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Through Mysterious Doors (RP)

Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying

Kirinen nodded. "I do. The One Ring..." She considered what to say, and spoke carefully. "I only know of its creation and its history up until a hobbit bearing it reached Rivendell--which, as you said, we are in." She looked away sadly. "I cannot interfere in these events," she stated truthfully, "nor can I offer too much guidance." She didn't know what would happen if she interfered with the course of the story, and she was reluctant to find out.
She knew that she was lying a little bit, but it wasn't entirely dishonest. She had been rereading a copy of The Fellowship of the Rings on her breaks at work, and that was where she'd stopped most recently.


Narrowing her eyes, she reluctantly pushed the door open.

It took all her effort to not gasp. It was filled with students eating, lit by floating candles. The ceiling was not a ceiling but a sky. The kids who ate were dressed in mostly black uniforms, adn it was all so familiar... too familiar...

"Holy crap," she muttered under her breath. "This is Hogwarts. How did this happen..."

((yeah... This is kind of perfect. The only story Kirinen loves more is Les Mis.))


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

"I understand," Ellrond said looking a little downtrodden. He did of course understand that she could not help seeing as she knew the future, and it was dangerous to mess with time and things. "Where are you going to go now?"


The twins gave each other a delightful look, and rolled their eyes.

"How could you not know where you were anyway?" Fred asked.


"Well I don't know about warm, but warmer than here I suppose," Jon said with a weak smile. "Follow me and I'll show you to our camp." Jon then lead the way through the snow. The boy looked to be just fourteen, but the way he acted made him seem almost mature. When they arrived at the camp there were lots of men and some boys, all wearing black as well as Jon. The Direwolf took off somewhere, and Jon lead Lance to a fire pit where he could get warmer.


"I'm Ged," Ged said shaking the Shannon's hand. "I've juts arrived here, would you happen to know where the wizard school is here would you?"
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying

She looked down with a heavy sigh. "I'm not sure. The people who sent me here told me to find some kind of artifact called The Pirate Book. Would you know where such an item could be found, Elrond?"


"Gah! Listen, I'm not from around here," Kira turned to the twins, scowling. "At all. I'm what you call a Muggle, from what you call America, and I'm not even completely human at that." She glowered away. "It's complicated."

((Hehe... She don' know nothin'--about ANYTHIN'!
... You're a witch, Kira.
Kira: *headwalls*

Seriously, let this girl be a witch! Witch Kira would be AMAZING!))


Seek a door that carries a [9]
Mar 22, 2012
Nevada Test Site

Lance sat down in front of the fire, "Thanks." He said softly, "This is an.... interesting group of people you have here with you." He says to Jon.


Shannon shakes his head, "Nope, sorry. I pretty much just got here as well." He then pauses for a brief moment, "Maybe we can look together, eh?"


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

"I am sorry, but I do not." Ellrond looked disappointed. "But I will help you find it should you need my aid."


"Oh, she's from America." The twins said at the same time.

"How did you get here if your a muggle then?" Fred asked.

"Only witches and wizards can see this place." George added.


"Ah yes, I will show you to the library," King Arthur said, rising from his throne. He lead Cyrus through the marble halls, with everyone whom they passed by giving a low bow to the king. Then they reached massive oaken doors, which Arthur opened and revealed the massive library within.


"Ah yes, we can look together," Ged said with a smile. "Um, here this way maybe." Ged lead the way along some less busy streets of the town. As they walked they passed by some very odd persons, all with their weird things to sell and things to tell. They ignored them all, although Ged was a very curious man, but he kept himself on track. Soon they were directed by an old man to the wizard school doors, and Ged knocked.

"What do you want?" A grumpy old man asked.

"I'm here for the school," Ged replied happily. "Oh, and this is my friend Shannon."

The grumpy old man opened the door to let them in. "If you are able you can come in," He said with a light hint of a smirk.

Ged proudly walked into the door, and was pleased with himself, but his smile soon turned upside down when he realized he'd gone nowhere and he was outside still.

"Yes, what is it?" The old man asked.

"I can't do it," Ged said ashamed.

"Ha! I knew you couldn't. But I will help you, I just need to know your true name."

Ged looked around, and whispered something into the old man's ear, then he stepped in and turned to Shannon. "I'm sure you can come in if your not a wizard."


"We're all rangers," Jon said warming his hands. "We are the black brothers, who take a vow to protect the land from everything mysterious on the outside of the wall."

"Who is this then?" They heard an older man's voice ask.

Jon turned around to see a grey bearded man staring down at them, as a crow was perched on his shoulder.

"Master, I have saved this man from the outside, he said his name was Lance," Jon said standing up.

"And what in God's name were you doing out there, Lance?"
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying

Kirinen nodded. "I didn't expect you to. It's most likely not a canonical artif--... It's unlikely that anybody here would know about it. But thank you." She stood quietly. "I should probably leave and find it as soon as possible. The faster the game is done, the sooner I can return to the wold I come from..." And the less likely it is that anybody will find out, she finished in her head. Internally, she berated herself for not taking her meds that morning. This adventure was clearly going to be longer than she thought.


"I--er--grrgh!" She turned away, stalking down a random hall with her fists clenched. She didn't want to lose it, but these kids were driving her nuts "I walked through a door in some kind of game adventure thing and I ended up here!" She turned back and stomped back to the twins, her glower no less fierce and her stance no less intimidating, between her hunched posture and anger so intense it was almost comical. "I've never used magic in my life, you little freaks, and I'm almost twenty-eight. Don't you think I'd have showed a frexing sign of magical heritage by now?" Her Spanish accent was coming through, and by the time she finished speaking it was clear as the sky on a cloudless day.

((yes Kirinen has meds now. It is canon. You have permission to shadap, it's personal! XD joking. Fire away.

Kira hates it, but I like to make a fool of her sometimes. An intimidating, tall sort of fool.
Did i make her twenty-seven or twenty-eight? Mleh, I don't care.
Ooh, Spanish Accent Time *does the weird Indian dance thing* A better meptaphor would probably be... idk. Something a little less pretty-sounding.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
"Woah!" Cyrus said as he looked in. The room was amazing. Floor to ceiling were stacked with shelves and shelves of books. Cyrus could see litterally thousands and thousands of books lining the walls. He turned to Arthur and said, "Thank you your majesty. I hope what I'm looking for is in here."

((Which book am I looking for again? XD))


Seek a door that carries a [9]
Mar 22, 2012
Nevada Test Site

Shannon shrugged, "I'm wizardly enough. I mean, c'mon, magic is just a fancy form of science." He then pops his knuckles, "Lemme give it a try."



Lance sighs, he's getting a little warmer though, but barely. He's hardly dressed for such harsh weather. "I er...." He stuttered as he started speaking, "I was walking through to find something...." He then holds his head, "I have a horrible memory... But I came through this door... thing. I probably sound crazy to you though..."

(there is something seriously wrong with Lance in this RP. We are finding some object right? Since I forgot I'm using Lance as my cop out... of sorts. heh)


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

"Your success will be in my thoughts," Elrond said and bowed to her.

Then an elf in armor walked in and bowed. "My Lord Elrond, they are waiting for you now,"

"Very well. Good luck," He said to Kirinen and took off.


"Hold it hot pepper, no need to over react or anything," Fred said with his hands out.

"Fine, if you just appeared here we'll believe that," George said. "But it is odd that she is a muggle and she can see this place."

"Well I guess we're done here George, we'll be sing you!"


"Come with me," The old man said, and Job followed, beckoning for Lance to do the same.

They walked through the crowd of the black rangers and finally came upon a tent, where once inside the crow took off to warm itself and the old man sat down in the dim light at a cluttered desk. He waited a moment, looking at the boys with his piercing eyes, and then began. "So you came through a door to get here? What made you go through the door?"


The old man smirks and steps aside, letting Shannon step in. On his first attempt Shannon found himself surrounded by the same walls as Ged, and standing beside the old man. The old man gave a grumble and closed the big doors.

"Ha, nice showing that old man a thing or two," Ged said patting Shannon's shoulder.

(meh just a book that stands out, can be anything in your imagination. ;>)
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
((Anything in our imaginations?...anything, you say?

I have ideas. Two of them.))


"HOLD IT!" she shouted after them. "I--I still need your help." she admitted reluctantly. "I'm looking for this thing called The Pirate Book. Can you get me to the school's library?"


Kirinen watched Elrond go with an internal sigh. She knew there was nothing she could do, and yet...

She went to a corner of the room. Her bow was there, the quiver filled just as it was when she got it.

The katana was there, as well. But it seemed different--lighter, lither, more like a rapier of sorts and less like a katana. It was clearly an elven blade. Whether it had changed upon her arrival or been reforged or replaced by the elves, she knew not.

She belted the blade in its sheath at her waist, slung the longbow over her shoulder, and lifted the quiver by the strap. There was a long adventure ahead of her, sure, but it could be no worse than grappling for dominance with the crueler faces of her own identity--something she did daily.

Kirinen was ready for it.

She walked out the door of the room, stood for a moment on the balcony that overlooked the cliffs and river far below, then turned and started on her path through the elven city. She had a vague idea of where to go...

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
((Okie dokie lokie ;)))

Cyrus began walking down isles. He picked a random shelf and started looking. Most of the books were stories of knights, medicine books, and other such things. Then there was one that Cyrus saw that didn't make much sense. It was a poem book. All the poems were hand written but they were all modern. Well past the time period of The Sword and the Stone.

"Are these it?" Cyrus mused to himself.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

The two boys stopped, grins spread on their faces like jelly on a sandwich.

"But your a muggle, remember?" Fred said.

"We can't help muggles, we're wizards."

But before Kira could fire up again they held out their hands to stop her. "We can help if we receive something in return."


As Cyrus was looking through the poems the words began to glow and change. There was a small purple light emanation from the book at first, but it grew as the words changed into something foreign that was strange and untranslatable. The air around him began to woosh, and a circle of bust and sparks went around him, then covered him completely and vanished. There was a scorch mark on the floor in the library, and the library was silent.

Cyrus found himself in a frozen forest, with the cold wind trying fiercely to blow the trees off the ground. He was not in The Sword and the Stone anymore, but then where was he?



It took a while to get there, but the dragon finally landed on a rock platform where F'lar slid off the dragon and Kateo followed suit. The girl obviously didn't want to go and so the dragon leaned to the side and let her fall, where F'lar caught her and she struggle and he let go.

"Alright, follow me," He said.

Kateo helped the girl up, but she gave him a dirty look that explained she no longer trusted him, and he felt sorry inside. Although he followed F'lar anyway, and made sure to bring the girl.


Harley had followed Lucy into the stick house, and found that there were beavers inside. She knew this story somewhat, and so was not afraid, but she didn't know what would happen next.

"So, you beavers know of the book then?" Harley asked hopeful.

"No," Said Mr. Beaver. "But we can help you find it anyway."

"That's right, and I know where it is anyway," Lucy said smiling.

"Say, weren't there four of you guys?"

Lucy looked a little puzzled at Harley's question, but then realized what she was talking about. "Oh yes, my brothers and sister are still in the wardrobe though, I'm the only one here."

"Shouldn't we go back for them?" Harley asked trying to remember if they were in the book or not.

"No, they'll be fine," Lucy sipped a cup of tea that Mrs. Beaver gave her.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Cold. Freezing cold. It was almost like fire but it was colder than anything he'd experienced. Cyrus looked around. The book was still in his hands, but he wasn't in the library.

"Probably not even in the same world," he muttered through shivering lips. He was gonna die if he didn't find shelter. The forest offered limited protection but he had to move. Slowly but surely, Cyrus trudged through the snow on the grown. It hampered his steps and he could barely walk. With an effort, he strained against the wind and kept moving. The icy wind felt like knives flying through the air and into his flesh. He saw a large tree near by and hunkered down behind it, the wind buffered by the tree. It was still cold but he at least was out of the wind. Stopping to catch his breath, Cyrus pulled the book out of his coat. The page he was on was dog-eared in the corner.

"Hillarious," he said to himself, completely sarcastic. "Robert Frost. Of course. It's a book of poems."

Suddenly a chilling thought hit him, harder than the wind had.

"If it has his poems, who elses could it have....?"

Cyrus tried not to think about that.
Last edited:
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying

It took a little while, but not too long, to find the library.

it was massive, filled with long, wide shelves, sweeping arches and beautiful artwork, as much a gallery as a library. it made Kirinen realize the correlation between the two, and marvel at just how genius the elves were.

but she wasn't here to gawk at amazing sculptures and paintings. She was here to find a book.

As she walked past the shelves, a finger tracing along the spines of the various tomes, she muttered under her breath about what it was she wanted to find. She found that she didn't even need to look when she found it--her eyes were half-closed when she paused on the spine of a spiral-ring sort of book. It was far thinner then most of the books, which were mostly compromised of fabric- and even wood-bound, heavy books, and when hes pulled it out, she found that it was far lighter as well, the cover simple and black. It seemed to tingle in her fingers for some strange reason.

A smile flickered on her face. She opened the book to the title page, wandering down the aisles with her eyes on the pages, singing the melodies inscribed within to herself. "how many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man..."


Kira almost yelled at them again when the boys agreed to help her for some kind of exchange. She looked at them like they were crazy for a moment, her mouth slightly open, then her shoulders slumped slightly in defeat. "Fine. What do you want me to do?"

((It just occurred to me that Kira is very expressive, physically. In my mind, she gestures quite a bit, her facial features are pretty expressive, ad her posture is also a pretty good signal of her mood. Funny, how you never really think of this stuff. And then you watch more anime and BOOM--you do. XD

Annnd I forgot what I was going to do with Kirinen XD I remembered before I posted, doh so yay. If you don't know, that song is Blowin' in the Wind, and the book is a songbook. I'm using one I use in choir(it's really small at my school), which has about a gazillion songs of a gazillion times and a gazillion genres. So yes.))

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