions will slowly fall away and some places will remove restrictions altogether

In my case, it means international travel restrictions end

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