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General Art The Stand

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Alright, you people screwed up big time. :( I wanna cry...:cry: lolz Anyway, there will be some casualties that you will read about, but not in this update. Most likely in the next. So just enjoy this little update and get ready to make more decisions in the future. The story is almost over, maybe three more choices and it's done, but that could still be five updates. And I still need to pm Nerdy these last choices before I can proceed with giving you peeps new choices.


The loud explosion had made the team come out of the store, weapons at the ready to be fired. To their surprise, the storm was gone, replaced by some weird-looking, flashing sky shield. At least that's what the four of them believed the web-like surface above them to be.

"What the..." Rainy said, surely in awe as were the other three. "What the hell is that?"

"Don't know," Corporal Tatl replied in all seriouness. "Looks to be serious business, though. We have to move. We have to get back to base."

"Corporal!" it was Magatha's voice that stole everyone's attention from the sky shield to her. "Look!"

And the corporal and the other two soldiers turned to stare in the direction that Magatha was pointing at. A dark cloud of smoke could be seen in the far distance right near the area where the army headquarters had been. They could see it well thanks to the infravision that their helmet goggles afforded.

"Oh my god," Beast covered his mouth with both his hands, surely terrified. "That's...the base..."

"I think...we just lost Home," Rainy fell on her knees, surely shocked and hurt. The medic had had so many friends back there, and now, it appeared that she had lost them all. The others shared in her pain and sorrow, for they too, had had friends back at the base.

Silence ensued for a while, and Magatha felt sorry for the medic that she had to go help her get up.

"It's alright, Rainy," she soothed. "It's alright. We'll get them back, whoever did this!"

At this time, the Corporal snapped out of her shock and shouted that they needed to move, surely spurred on by Magatha's words.

"We must go and see what can be done," Corporal Tatl cried. "Climb aboard that humvee and let's get the hell out of here! Magatha, you mount that SM-44 and shoot any Uglies we encounter."

"You got it, Corporal," the blonde girl moved toward the humvee right away. She actually had been mounting a similar weapon on a humvee right before the zombies had ambushed them, and so Tatl had believed that she was the right one for the job.

"Beast," the Corporal went on. "You're the best driver out here. You drive."

Beast nodded and got moving toward the humvee right away. The Corporal stared at the medic then.

"Come on, Rainy. Let's go!"

She had to help her, for the medic was surely stunned about what had happened. The corporal got her onboard at the back and she hopped at the passenger side and told Beast to drive.



Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Gah! I didn't vote when I had the chance! Was I the only one who COMPLETELY thought Option 2 was stupid?
....eh whatever. Nice job.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Aww, sorry Myriad. :< If this is any consolation, even if I didn't vote nothing would have changed. =D Ho ho ho, no consolation at all...


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Sorry Myriad. But Wind was going out there no matter what, it looked like, and he didn't want to be all alone...I couldn't let him be lonely.

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Alright, peeps. Here's the next update. I actually stopped beginning the updates with Chapters, so if you see that the Chapter info is missing, it's because I left those out. What matters is the story, eh? So here you go. Don't blame me for whoever died, you peeps chose. :( :cry:
Again, no choice for you to make, but in the next update you probably will be choosing.


Myriad felt confused as he thought about Axle’s proposition near the entrance. The banker had been pumped up by having seen the punk’s determination to do something else other than remain hidden as they had been doing it for the last couple of weeks. But even he admitted to himself that going out there with the punk was very risky.

“I think Axle’s right,” he repented from going with Wind, the banker even lowered his head in shame before the punk. “We should both stay here with them and plan a good getaway, my friend.”

“Ah, screw you,” Wind felt angry. “First you back me up and then you wish to stay behind? Fine, sissy pants. You can stay behind with them, I don’t really give a damn; I was leaving either way. Just know that I am not coming back for any of you...”

“Wait,” Myriad hesitated in his decision.

“What is it now?” asked Wind, surely impatient that Myriad was wasting his time.

“I just...guess I can’t stay here when first I wanted to go with you. I will accompany you.”

“What?” the punk was shocked to hear the banker’s change of mind. “Are you sure?”

“Think about it,” Axle cried from his place. “The more we are the better. You should stay with us.”

“But you don’t want to leave,” Myriad accused him, flashlight pointing at his face briefly. “And I do, so I see now the path clear before me. I will go with the kid and attempt to get out of this horrible place.”

“To where, really?” Little shouted from her place behind Axle. “The city is probably crowded with those things...”

“But we won’t know for sure if we remain here hiding like bugs,” Wind shot from near the door. “Come on, Myriad. You know that our best option is to leave and find a way to escape this freaking nightmare.”

The banker nodded, now fully convinced that perhaps Wind was right. “Alright, Wind. Lead the way.”

After giving those who were staying behind a long look, the two young men went for it, but the punk slammed the door a little too loud behind him. Too noisy! The sound was caught by a group of Uglies that had been on the prowl within the store.

Thinking they were good to go and with no uglies within Walmart that could pose a threat to them, Wind and Myriad ran through some aisles all the way to the Sporting section, for Wind had proposed that they get their hands on some weapons and ammo before attempting to leave the store entirely. They used their flashlights to light their way, but also kept their metallic pipe and bat tightly in hand in case they needed to swing their way past any zombies.

Somehow, the punk and the banker managed to get to the Sport section without any trouble, but the uglies had seen the reflection of the light emitted by their flashlights and had been following them along at a great distance and keeping to the shadows in order to remain unknown to the two men.

“We just want the good stuff,” Wind told the banker as he broke the glass of a large gun display window. “So grab only the semi-automatic ****.”

“Rightio,” Myriad put his bat to good use and broke another weapon display. He soon grabbed a semi-automatic SR-Plasma rifle. “Come to papa,” Myriad smiled grandly when he had the weapon on his hand.

“Grab all the clips you can,” Wind told him. “The ammo on these weapons last a long time, but we will need extra ones when we run out.”

“Uh-huh,” Myriad understood, and he headed to another vitrine and saw the clips there. He broke that one using the rifle he now held. Soon the punk joined him and got his hands on some clips. The two of them were fast to insert them to their newly acquired weapons and then stocked themselves well.

“Hm, now that we’re here we’d do the others a favor by dropping them off a few weapons and ammo, don’t you think, pretty boy?”

The punk grinned at that but was late in replying. At length, he said, “Yeah, why not? I have nothing against them, so why not help them out.”

“Cover us, then,” Myriad told him as he moved past him. “I will find a bag so we can take all we can carry.”

“Good idea,” the punk nodded. He lifted his weapon up and scanned their surroundings using the flashlight. All was quiet, but unbeknownst to him and Myriad, the uglie lurked in the darkness far from the reach of the light afforded by the flashlights.


“What a pair of fools,” Axle cried just a few seconds after the two young men had left. He quickly headed to the door and made sure to close it tight. He even put the table back to act as barricade.

“I just hope they make it,” Little murmured.

In her place, unbeknownst to the cousins, Keyshe was silently praying for the well being of Myriad and Wind. Violet could only remain at her mother’s side, too concerned for the men that had left them.

“So, about your proposal to those two,” Little spoke up. “You were not kidding, eh? We will be planning on leaving as well, right?”

Silence for a while, and then Axle looked at her. “If you all want to leave, then we can do that, but first we have to plan a good escape. You all know that’s very reasonable.”

“It is,” Little agreed with a nod.

“Alright,” Keyshe decided to speak up. Breathing easy, for she actually was scared of what Axle might say, she added, “So what do we do now, Axle? How do we begin planning our escape?”

All eyes went to the last male of the group.

“I actually had planned something a few days back,” Axle was sincere as the three females neared him, all their flashlights lighting the room well. “But I was hesitant to get it going. It’s just too risky going out there. Though if we want to leave, then I admit that taking risks is a must, so we can’t avoid that—”

Shots were suddenly heard not far away, silencing Axle and startling everyone. The shots sounded very close, and just by the voluminous sound of them, Axle and the rest knew that the weapons were being fired in-store. After a few rounds of shots were heard, the group then heard the unmistakable shouts from the two guys that had left them minutes ago. “Open up! Open up!”

“Damn fools!” Axle cried, feeling angry at the fact that he had been right. “I told them, didn’t I!? I told all of you that it was too risky and dangerous to go out there...”


Wind had fired five rounds and Myriad four. The punk had actually killed one of the uglies, but there were more after them, and with the store as black as night, the two did not know where the monsters lurked. Breathing hard, for they had been surprised by the uglies just as the two had been within reach of the exit, the two men had decided to head for the fast food place and deliver the weapons and ammo to the survivors as they had promised to themselves that they’d be doing before leaving. The growls of the creatures were what had alerted them of their presence, and they had downed one near a checkout counter, but the others had been quick to scatter into the shadows.

Myriad got to the door and knocked heavily upon it, using the butt of his plasma rifle. “Open up! Open up, Axle! Please!”

Axle quickly rushed to the door, breathing hard. “You were warned, fools!” he shouted back loud enough so that they could hear him.

“We have more weapons and ammo!” Myriad desperately cried as the punk fired his rifle at the shadows just to make sure they stayed safe. “Loads of them!”

A critical moment for Axle, and for everyone else!

Axle knew that if they were to make a getaway, the weapons and ammo could come handy. Those were surely better than what little else they had for defense. Behind him, Keyshe urged in a desperate voice to let them in. “You can’t let them die out there, Axle!” she had cried. “If you do, then you’re no better than those creatures!”

She was right, and Axle trembled briefly at the pure thought of opening the door to grave consequences, however, Myriad’s desperate cry made him move the table away and twist the knob. The door came open just at the same time that Axle had thrown the pipe to the floor and had brought the rifle about.

“Hurry!” Axle shouted. “Get the **** in!”

Myriad did not need to be told twice. Carrying a large duffel bag on his shoulder and the heavy semi-automatic plasma rifle in his right hand, he came into the store.

Outside, Wind continued to fire that loud XM-55 semi-automatic shredder rifle, the weapon sending foot-long bluish lights.

The creatures suddenly appeared all around the punk, and he screamed when he saw one. They came toward him, their nasty long-nailed hands in front of them and the creatures hissing evilly as they hungered for blood. But Axle was already behind the punk, and he shot a few rounds with his plasma rifle, taking several uglies down.

“Come on,” Axle screamed at the young man. “Get in!”

The uglies were too many, and they rushed the two men even when these two were firing at them. Creatures fell with their bodies totally shredded apart, or as was the case with Axle’s powerful rifle, with huge holes on them. But though zombies fell never to get up again, others came on...

“Oh s***!” Axle cried when he saw a few them. “Get in, Punk. I’m right behind you!”

Axle kept shooting as the punk retreated into the fast food store first, then he followed in. When he was safely in, Little and Myriad pushed the table to barricade it, and in good time, too, for the zombies would have pushed it easily because no one had locked it.

Loud bangs were heard at the door, as well as the creatures’ hisses and screams. In truth, a crap-load of about thirty zombies driven by hunger and even the desire to kill, wanted to get in.

Within the room, the men were still pointing their rifles and their flashlights forward and toward the barricaded windows off to the side, hoping that the zombies did not break in through the three different barricaded places.

“Little!” Axle cried loudly, the man surely worried.

“Y-Yes?” Little was startled.

“Open the bag that Myriad brought and arm yourself! You do it too, Keyshe...and you make sure you arm your daughter! This could be our final stand.”

Keyshe wanted to disagree, but after what she had seen, she quickly headed toward the bag on the ground and rummaged it just as Little was doing so. Soon, as the zombies continued to bang the door and windows, the three females were already armed. Little held on to two MX-33 guns that could have somewhat resembled Uzis, though these had two barrels, one on top of the other. Keyshe held two plasma MR-44 guns that could have resembled revolvers, but these had four firing barrels instead of one, and these rotated instead of the cylinder. And despite her mother not wanting to, Violet armed herself with the smallest weapon: an YR-22, which if compared to past guns would have resembled a small 9MM.

“Don’t hesitate to shoot any zombie that tries to break in,” Axle told them. “We’ll be fighting for our lives if that comes to happen.”

*End of Chapter*
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*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009

I'm very sorry. -.-

I am going to cry. But it's a great and epic chapter.


This choice had nothing to do with me, why? :kawaii:

Because bad choices lead to bad things. Little didn't deserve to die, but you know how this miserable life tends to be, too unfair. I'll go over what happened...

The punk leaves, he should have died, but instead, Keyshe's prayer sorta saved him, so he returned safe and soundly and helps deal with the zombie hordes. The door is opened, Axle never wanted to open it in the first place since the story began, but he took a risk, what with the weapons and all being mentioned. All you can say is that the pressure got to him, the pressure from the others about leaving and stuff. He had no idea the zombies would be many. Then he goes on to open the door to save Wind, the zombies rush in, Violet gets frightened and drops her flashlight, provoking Little's accident, which did not kill her btw, but knocked her out. Two victims that had nothing to do in all that end up dying after all is said and done. :( Very sad and unfair. But just wait for what's coming. :nod:

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