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Pokemon Journey RP


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Garrett stood idly as the others conversed, unwittingly missing one of the girls misidentifying him as Joe.

"Well, this looks like everyone!" he thought to himself. "I can't believe it! My first real Pokemon journey! I just hope I can hold up like the others." He then began to feel slightly insecure upon that thought; however, Garrett was ecstatic about this journey, and soon began to walk along with the others, who were all slightly ahead of him at this point.


The game is on!
As the group started walking in the direction of Saffron City, Narumi thought to herself: "Gee, it's been a whole year since I was last in Saffron. It's gonna be so weird to come back there. I just hope the stay in Saffron will be as short as possible. I'd honestly prefer to just swiftly pass through."


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Koll was already walking. For sone reason he was just a guy in the shadows. Rasul held Pale's Pokeball so that it didnt accidentally set off the Rage of the Albino Pikachu. Koll loved all his pokemon, but He knew Pale didnt like people.


The game is on!
"So," Narumi began, "What was everybody's reason to come along on this journey? What are your plans and whatnot? I'm just curious."

((We need some kind of obstacle to make things more interesting. IDK if you have anything in mind, DN. If you don't, then I guess anyone could come up with something if they want.))

el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016
"I want to visit all sorts of places, and having companions makes it more fun then just going alone."

(I imagine when we reach Cerulean city that would be a good place to start getting this story going)


The game is on!
"I guess I'm in pretty much the same boat as you then, Haruka." Narumi said as they were walking through the outskirts of Celadon City. "Most of the traveling I've done in my life I've been doing within this past year or so, and that whole time it was just me and my Pokémon in Sinnoh. It's indeed nice with some human company for a change!"

She looks at the others in the group. "Anybody else got bigger plans? Like, I don't know, collecting gym badges in order to go to the Indigo Plateau or something?"


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Garrett, still struggling to catch up with the group, shouted excitedly to Narumi:

"You better believe I've got bigger plans! A new region to explore, new Pokemon to study, serene landscapes; man, what's not to love about all of this!" Garrett's eyes began to shine like fire upon exclaiming those words. "One of these days, you'll all see me as one of most renowned professors of the Pokemon world!!!!" He raised is fist up as he spoke, but unfortunately, he subsequently tripped over a pebble on the path, falling face first to the ground.

"OWWWWW!" he yelled, as he brushed the dust off himself off with mild difficulty.


Team Captain
Dec 6, 2014
North Dakota
"I'm hoping to pick up some badges I missed," replied Expo, "And if there are any rare pokemon only found here I could break 300 kinds."


The game is on!
"Oh, are you okay?" Narumi asks Garrett as she runs back over to him. "I hope you didn't hurt yourself too bad, Gary, was it? I'm sorry I'm bad at remembering new names!" She laughed nervously.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
" i love exploring. I wantcto open a gym one day. One where you need all previous badges. Like one you have to go through to even get to the Elite 4"

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