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General Art The Stand

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Thanks to all who signed up for this one. :) This will be a short story, probably shorter than Guild on Wheels. I don't know if you all will like it, but I will attempt to do my best in order to please you all. :P The cast you see is what I have so far, but if others join, I will add their names. The names will remain black so long as the characters are alive, but once they die, they will be colored red. I am not gonna say who dies or what happens, but this is a survival story, so keep in mind characters die and stuff. XD Also, there will be a few invited guests. I hope you can recognize them all. And I bid you patience if you don't see your character. They'll appear as the story advances. :nod:

Rated PG13, but I think it's fine if younger peeps read this.


Axle=Axle the Beast
Hot=Hero of Time

The Stand

Scene 1: The Drop Off

Kansas City, USA. August 17th, 2024, 7:23 PM CDT

Four US army soldiers rode within the black-colored Black Hawk helicopter that stormy night. Two were pilots, and those were females, while the other two were males.

“We’re nearing the drop point, Captain Hot,” informed the main pilot.

“Good,” the young captain replied from the back through his microphone. “Bring this bird down nice and easy, Zeruda.”

“You got it, Sir.”

The captain turned to regard the soldier to his right. Just like him, he was dressed for action in a black army uniform and a black, half-helmet that left only his mouth and chin visible. The soldier carried high-tech pistols within holsters strapped to both his legs, and other supplies around his waist.

“You’re ready, Rookie?”

The Rookie was no rookie, he was a fine soldier. He was lower ranked than the captain at Lieutenant rank, but still a good soldier as any. Captain Hot trusted him with his life and vice versa, and so Rookie was just the nickname that the American captain called his Latino friend. The soldier’s name was Gobli, and too often had he been ridiculed for that weird-sounding name, but he had never given a damn about it. In fact, he had kidded about it himself plenty of times.

“Ready as I have never been in my life, Sir,” Gobli replied as he inserted a plasma magazine round into his automatic Plasma machine gun. The captain thought he sensed tension on him, but he did not say a word, for he too, was feeling a nervous rush. They were not going to take a walk in the park that was for sure. No, the Captain and his Lieutenant friend were actually going on a very dangerous mission to find out what had happened to a recon team that had mysteriously disappeared from the radars just fifteen minutes or so ago. The mission was dangerous due to the fact that Kansas City, like many other major cities in the USA and all around the globe, was infested with a sea of zombie-like creatures. No one still had answers as to how this infection had taken place and spread, but the few remaining US government officials and several other agencies were looking for answers to that while the armed forces were taking care of cleansing the cities or containing the infected from spreading. They had not been successful in their attempt so far, and the world was losing more of its wealthy population to the infected with every day that went by. No cure still existed either, for without knowing much about this so called mutating virus, there could be no cure. Europe, Africa, and Asia were literally gone, with few survivors remaining in sporadic places. And as to the United States and the rest of Latin and South America, the infected were spreading fast. The eastern and central parts of the United States were the areas where the infection was worse. The Zombie Apocalypse that so many had talked and joked about in the past had apparently finally come, and in a terrible proportion and to devastating effect. As the mark stood on from the day it all had started to this day, only 20% of the world population remained, the other 80% was either infected or dead, with the 20% fighting for survival. And so the Captain and the Lieutenant were going to expose their very lives to grave danger just to find out what had happened to their fellow army comrades. The city had already been deemed lost, believed to be full of infected freaks. The army would drop bombs over it to fully exterminate the infected and keep them from spreading to other safe cities and towns, but before they could do that, it had to be confirmed that there remained no human survivors. And so the army had been combing the city for days and nights searching for survivors. They had found a few as the week had advanced, and on this final day, because there was just so many of the infected to deal with, and because of the arrival of a nasty electrical storm capable of producing tornadoes, they had to withdraw their patrols early in order to bring them to safety. The recon team was just one of several recon teams that had been searching about the city. It was a big group formed of at least a hundred men and women. Captain Hot would never leave a comrade behind. He believed that if the recon team had run into trouble with some infected, there could be survivors still battling them, and so that thought was what had spurred him to volunteer right away when the emergency call had come, not to mention the fact that Gobli had told him that he wanted to be dropped off so he could investigate. Captain Hot always had known Gobli for his courage, and since he too was a very courageous young fellow at 24, he agreed with himself to go have a look.

Ten birds had been flying over the grand city supporting the ground teams from the sky, but the powerful mighty storm had arrived and they had all been called back to base. Captain Hot’s unit was the last to be retreating back to base, but after the emergency call had come in, they had volunteered to investigate the matter since they were closest to the site where the last transmission had come from the recon team. Headquarters had informed the whole team that no other unit or group would be dispatched as backup. It was too dangerous and headquarters believed that the recon team was lost anyway. But Captain Hot would not give up hope so easily, neither would Gobli, and so they had volunteered, along with the pilots, who had agreed to just drop them off. It was a suicide mission, literally, and the Captain and the others understood why headquarters would not dispatch teams to investigate the matter: simply said, the storm was bad and they just wouldn’t put more lives at risk under the current circumstances.

The chopper came down slowly on a desolate area far from the urban area. The place had been a park with a few basketball courts a few years back, but now nothing remained except a hilly, grassy landscape with many trees all around. The expert pilot Zeruda landed the heavy bird without much incident, for there was ample room for her to land the chopper.

Gobli, knowing fully well what he had to do, immediately opened the side door and jumped out, weapon at the ready. Light rain hit his visor, helmet, and tight uniform, but that did not bother him in the least. He inspected his surroundings right away, using his high-tech weapon’s red laser scope to do so, and also his high-tech goggles, which allowed him to see in the dark as if he was seeing in plain daylight. It all seemed perfectly calm all around, but the tall soldier kept vigilant waiting for the Captain to jump off from the chopper.

Before the Captain jumped off, Zeruda questioned whether he thought this was a good idea.

“We’ll look into that, Soldier,” the Captain replied. “You don’t worry about us now. Return back to base.”

She said nothing else, but she nodded at the brave Captain. The co-pilot, a female soldier who went by the name of Hazel, just remained quiet throughout their exchange.

Captain Hot jumped out of the Black Hawk and closed the sliding door, and then he waved the pilots off.

“Godspeed to you two,” Hazel prayed as she looked at them from behind the side window. Really, as she laid eyes on them, the pilot believed that was the last time she would get to see them. It was too bad, she thought, the two of them seem to be good fellows and she would have loved to know more of them than she did.

The chopper lifted up, sending gusts of wind and a bit of debris flying all around, but that never bothered the soldiers on the ground. The Captain stood behind his friend Gobli, weapon pointing to the front as he surmised the area. Everything was darkness, except for the lasers that their weapons’ scopes sent out.

“Scope lights out, Big Guy,” recommended the Captain. The captain was big in his six-foot-two-inch frame, but Gobli shamed him at six-six.

Gobli turned off the laser just as the Captain did the same.

“We don’t want to give those freaks too much information about us,” Hot went on to say. “The sound of the chopper may have already alerted them.”

Gobli just nodded at that, and the Captain turned on his Comm device and spoke through his mic at headquarters.

“Home, this is ground team Alpha 2. We’re on the ground and ready to begin moving, over.”

A bit of static from the Captain’s Comm mic reached Gobli’s ears.

“Copy that, Alpha 2,” a female’s light voice was heard. “We’ll be sitting tight here and alert to your actions, over.”

“Roger that, Home. Alpha 2 out.” Captain Hot replied, and then he turned off the comm. He stared about the area and then asked. “You good, Rookie?”

“I’m fine, Sir,” Gobli finally stood up but kept vigilant; the soldier knew he could not afford to give these so called infected a single second of an advantage. Unlike how slow and dimwitted zombies had been perceived in movies and comics, these creatures that they called infected, zombies, stupids, uglies, and freaks, were ferocious creatures and could move very fast. If they bit a human, it was over, that human, if not ate entirely by them, would turn into an infected in a matter of a few hours. Gobli and the Captain had fought them before several times, so they knew what these creatures were capable of.

“Then let’s move out, Rookie,” Hot ordered, shivering a bit as he said that, but maybe that was due to the loud thunderclap that was heard then. “Every damn second is counting here.”




Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
Dun dun DUUUUUN! Epic beginning. The exposition paragraph was a bit too long to read easily, but besides that, really good.
Last edited:
Apr 16, 2010
Cool story bro

Jk. I liked this first chapter. I think it's gonna set up the story well. It had sort of a Call of Duty vibe to it, and I'm a CoD fan, so I liked that. Good work, Gobli.

Also, Captain Hot has a nice ring to it. ;) haha


Whoo are youu?
Nov 4, 2009
U.S.A., Lost in a forest.
Very nice! That was a great opening it nicely set the mood-- looking forward to more (also dreading you killing off people I know D:)
The captain was big in his six-foot-two-inch frame, but Gobli shamed him at six-six.
Oh my you guys are big! :O Don't turn into zombies ok!? That would be a problem...
Lol I also right away thought of Thor [video=youtube;CIQ7kgJnQz4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIQ7kgJnQz4[/video]
I will be patiently waiting for more installments! :party:

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Thanks for following along, handsomes/beauties :P

Ok, before you go on to read Scene 2, I have some information that you all must know about. I decided to leave it all in your hands; the characters destiny, I mean, as well as how the story progresses. After scenes I might leave choices for you to make. The more votes a choice receives, I will go with that choice for the story. Every choice/path leads to something good or perhaps to something bad, such as a character's death for example, or perhaps a great feat from them, etc. This implement will be put to the test after Scene 3. That's when you'll have to make a choice. I will also keep a path record and pm it to someone I trust, so that he/she knows I did not cheat when it comes to this. I will probably send this path record to Linknerd09. Know that if you all make the right decisions, then perhaps no one need die. But yeah, it's hard for that to happen, just use good sense when making decision. ~Gobli

For weapon sounds click the link and check them out if you are interested in knowing how the weapons for this tale sound like. ;) Thought this would be useful. Laser Sounds

Hot's weapon sound: Page 6 #9
Gobli's weapon sound: Page 1 #2
Axle's weapon sound: Page 5 #6

Scene 2: The Survivors

Downtown Kansas City, August 17th, 2024, 7:35 PM CDT

Their hiding place was large, but at least it was a Wal-mart. There were six survivors making up the group. These were of different ages, gender, looks, and even flavor—at least if an infected had eaten one or two of them that could have been the case. But they remained alive and unspoiled, though truly very scared. Zombies? Really? Who would have thought that could be possible?

The most scared of the group had been Violet, the only child amongst them. She was nine, had light tan skin, black, long hair, and was very pretty. She was the first one who shook out of her drowsy state when loud shots echoed in the distance.

Since the leader of the group had turned the lights off ever since they had barricaded themselves in that small express food locale within Wal-Mart, Violet turned on her flashlight just as the others were beginning to wake up due to the shots.

“Mother,” she shook her mother gently by the arm. “Wake up!”

Her mother did wake up, and she stood up right away, just as the others were beginning to do the same thing.

“Those were shots!” the leader cried, already on his feet. Flashlights came back to life just like their hopes of being found were renewed, although the leader was quick to head to the wall and flip the light switch there.

Light defeated the darkness within the store, and several of the survivors closed their eyes and protested, for the light had stung them. Flashlights went back off.

The group had been sitting there in total darkness for hours every day hoping that the infected would not find them there. The infected were not even within the store, hadn’t been for days, really, for they had left to take to the streets days ago, and those that had survived had remained there, too scared to go out. At times, though, they had heard noises and growls, so the group believed that perhaps a few uglies randomly came to the mall. But the group had protected themselves within that fast food locale from the very first day. They had covered the few large windows of the locale with boards and nails and had barricaded them as well as the main door. But before they had done that, they had supplied themselves well in order to survive a few days without having to come out of the locale.

Before someone else from the group could say something, more shots were heard in the distance, way loud ones, but along with them came the spine-chilling shrieks caused by the infected. The group remained in awe, just staring at one another and listening to the shots and shrieks.

Judging from the different sounds made by the weapons, Axle, who had been chosen the leader of the group, knew that it was several different weapons that were being fired, not just one. The sounds of the weapons were not loud bangs like the shots of old, these sounded more like the weapons one would find in a Star Wars movie or an Alien movie. Science had advanced a lot and so had technology and weapons, and so the sounds coming out from these laser and plasmic weapons were very robotic in sound, some sounds even reminded people of a past game known as Galaga.

“More survivors, Cousin?” a gentle-faced girl in her late teen years who wore glasses regarded Axle, who held a flash light in one hand, a long, jagged-end metal pipe in the other, and an XR-50 model plasma rifle with scope and silencer hanging at his back. Axle’s cousin had long, loose blonde hair and wore a purple sweater over a black blouse. She also wore a skirt that fell past her knees, and black boots that reached all the way to her kneecaps. She looked a little too innocent for her eighteen years of age.

“Or the army, Little,” Axle shot right back at her, the twenty five year old man not hiding a wide smile. He was tall at six-one, handsome, and had a faded haircut, with his hair being a light brown color. He wore glasses too, but he really did not need them, those were just shades. Axle was dressed lightly in black dickies, a pair of dark shoes, and a white t-shirt which had the design of huge woman lips blowing a kiss on the front, and a fleece red-and-black unbuttoned shirt over it.

“They’ve come here to get us!” Little cried in excitement, perhaps a little too loud, but the girl was really happy to care. “We’re saved! We’re saved!”

“Ssh!” Axle calmed her down, and as he did, someone else spoke.

“If that’s the case, then this is our chance to go out there and let ourselves be found and rescued!”

Axle, his cousin, and the other survivors regarded the woman who had opened her mouth. She was Violet’s mother, and she looked back at them too, hoping that her words counted for something despite Axle being the leader. As they remained staring at each other, in the far distance the shots continued, but they were diminishing in sound and number, and they all knew it, even little Violet, who sourly bit her lower lip realizing what must be taking place out there.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Keyshe,” Axle told Violet’s mother. Keyshe was in her late twenties, but she looked younger than she was. She was prettier than Axle’s cousin, though she was very quiet and serious compared to Axle’s derpy cousin, who as the days had gone by, had had her share of silly mistakes that had nearly costed the group greatly. Keyshe had light skin and medium length, semi-curly brownish hair kept tied in a ponytail at the back. She wore tight jeans, Nike black shoes, a white blouse, and a dark, leather jacket over it.

“But,” Keyshe began to protest. She quieted down when Axle rose his right hand up.

“Listen,” he said, staring at the whitened wall. “The shots are lessening...”

“Those uglies are probably overwhelming that group as we speak,” believed another of the survivors. This one was a tall, white haired man in his mid twenties. Myriad was his name. He appeared to be rich and famous, but he wasn’t, he was just an ordinary man, though perhaps he was a little intelligent. He was dressed in a black suit, smelt good due to the perfume he had sprayed on him a week ago, and he actually was the only one who had worked at the mall. He was a banker there. He had worked as a correspondent and counter receptionist at the Wal-mart’s inner bank. To defend himself in case the infected found and attacked them, he was holding on to a metalic baseball bat. The Wal-mart had a gun store, but when the horror had started in the mall, there had been little time to go there and supply one's self. No, Myriad had not armed himself well, he had allowed those that were there with him into the little express food locale.

“Man, I feel sorry for whoever is out there,” said the last of the six survivors. This one was a fifteen year old teenage boy by the name of Wind. He was dressed all punky-style with pants with holes on them here and there, a sleeveless dark shirt, and he had a Mohawk hairstyle going, with his hair color being extremely yellow. His eyes were blue and he had a blonde goatee on his chin to go with that. His pale skin showed several tattoos on his forearms and neck, making him look a little tough. Though he looked a little crazed, he was actually a cool, kind guy and had charmed several girls in the past with his crazy looks. Just like Axle, he too was holding on to a piece of metal pipe, but the punk also carried a long knife in a holster that hung from his belt.

Violet, who was very frightened at the shrieks that reached her ears, walked towards her mother Keyshe and stood right next to her. As they all listened to the dying sounds of the weapons, and even a few human screams that the group was barely able to make out over the shrieks and shots, Keyshe noticed her daughter and brought her in close to her.

They all waited with so much hope that the sound of weapons would lift up again, but to their dismay and frustration, the weapon noises died almost as soon as it had started.

It was over, and Axle sadly lowered his head, almost seeing in his mind what was taking place out on the street. He had seen those creatures killing innocent folks when the trouble had started at the mall, the creatures turning them or eating them. It had been such a bad scene for him, but at least he was still alive.

Axle wiped his nose, surely saddened at the thought that they were still stuck there.

"That was only a small group," he spoke what he believed had been the case out there. "Probably five judging from the different detonations I heard."

"The uglies got them, then," Myriad said in bitter disappointment. "Godammit!"

The others looked hurt too.

"Just sit tight," Axle told them. The lights went out as he flipped the switch back down. Everyone settled back down and keep quiet, but after a few minutes...

“We can’t stay here forever,” Keyshe’s voice was heard in the darkness. Violet’s flashlight came on and illuminated both mother and child. All eyes regarded them.

“No,” Axle countered. “We’ll stay here as long as we can manage, though. Now please, shut off the flash light.”

“We’ve been here for two weeks now,” Keyshe went on, her voice with much pressure, though she did take the flash light from Violet and turned it off. “How much longer are we going to hide, eh?”

“Yeah,” the banker assisted from his spot. Myriad was sitting beside one of the sitting tables. “Come on, Axle. I think it’s time we take our chance. I’ve been thinking of a plan recently and—”

“Shut it, Myriad!” Axle interrupted. “I don’t wish to hear it. We’ve managed to survive up to this point because we’ve kept quiet in the shadows of this place. It would be a bad idea to leave this hiding grotto.”

“Waiting here is doing us no good,” claimed the punk. “I’m starting to believe that those weapons out there could help us out big time! Come on, I have to go out there and see if my family is alright. We must make a move!”

“Oh yeah?” Axle shot in the darkness with a risen voice. “How the hell are you planning to go get those weapons? You think it’s easy, boy? You want to take that chance by yourself? Go right ahead!”

The punk said no more, but Keyshe did.

“You promised that help would come before the first week! We are still here, dammit!”

“He never said that!” shouted Little in defense of her cousin. Again, her loud claim made Axle and the others hiss, “Shh!”

“Alright, I’m sorry,” Little felt embarrassed, and she was glad that the darkness was hiding her embarrassment.

“I said help would show up,” Axle replied at Keyshe’s remark. “I never promised anything, Woman. Help has come, or at least survivors like us seem to be out there and trying desperately to make a move. You heard the shots, and you heard those shots die out as well not a few minutes ago. What do you think happened to them?”

Silence ensued, with no one saying a word. All that was heard within the express food store was their light breathing. They all knew what had happened: the infected had gotten that group.

“You all want to leave?” Axle asked. “You all want to take your chance and end up like that group out there? Fine. When I was named leader, you know I said right from the beginning that any of you could leave any time you wanted. Just know that I also said that the door will not open to let you back in once you do leave. So, what’s it going to be?”

Keyshe, and the others who’d had in mind leaving, or at least attempt something different to try to survive, quieted down. The young mother started to cry in silence, and so she covered her face with her hands in frustration. Violet, in the darkness, merely said in a frighten voice, “We’re not leaving, are we, Momma?”



BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Aw, man! I get so excited reading something involving Wind i.e. me. Gotta say, nice way of writing it.


Whoo are youu?
Nov 4, 2009
U.S.A., Lost in a forest.
I'm a mother! *gasp* I am so sorry Violet! I didn't even know you where my daughter, I am the worst parent ever I will make it up to you for sure! D:
LittleGumball! You're Axle cousin why didn't you tell me! Yay my family is gowning on the net! XD (I guessing Axle and I aren't siblings in the story.)
No matter what I have to make sure Violet gets out of this zombie apocalypse! >: ( And Little too, I'm the mom and it's my job!

Great chapter Gobli! I love all the work on all the characters, I don't want anyone to die... goodness D: I hope we can make the right choices... T_T So much presser! The sound affects are cool by the way!

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